Installing the NIST scan framework =================================== The NIST scan framework runs under ARTIQ version 3.7 and requires Python version 3.5. First, create a conda environment with Python version 3.5 and ARTIQ version 3.7 installed and activate the environment. See `installing ARTIQ version 3.7 `_ for further details on installing ARTIQ. .. code-block:: console conda create -n artiq-3.7 artiq=3.7 conda activate artiq-3.7 Next, clone the scan_framework repository into a folder that is in your :code:`PYTHONPATH` and make sure the top level folder containing the scan_framework source is named :code:`scan_framework`. TODO: update github url below .. code-block:: console git clone /folder/on/pythonpath Finally, create ARTIQ applets to plot data generated by the scan framework. .. note:: All scan framework applets are listed in the source code at scan_framework/applet_commands.txt In the ARTIQ dashboard, create the current scan applet using the command below. Scan's automatically write all data to the :code:`current_scan` namespace. The current scan applet plots this data as a scan is being executed. .. code-block:: console $python -m scan_framework.applets.plot_xy current_scan.plots.y --x current_scan.plots.x --fit current_scan.plots.fitline --title current_scan.plots.plot_title --x_scale current_scan.plots.x_scale --x_units current_scan.plots.x_units --y_scale current_scan.plots.y_scale --x_label current_scan.plots.x_label --y_units current_scan.plots.y_units --y_label current_scan.plots.y_label --rid current_scan.rid --error current_scan.plots.error In the ARTIQ dashboard, create the current sub-scan applet using the command below. The current sub-scan applet plots data from 2D scans as they execute. .. code-block:: console $python -m scan_framework.applets.plot_xy current_scan.plots.dim1.y --x current_scan.plots.dim1.x --fit current_scan.plots.dim1.fitline --title current_scan.plots.dim1.plot_title --x_scale current_scan.plots.dim1.x_scale --x_units current_scan.plots.dim1.x_units --x_label current_scan.plots.dim1.x_label --y_units current_scan.plots.dim1.y_units --y_label current_scan.plots.dim1.y_label --trigger current_scan.plots.trigger --rid current_scan.rid --i_plot current_scan.plots.subplot.i_plot In the ARTIQ dashboard, create the count monitor applet using the command below (optional). The count monitor applet displays the average measured value at each scan point. .. code-block:: console ${artiq_applet}big_number counts In the ARTIQ dashboard, create the current histogram applet (optional). The current histogram applet plots a histogram of collected data at each scan point as the scan executes. .. code-block:: console $python -m scan_framework.applets.plot_hist current_hist.bins --x current_hist.bin_boundaries --x_units current_hist.x_units --x_label current_hist.x_label --plot_title current_hist.plot_title