

PIDStepper([vardata, proportional, ...])

Adaptive stepper using a PID controller, based on.

class fipy.steppers.pidStepper.PIDStepper(vardata=(), proportional=0.075, integral=0.175, derivative=0.01)

Bases: Stepper

Adaptive stepper using a PID controller, based on:

   author =  {A. M. P. Valli and G. F. Carey and A. L. G. A. Coutinho},
   title =   {Control strategies for timestep selection in finite element
              simulation of incompressible flows and coupled
              reaction-convection-diffusion processes},
   journal = {Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids},
   volume =  47,
   year =    2005,
   pages =   {201-231},
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