etspy.base.CommonStack.save_movie(start: int, stop: int, axis: 'XY' | 'YZ' | 'XZ' =
, fps: int =15
, dpi: int =100
, outfile: str | Path ='output.avi'
, title: str ='output.avi'
, clim: tuple[float, float] | None =None
, cmap: str ='afmhot'
)[source] Save the Stack as an AVI movie file.
- Parameters:¶
- start: int¶
Starting slice number for animation
- stop: int¶
Ending slice number for animation
- axis: 'XY' | 'YZ' | 'XZ' =
¶ Projection axis for the output movie. Must be
, or'XZ'
- fps: int =
¶ Number of frames per second at which to create the movie.
- dpi: int =
¶ Resolution to save the images in the movie.
- outfile: str | Path =
¶ Filename for output.
- title: str =
¶ Title to add at the top of the movie
- clim: tuple[float, float] | None =
¶ Upper and lower contrast limit to use for movie
- cmap: str =
¶ Matplotlib colormap to use for movie