Evaluation of Latent Friction Ridge Technology
API for participating in NIST's evaluation of latent friction ridge identification algorithms.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCandidateElements of a candidate list
 CCoordinatePixel location in an image
 CCoreSingular point of focus of innermost recurving ridge
 CCorrespondenceRelationship between probe and reference features
 CCorrespondenceResultOutput from extracting data from a search
 CDataInformation about a probe/reference relationship
 CCreateTemplateResultOutput from extracting features into a template
 CDeltaSingular point of ridge divergence
 CEFSCollection of ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 (Update: 2015) Extended Feature Set fields understood by ELFT
 CExtractionInterfaceInterface for feature extraction implemented by participant
 CSubmissionIdentificationIdentifying information about this submission that will be included in reports
 CImageData and metadata for an image
 CMinutiaFriction ridge feature details
 CProductIdentifierIdentifying details about algorithm components for documentation
 CCBEFFIdentifierCBEFF information registered with and assigned by IBIA
 CReturnStatusInformation about the result of calling an ELFT API function
 CRidgeQualityRegionRegion defined in a map of ridge quality/confidence
 CSearchInterfaceInterface for database search implemented by participant
 CSearchResultThe results of a searching a database
 CTemplateArchiveCollection of templates on disk
 CTemplateDataInformation possibly stored in a template