Class AssessmentSummarizingLoggingHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • AssessmentSummarizingLoggingHandler

        public AssessmentSummarizingLoggingHandler​(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level summaryLogLevel)
      • AssessmentSummarizingLoggingHandler

        public AssessmentSummarizingLoggingHandler​(org.apache.logging.log4j.Level summaryLogLevel,
                                                   LoggingHandler delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • getSummaryLogLevel

        public org.apache.logging.log4j.Level getSummaryLogLevel()
        Retrieve the logging level to use when logging.
        the summaryLogLevel
      • assessmentError

        public <DOC extends Document> void assessmentError​(Assessment<? extends DOC> assessment,
                                                           DOC document,
                                                           Throwable th)
        Description copied from interface: LoggingHandler
        Signals that evaluation of the target assessment resulted in an error.
        Specified by:
        assessmentError in interface LoggingHandler
        assessmentError in class AbstractDelegatingLoggingHandler
        Type Parameters:
        DOC - the type of document that is the target of the assessment
        assessment - the target assessment
        document - the document being assessed
        th - the error that was thrown, or null if no exception was thrown
      • addTestResult

        public <DOC extends Document> void addTestResult​(Assessment<? extends DOC> assessment,
                                                         DOC document,
                                                         String derivedRequirementId,
                                                         TestResult result)
        Description copied from interface: LoggingHandler
        Called when a new TestResult is reported against the identified derived requirement.
        Specified by:
        addTestResult in interface LoggingHandler
        addTestResult in class AbstractDelegatingLoggingHandler
        Type Parameters:
        DOC - the type of document that is the target of the assessment
        assessment - the target assessment
        document - the document being assessed
        derivedRequirementId - the derived requirement the result is for
        result - the reported result
      • assignTestStatus

        public <DOC extends Document> void assignTestStatus​(Assessment<? extends DOC> assessment,
                                                            DOC document,
                                                            String derivedRequirementId,
                                                            TestState state)
        Description copied from interface: LoggingHandler
        Called when the evaluated TestState for a derived requirement is directly reported.
        Specified by:
        assignTestStatus in interface LoggingHandler
        assignTestStatus in class AbstractDelegatingLoggingHandler
        Type Parameters:
        DOC - the type of document that is the target of the assessment
        assessment - the target assessment
        document - the document being assessed
        derivedRequirementId - the derived requirement for which the state change has occurred
        state - the new state of the derived requirement
      • isProvideSummary

        protected <DOC extends Document> boolean isProvideSummary​(Assessment<? extends DOC> assessment,
                                                                  DOC document)
      • getAssessmentStatsInternal

        protected gov.nist.secauto.decima.core.assessment.util.AssessmentSummarizingLoggingHandler.AssessmentStatsImpl getAssessmentStatsInternal​(Assessment<?> assessment)