Account Management Workflow

This document explains the workflow of GitHub actions used to automate Blossom service's accounts management, found here

Requirements to run Actions

Account Request and Creation

  1. The requester requests an account for the Account Holder by creating a new GitHub issue using the Account Request Form.
  2. The Blossom Management group is automatically notified to review the request through GitHub.
  3. One of the Blossom Management (a member of the Blossom Management group) reviews the request and adds a new label to the issue: ACCOUNT_APPROVED or ACCOUNT_REJECTED
  4. If ACCOUNT_REJECTED, the account request issue is automatically closed.
  5. If the account is approved and the label ACCOUNT_APPROVED is added, the Blossom Sysdevs group is automatically notified about implementation.
  6. A YAML file is automatically created from information submitted through the Account Request Form, which is pushed to the GitHub repo as a new branch and a condensed version is sent to S3 bucket.
  7. S3 bucket receives the file about the new user to create and sends a trigger to EC2, which implements the new user in Cognito, SSM, ACL, AMB as necessary.
  8. The new user is inserted into the SSP, which is pushed into the GitHub repo to the new branch.
  9. Upon completion of creating the account requested, a Pull Request is automatically created, to link the branch with the Account Request issue.
  10. Upon merging the Pull Request that implements the account, the relevant updated controls are re-assessed automatically. The Blossom Assessors group is then notified to monitor the automated assessment.

Account Disable


Account Enable


Account Change


Account Deletion


Account Assessment