
How to update scripts from version 0.1 to 1.0.

It seems unlikely that many users are still running FiPy 0.1, but for those that are, the syntax of FiPy scripts changed considerably between version 0.1 and version 1.0. We incremented the full version-number to stress that previous scripts are incompatible. We strongly believe that these changes are for the better, resulting in easier code to write and read as well as slightly improved efficiency, but we realize that this represents an inconvenience to our users that have already written scripts of their own. We will strive to avoid any such incompatible changes in the future.

Any scripts you have written for FiPy 0.1 should be updated in two steps, first to work with FiPy 1.0, and then with FiPy 2.0. As a tutorial for updating your scripts, we will walk through updating examples/convection/exponential1D/input.py from FiPy 0.1. If you attempt to run that script with FiPy 1.0, the script will fail and you will see the errors shown below:

This example solves the steady-state convection-diffusion equation given by:

\[\nabla \cdot \left(D \nabla \phi + \vec{u} \phi \right) = 0\]

with coefficients \(D = 1\) and \(\vec{u} = (10, 0)\), or

>>> diffCoeff = 1.
>>> convCoeff = (10., 0.)

We define a 1D mesh

>>> L = 10.
>>> nx = 1000
>>> ny = 1
>>> from fipy.meshes.grid2D import Grid2D
>>> mesh = Grid2D(L / nx, L / ny, nx, ny)

and impose the boundary conditions

\[\begin{split}\phi = \begin{cases} 0& \text{at $x = 0$,} \\ 1& \text{at $x = L$,} \end{cases}\end{split}\]


>>> valueLeft = 0.
>>> valueRight = 1.
>>> from fipy.boundaryConditions.fixedValue import FixedValue
>>> from fipy.boundaryConditions.fixedFlux import FixedFlux
>>> boundaryConditions = (
...     FixedValue(mesh.getFacesLeft(), valueLeft),
...     FixedValue(mesh.getFacesRight(), valueRight),
...     FixedFlux(mesh.getFacesTop(), 0.),
...     FixedFlux(mesh.getFacesBottom(), 0.)
...     )

The solution variable is initialized to valueLeft:

>>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
>>> var = CellVariable(
...     name = "concentration",
...     mesh = mesh,
...     value = valueLeft)

The SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation object is used to create the equation. It needs to be passed a convection term instantiator as follows:

>>> from fipy.terms.exponentialConvectionTerm import ExponentialConvectionTerm
>>> from fipy.solvers import *
>>> from fipy.equations.stdyConvDiffScEquation import SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: No module named equations.stdyConvDiffScEquation
>>> eq = SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation(
...      var = var,
...      diffusionCoeff = diffCoeff,
...      convectionCoeff = convCoeff,
...      solver = LinearLUSolver(tolerance = 1.e-15, steps = 2000),
...      convectionScheme = ExponentialConvectionTerm,
...      boundaryConditions = boundaryConditions
...      )
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation' is not defined

More details of the benefits and drawbacks of each type of convection term can be found in the numerical section of the manual. Essentially the ExponentialConvectionTerm and PowerLawConvectionTerm will both handle most types of convection diffusion cases with the PowerLawConvectionTerm being more efficient.

We iterate to equilibrium

>>> from fipy.iterators.iterator import Iterator
>>> it = Iterator((eq,))
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'eq' is not defined
>>> it.timestep()
Traceback (most recent call last):
NameError: name 'it' is not defined

and test the solution against the analytical result

\[\phi = \frac{1 - \exp(-u_x x / D)}{1 - \exp(-u_x L / D)}\]


>>> axis = 0
>>> x = mesh.getCellCenters()[:, axis]
>>> from fipy.tools import numerix
>>> CC = 1. - numerix.exp(-convCoeff[axis] * x / diffCoeff)
>>> DD = 1. - numerix.exp(-convCoeff[axis] * L / diffCoeff)
>>> analyticalArray = CC / DD
>>> numerix.allclose(analyticalArray, var, rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)

If the problem is run interactively, we can view the result:

>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     from fipy.viewers.grid2DGistViewer import Grid2DGistViewer
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: No module named grid2DGistViewer
...     viewer = Grid2DGistViewer(var)
...     viewer.plot()

We see that a number of errors are thrown:

  • ImportError: No module named equations.stdyConvDiffScEquation

  • NameError: name 'SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation' is not defined

  • NameError: name 'eq' is not defined

  • NameError: name 'it' is not defined

  • ImportError: No module named grid2DGistViewer

As is usually the case with computer programming, many of these errors are caused by earlier errors. Let us update the script, section by section:

Although no error was generated by the use of Grid2D, FiPy 1.0 supports a true 1D mesh class, so we instantiate the mesh as

>>> L = 10.
>>> nx = 1000
>>> from fipy.meshes.grid1D import Grid1D
>>> mesh = Grid1D(dx = L / nx, nx = nx)

The Grid2D class with ny = 1 still works perfectly well for 1D problems, but the Grid1D class is slightly more efficient, and it makes the code clearer when a 1D geometry is actually desired.

Because the mesh is now 1D, we must update the convection coefficient vector to be 1D as well

>>> diffCoeff = 1.
>>> convCoeff = (10.,)

The FixedValue boundary conditions at the left and right are unchanged, but a Grid1D mesh does not even have top and bottom faces:

>>> valueLeft = 0.
>>> valueRight = 1.
>>> from fipy.boundaryConditions.fixedValue import FixedValue
>>> boundaryConditions = (
...     FixedValue(mesh.getFacesLeft(), valueLeft),
...     FixedValue(mesh.getFacesRight(), valueRight))

The creation of the solution variable is unchanged:

>>> from fipy.variables.cellVariable import CellVariable
>>> var = CellVariable(name = "concentration",
...                    mesh = mesh,
...                    value = valueLeft)

The biggest change between FiPy 0.1 and FiPy 1.0 is that Equation objects no longer exist at all. Instead, Term objects can be simply added, subtracted, and equated to assemble an equation. Where before the assembly of the equation occurred in the black-box of SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation, we now assemble it directly:

>>> from fipy.terms.implicitDiffusionTerm import ImplicitDiffusionTerm
>>> diffTerm = ImplicitDiffusionTerm(coeff = diffCoeff)
>>> from fipy.terms.exponentialConvectionTerm import ExponentialConvectionTerm
>>> eq = diffTerm + ExponentialConvectionTerm(coeff = convCoeff,
...                                           diffusionTerm = diffTerm)

One thing that SteadyConvectionDiffusionScEquation took care of automatically was that a ConvectionTerm must know about any DiffusionTerm in the equation in order to calculate a Péclet number. Now, the DiffusionTerm must be explicitly passed to the ConvectionTerm in the diffusionTerm parameter.

The Iterator class still exists, but it is no longer necessary. Instead, the solution to an implicit steady-state problem like this can simply be obtained by telling the equation to solve itself (with an appropriate solver if desired, although the default LinearPCGSolver is usually suitable):

>>> from fipy.solvers import *
>>> eq.solve(var = var,
...          solver = LinearLUSolver(tolerance = 1.e-15, steps = 2000),
...          boundaryConditions = boundaryConditions)


In version 0.1, the Equation object had to be told about the Variable, Solver, and BoundaryCondition objects when it was created (and it, in turn, passed much of this information to the Term objects in order to create them). In version 1.0, the Term objects (and the equation assembled from them) are abstract. The Variable, Solver, and BoundaryCondition objects are only needed by the solve() method (and, in fact, the same equation could be used to solve different variables, with different solvers, subject to different boundary conditions, if desired).

The analytical solution is unchanged, and we can test as before

>>> numerix.allclose(analyticalArray, var, rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10)

or we can use the slightly simpler syntax

>>> print(var.allclose(analyticalArray, rtol = 1e-10, atol = 1e-10))

The ImportError: No module named grid2DGistViewer results because the Viewer classes have been moved and renamed. This error could be resolved by changing the import statement appropriately:

>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     from fipy.viewers.gistViewer.gist1DViewer import Gist1DViewer
...     viewer = Gist1DViewer(vars = var)
...     viewer.plot()

Instead, rather than instantiating a particular Viewer (which you can still do, if you desire), a generic “factory” method will return a Viewer appropriate for the supplied Variable object(s):

>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
...     import fipy.viewers
...     viewer = fipy.viewers.make(vars = var)
...     viewer.plot()

Please do not hesitate to contact us if this example does not help you convert your existing scripts to FiPy 1.0.

Last updated on Feb 14, 2025. Created using Sphinx 7.1.2.