Source code for etspy

import importlib.metadata

__version__ = importlib.metadata.version("etspy")

from enum import Enum
from typing import Callable, List, Literal, Union, get_args, get_type_hints

[docs] class AlignmentMethod(str, Enum): """ Allowed values for the stack alignment method. See :py:func:`etspy.align.align_stack` for more details. Group ----- align """ STACK_REG = "StackReg" "Stack Registration method" PC = "PC" "Phase correlation method" COM = "COM" "Center of Mass method" COM_CL = "COM-CL" "Center of Mass with Common Line method"
[docs] @classmethod def is_valid_value(cls, value) -> bool: """Test if value is contained in the AlignmentMethod enum.""" try: cls(value) except ValueError: return False else: return True
[docs] @classmethod def values(cls) -> List[str]: """Calculate a list of allowed values in the AlignmentMethod enum.""" return [v.value for _, v in cls.__members__.items()]
AlignmentMethodType = Union[ AlignmentMethod, Literal["PC", "COM", "COM-CL", "StackReg"], ] FbpMethodType = Literal[ "ram-lak", "shepp-logan", "cosine", "hamming", "hann", "none", "tukey", "lanczos", "triangular", "gaussian", "barlett-hann", "blackman", "nuttall", "blackman-harris", "blackman-nuttall", "flat-top", "kaiser", "parzen", "projection", "sinogram", "rprojection", "rsinogram", ] ReconMethodType = Literal["FBP", "SIRT", "SART", "DART"] def _get_literal_hint_values(function: Callable, param_name: str) -> tuple: """Get values specified by a Literal type for a given function and parameter.""" return get_args(get_type_hints(function)[param_name]) def _format_choices(choices: list | tuple) -> str: """ Format a list of values as a string showing options. For example, the tuple ("one", "two", "three") would be formatted as '["one", "two", or "three"]'. This method is helpful for printing context in error messages. """ first_part = ", ".join( [f'"{i}"' if isinstance(i, str) else str(i) for i in choices[:-1]], ) middle_part = ", " if len(choices[:-1]) > 1 else " " last_part = "or " + ( f'"{choices[-1]}"' if isinstance(choices[-1], str) else str(choices[-1]) ) return f"[{first_part}{middle_part}{last_part}]"