etspy.recon.astra_error(sinogram: ndarray, angles: ndarray, method: 'SIRT' | 'SART' = 'SIRT', iterations: int = 50, constrain: bool = True, thresh: float = 0, cuda=False) tuple[ndarray, ndarray][source]

Perform SIRT reconstruction using the Astra toolbox algorithms.

sinogram: ndarray

Tilt series data of the shape (n_angles, n_y), where y is the axis perpendicular to the tilt axis.

angles: ndarray

Projection angles in degrees.

method: 'SIRT' | 'SART' = 'SIRT'

Reconstruction algorithm use. Must be ‘SIRT’ or ‘SART’.

iterations: int = 50

Number of iterations for the SIRT reconstruction.

constrain: bool = True

If True, output reconstruction is constrained above value given by ‘thresh’. Default is True.

thresh: float = 0

Value above which to constrain the reconstructed data if constrain is True.


If True, use the CUDA-accelerated Astra algorithms. Otherwise, use the CPU-based algorithms


  • rec (ndarray) – 3D array of the form [y, z, x] containing the reconstructed object.

  • residual_error (ndarray) – A 1D array of the residual error after each iteration