Interface XMLDocument

    • Method Detail

      • getSource

        Source getSource()
        Retrieves the document as an XML transformation source. This instance of the document is expected to be in a ready-to-be-processed state. Modifications to the returned instance should not affect the actual template. It may be necessary to make a defensive copy to ensure this.
        an input source based on a copy of the template
      • getJDOMDocument

        org.jdom2.Document getJDOMDocument()
        Provides access to a (defensive) copy of the underlying JDOM document.
        a copy of the underlying JDOM document
      • asString

        String asString​(org.jdom2.output.Format format)
                 throws IOException
        Retrieves the document as a string.
        format - the format to use during the conversion
        a string representation of the document
        IOException - if an error occurs while outputting the document as a dtring