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AbstractCPEName - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util
An abstract implementation of a notional unbound CPE Name expressed as a WellFormedName.
AbstractCPEName(WellFormedName) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.AbstractCPEName
Construct a notional, unbound CPE Name based on a WellFormedName.
ANY - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.LogicalValue
Indicates no restrictions on acceptable values for the associated attribute.


bindToFS(WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.CPENameBinder
Top-level function used to bind WFN w to formatted string.
bindToURI(WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.CPENameBinder
Binds a WellFormedName object to a URI.


compareWFNs(WellFormedName, WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.CPENameMatcher
Compares each attribute value pair in two Well Formed Names.
containsWildcards(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Searches string for special characters * and ?.
countEscapeCharacters(String, int, int) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Counts the number of escape characters in the string beginning and ending at the given indices.
CPEFactory - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util
This factory creates new CPEName instances that represent unbound CPE URIs or formatted strings.
CPEFormattedStringName - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util
A concrete implementation of a formatted string unbound to a WellFormedName.
CPEFormattedStringName(String) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEFormattedStringName
Constructs a formatted string bound CPE name based on the provided formatted string.
CPEName - Interface in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util
Represents a notional CPE Name unbound to a WellFormedName.
CPENameBinder - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming
The CPENameBinder class is a simple implementation of the CPE Name binding algorithm, as specified in the CPE Naming Standard version 2.3.
CPENameMatcher - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching
The CPENameMatcher is an implementation of the CPE Matching algorithm, as specified in the CPE Matching Standard version 2.3.
CPENameUnbinder - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming
The CPENameUnBinder class is a simple implementation of the CPE Name unbinding algorithm, as specified in the CPE Naming Standard version 2.3.
CPEUriName - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util
A concrete implementation of a URI unbound to a WellFormedName.
CPEUriName(String) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEUriName
Constructs a URI bound CPE name based on the provided URI string.
CPEUriName(URI) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEUriName
Constructs a URI bound CPE name based on the provided URI string.


DISJOINT - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation


EDITION - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
EQUAL - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation


get(WellFormedName.Attribute) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName
get the value of the provided attribute.
getUnescapedColonIndex(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Searches a string for the first unescaped colon and returns the index of that colon.
getWellFormedName() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.AbstractCPEName
getWellFormedName() - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEName
Gets the underlying WellFormedName.
gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common - package gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common
gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching - package gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching
gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming - package gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming
gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util - package gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util


indexOf(String, String, int) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Searches a string for the first occurrence of another string, starting at a given offset.
isAlphanum(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Determines if the string contains only alphanumeric characters or the underscore character.
isDisjoint(WellFormedName, WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.CPENameMatcher
Tests two Well Formed Names for disjointness.
isEqual(WellFormedName, WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.CPENameMatcher
Tests two Well Formed Names for equality.
isEvenNumber(int) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Checks if given number is even or not.
isSubset(WellFormedName, WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.CPENameMatcher
Tests if the target Well Formed Name is a subset of the source Well Formed Name.
isSuperset(WellFormedName, WellFormedName) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.CPENameMatcher
Tests if the target Well Formed name is a superset of the source Well Formed Name.


LANGUAGE - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
LogicalValue - Enum in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common
This class represents a Logical Value.


NA - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.LogicalValue
Indicates that there is no legal or meaningful value for the associated attribute.
newCPEName(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEFactory
Creates a new CPEName instance based on the unbound form provided by the argument.


OTHER - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute


PART - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
PRODUCT - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute


Relation - Enum in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching
Java enumeration for relational values.
reverse(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Returns a copy of the given string in reverse order.


set(WellFormedName.Attribute, Object) - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName
Sets the given attribute to value, if the attribute is in the list of permissible components.
strcat(String...) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Concatenates an arbitrary number of strings, in the given order.
strchr(String, int, int) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Searches a string for a character starting at a given offset.
strlen(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Returns the number of characters in the given string.
SUBSET - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation
substr(String, int, int) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Extracts the characters between b and e, from the string s.
SUPERSET - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation
SW_EDITION - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute


TARGET_HW - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
TARGET_SW - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
toFormattedString() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.AbstractCPEName
toFormattedString() - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEName
Gets the underlying WellFormedName as a formatted string.
toLowercase(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
Converts all alphabetic characters in a String to lowercase.
toString() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName
Get the string representation of this WellFormedName.
toString() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEFormattedStringName
Gets the underlying WellFormedName as a formatted string.
toString() - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEName
Get the specific bound form of the CPE name from the underlying WellFormedName.
toString() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEUriName
Gets the underlying WellFormedName as a CPE URI.
toUri() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.AbstractCPEName
toUri() - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEName
Gets the underlying WellFormedName as a CPE URI.
toUriString() - Method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.AbstractCPEName
toUriString() - Method in interface gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.util.CPEName
Gets the underlying WellFormedName as a CPE URI.


unbindFS(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.CPENameUnbinder
Top level function to unbind a formatted string to WFN.
unbindURI(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.CPENameUnbinder
Top level function used to unbind a URI to a WFN.
UNDEFINED - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation
UPDATE - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
URI_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming.CPENameBinder
Utilities - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common
A collection of utility functions for use with the gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching and gov.nist.secauto.cpe.naming packages.
Utilities() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities


validateFS(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
This function is not part of the reference implementation pseudo code found in the CPE 2.3 specification.
validateURI(String) - Static method in class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.Utilities
This function is not part of the reference implementation pseudo code found in the CPE 2.3 specification.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.LogicalValue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.LogicalValue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum gov.nist.secauto.cpe.matching.Relation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VENDOR - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute
VERSION - gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName.Attribute


WellFormedName - Class in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common
The WellFormedName class represents a Well Formed Name, as defined in the CPE Specification version 2.3.
WellFormedName() - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName
Constructs a new WellFormedName object, with all components set to the default value "ANY".
WellFormedName(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common.WellFormedName
Constructs a new WellFormedName object, setting each component to the given parameter value.
WellFormedName.Attribute - Enum in gov.nist.secauto.cpe.common
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