etspy.base.TomoStack.test_align(tilt_shift: float = 0.0, tilt_rotation: float = 0.0, slices: ndarray | None = None, thickness: int | None = None, method: 'FBP' | 'SIRT' | 'SART' = 'FBP', iterations: int = 50, constrain: bool = True, cuda: bool | None = None, thresh: float = 0, vmin_std: float = 0.1, vmax_std: float = 10) Figure[source]

Perform a reconstruction with limited slices for visual inspection.

This method is useful to quickly test the alignment of the stack prior to a full reconstruction attempt.

tilt_shift: float = 0.0

Number of pixels by which to shift the stack prior to reconstruction

tilt_rotation: float = 0.0

Angle by which to rotate stack prior to reconstruction

slices: ndarray | None = None

Position of slices to use for the reconstruction. If None (default), three positions at 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of the full size of the stack are automatically chosen.

thickness: int | None = None

Size of the output volume (in pixels) in the projection direction. If None (default), the y-size of the stack is used.

method: 'FBP' | 'SIRT' | 'SART' = 'FBP'

Reconstruction algorithm to use. Must be one of "FBP" (default), "SIRT", or "SART" (inapplicable for the "DART" algorithm)

iterations: int = 50

Number of iterations for the SIRT reconstruction (used with SIRT, and SART methods) (default: 50)

cuda: bool | None = None

Whether or not to use CUDA-accelerated reconstruction algorithms. If None (the default), the decision to use CUDA will be left to astra.astra.use_cuda().

thresh: float = 0

Value above which to constrain the reconstructed data

vmin_std: float = 0.1

Number of standard deviations from mean (lower bound) to use for scaling the displayed slices

vmax_std: float = 10

Number of standard deviations from mean (upper bound) to use for scaling the displayed slices



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