from artiq.experiment import *
import numpy as np
from time import time, sleep
import inspect
import cProfile, pstats
# allows @portable methods that use delay_mu to compile
[docs]def delay_mu(duration):
[docs]class Paused(Exception):
"""Exception raised on the core device when a scan should either pause and yield to a higher priority experiment or
should terminate."""
[docs]class FitGuess(NumberValue):
[docs] def __init__(self, fit_param=None, param_index=None, use_default=True, use=True, i_result=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.i_result = i_result
self.fit_param = fit_param
self.use_default = use_default
self.param_index = param_index
self.use = use
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Scan(HasEnvironment):
""" Base class for all scans. Provides a generalized framework for executing a scan.
Provides dataset initialization, mutating, fitting, validation of data, pausing/resuming, and
plotting of scan data.
**Scan Callbacks**
Various callbacks are provided that execute at certain moments of a scan's life cycle. Using callbacks allows
code in child classes to execute at predefined stages of the scan. The following callback methods are available,
listed in order of execution. (see the 'Scan Callbacks' section for additional information)
# -- kernel invariants
kernel_invariants = {'npasses', 'nbins', 'nrepeats', 'npoints', 'nmeasurements',
'do_fit', 'save_fit', 'fit_only'}
# ------------------- Configuration Attributes ---------------------
# These are set by the child scan class to enable/disable features and control how the scan is run.
# Feature: dataset mutating
enable_mutate = True #: Mutate mean values and standard errors datasets after each scan point. Used to monitor progress of scan while it is running.
# Feature: fitting
enable_fitting = True #: Set to True to perform fits at the end of the scan and show scan arguments needed for fitting.
# Feature: pausing/terminating
enable_pausing = True #: Check pause via :code:`self.scheduler.check_pause()` and automatically yield/terminate the scan when needed.
# Feature: count monitoring
enable_count_monitor = True #: Update the '/counts' dataset with the average of all values returned by 'measure()' during a single scan point.
counts_perc = -1 #: Set to a value >= 0 to round the '/counts' dataset to the specified number of digits.
# Feature: reporting
enable_reporting = True #: Print useful information to the Log window before a scan starts (i.e. number of passes, etc.) and when a fit is performed (fitted values, etc.)
# Feature: warm-up points
nwarmup_points = 0 #: Number of warm-up points
# Feature: auto tracking
enable_auto_tracking = True #: Auto center the scan range around the last fitted value.
# Feature: host scans
run_on_core = True #: Set to False to run scans entirely on the host and not on the core device.
# Feature: profiling/timing
enable_profiling = False #: Profile the execution of the scan to find bottlenecks.
enable_timing = False #: Enable automatic timing of certain events. Currently only compilation time is timed.
# ------------------- Scan State Variables ---------------------
# Available in callbacks to determine the current state of the scan
warming_up = False #: Used in the measure method to determine when warmup points are being run by the framework.
# ------------------- Internal/Private Variables -------------------
_name = None
_logger_name = None
_analyzed = False
_fit_guesses = {}
_hide_arguments = {}
# ------------------- Private Methods ---------------------
[docs] def __init__(self, managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs):
if self._name is None:
self._name = self.__class__.__name__
if self._logger_name is None:
self._logger_name = 'scan'
# initialize variables
self.nmeasurements = 0
self.npoints = 0
#self.npasses = 1 #: Number of passes
self.npasses = None
#self.nbins = 50 #: Number of histogram bins
self.nbins = None
#self.nrepeats = 1 #: Number of repeats
self.nrepeats = None
self._x_offset = None
self.debug = 0
self.do_fit = False #: Fits are performed after the scan completes. Set automatically by scan framework from the 'Fit Options' argument
self.save_fit = False #: Fitted params are saved to datasets. Set automatically by scan framework from the 'Fit Options' argument
self.fit_only = False #: Scan is not run and fits are performed on data from the previous scan. Set automatically by scan framework from the 'Fit Options' argument
# -- scan state
self._paused = False #: scan is currently paused
self._terminated = False #: scan has been terminated
self.measurement = '' #: the current measurement
# -- cass variables
self.measurements = [] #: List of measurements performed on each scan point
self.calculations = []
self._ncalcs = 0
self._model_registry = []
self._plot_shape = None
self.min_point = None
self.max_point = None
self.tick = None
self._points = None
self._warmup_points = None
self.warming_up = False
# this stores "flat" idx point index when a scan is paused. the idx index is then restored from
# this variable when the scan resumes.
self._idx = np.int32(0)
self._i_pass = np.int32(0)
self._i_measurement = np.int32(0)
super().__init__(managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs)
# private: for
[docs] def _profile(self, start=False, stop=False):
if self.enable_profiling:
# run scan in profiler
# This is useful for tracking down bottlenecks in the host side code only. It does not profile code
# running on the core device.
if start: = cProfile.Profile()
if stop:
if self.enable_profiling:
p = pstats.Stats(
# private: for
[docs] def _initialize(self, resume):
"""Initialize the scan"""
# initialize state variables
self._paused = False
self.measurement = ""
# callback
self._logger.debug("executing prepare_scan callback")
if not resume:
# load scan points
self._logger.debug('loaded points')
# this expects that self.npoints is available
if not resume:
# display scan info
if self.enable_reporting:'top')
# display scan info
if self.enable_reporting:
if not resume:
# map gui arguments to class variables
# there must be at least one measurement
if not self.measurements:
self.measurements = ['main']
self.nmeasurements = len(self.measurements)
# expects self._x_offset has been set
self._logger.debug("offset points by {0}".format(self._x_offset))
# initialize storage
# attach scan to models (expects self.npoints has been set)
# initialize simulations (needs self._x_offset/self.frequency_center)
# display scan info
if self.enable_reporting:'bottom')
# reset model states
# callback
self._logger.debug("executing before_scan callback")
# -- Initialize Datasets
# these have been deprecated
#init_local = not (self.fit_only or resume)
#write_datasets = resume
#write_done = []
shape = self._shape
plot_shape = self._plot_shape
points = self._points
# datasets are only initialized/written when a scan can run
if not self.fit_only:
# for every registered model...
for entry in self._model_registry:
# each type (e.g. rsb, bsb, etc)
#for type, entry in entries.items():
# datasets are only initialized when the scan begins
if not resume:
# initialize datasets if requested by the users
if entry['init_datasets']:
# initialize the model's datasets
entry['datasets_initialized'] = True
entry['model'].init_datasets(shape, plot_shape, points, dimension=entry['dimension'])
# debug logging
self._logger.debug("initialized datasets of model '{0}' {1}".format(entry['name'], entry))
# # run once
# if entry['name'] in done:
# entry['datasets_initialized'] = True
# else:
# entry['model'].init_datasets(shape, plot_shape, points, dimension=entry['dimension'])
# # mark done
# done.append(entry['name'])
# entry['datasets_initialized'] = True
# datasets are only written when resuming a scan
if resume:
# restore data when resuming a scan by writing the model's local variables to it's datasets
# debug logging
self._logger.debug("wrote datasets of model '{0}' {1}".format(entry['model'], entry))
self._ncalcs = len(self.calculations)
if not (hasattr(self, 'scheduler')):
raise NotImplementedError('The scan has no scheduler attribute. Did you forget to call super().build()?')
# private: for
[docs] @portable
def _loop(self, resume=False):
"""Main loop: performs measurement at each scan point and mutates datasets with measured values"""
ncalcs = self._ncalcs
npoints = self.npoints
nwarmup_points = self.nwarmup_points
nmeasurements = self.nmeasurements
nrepeats = self.nrepeats
measurements = self.measurements
points = self._points_flat
wupoints = self._warmup_points
i_points = self._i_points
npasses = self.npasses
# callback
# callback
# iterate of passes
while self._i_pass < npasses:
# update offset into self.dataptr[] where data begins for this pass
last_pass = self._i_pass == npasses - 1
poffset = self._i_pass * nrepeats
# callback
if not resume or self._idx == 0:
# inner loop
# update loop counter
self._idx = 0
self._i_pass += 1
# reset loop counter
self._i_pass = 0
except Paused:
self._paused = True
# private: for
[docs] @portable
def _point_loop(self, points, warmup_points, i_points, npoints, nwarmup_points, ncalcs, poffset, nrepeats,
nmeasurements, measurements, last_pass=False):
# -- warm-up points
self.warming_up = True
for wupoint in warmup_points:
for i_measurement in range(nmeasurements):
self.measurement = measurements[i_measurement]
self.warming_up = False
# -- loop over the scan points
while self._idx < npoints - 1:
# lookup the scan point (point) and the scan point index (i_point) at the current loop index (idx)
point = points[self._idx]
self._i_point = i_points[self._idx]
# repeat measurement on scan point
self._repeat_loop(point, self._i_point, nrepeats, nmeasurements, measurements, poffset, ncalcs,
last_point=False, last_pass=last_pass)
self._idx += 1
# last scan point is special (optimization)
point = points[npoints - 1]
self._i_point = i_points[npoints - 1]
self._repeat_loop(point, self._i_point, nrepeats, nmeasurements, measurements, poffset, ncalcs,
last_point=True, last_pass=last_pass)
# -- reset loop counter
self._idx = 0
# private: for
[docs] @portable
def _repeat_loop(self, point, i_point, nrepeats, nmeasurements, measurements, poffset, ncalcs,
last_point=False, last_pass=False):
# check for higher priority experiment or termination requested
if self.enable_pausing:
# cost: 3.6 ms
check_pause = self.scheduler.check_pause()
if check_pause:
# yield
raise Paused
# dynamically offset the scan point
point = self.offset_point(i_point, point)
# callback
self.set_scan_point(i_point, point)
# iterate over repeats
counts = np.int32(0)
for i_repeat in range(nrepeats):
# iterate over measurements
for i_measurement in range(nmeasurements):
# so other methods know what the current measurement is
self.measurement = measurements[i_measurement]
# callback
self.before_measure(point, self.measurement)
self.lab_before_measure(point, self.measurement)
# perform a single measurement and store the result
count = self.do_measure(point)
self._data[self._idx][i_measurement][poffset + i_repeat] = count
counts += count
# callback
self.after_measure(point, self.measurement)
self.lab_after_measure(point, self.measurement)
# update the dataset used to monitor counts
mean = counts / (nrepeats*nmeasurements)
# cost: 18 ms per point
# mutate dataset values
if self.enable_mutate:
length = (self._i_pass + 1) * nrepeats
for i_measurement in range(nmeasurements):
# get data for model
data = self._data[self._idx][i_measurement][:length]
# get the name of the measurement
measurement = self.measurements[i_measurement]
# rpc to host
# send data to the model
self.mutate_datasets(i_point, measurement, point, data)
#"i_pass = ")
#"idx = ")
# perform calculations
if ncalcs > 0:
# rpc to host
self._calculate_all(i_point, point)
# analyze data
self._analyze_data(i_point, last_pass, last_point)
# callback
self.after_scan_point(i_point, point)
self._after_scan_point(i_point, point, mean)
# rpc to host
if self.enable_count_monitor:
# cost: 2.7 ms
# private: for
[docs] def map_arguments(self):
"""Map coarse grained attributes to fine grained options."""
if self.enable_fitting:
# defaults
self.do_fit = False
self.save_fit = False
self.fit_only = False
if hasattr(self, 'fit_options'):
if self.fit_options == 'No Fits':
self.do_fit = False
self.save_fit = False
self.fit_only = False
if self.fit_options == 'Fit':
self.do_fit = True
self.save_fit = False
self.fit_only = False
if self.fit_options == 'Fit and Save':
self.do_fit = True
self.save_fit = True
self.fit_only = False
if self.fit_options == 'Fit Only':
self.do_fit = True
self.save_fit = False
self.fit_only = True
if self.fit_options == 'Fit Only and Save':
self.do_fit = True
self.save_fit = True
self.fit_only = True
# private: for
[docs] def _init_storage(self):
"""initialize memory to record counts on core device"""
#: 3D array of counts measured at each scan point, measurement, pass, and repeat
self._data = np.array([
np.int32(0) for k in range(self.nrepeats * self.npasses)
] for j in range(self.nmeasurements)
] for i in range(self.npoints)
], dtype=np.int32)
self._logger.debug('initialized storage')
# private: for
[docs] def _attach_to_models(self):
"""Attach the scan to all models"""
for i, entry in enumerate(self._model_registry):
model = entry['model']
self._attach_to_model(model, i)
self._logger.debug("attached scan to model '{0}'".format(entry['name']))
# private: for
[docs] def _attach_to_model(self, model, i):
"""Attach the scan to a single model.
Allows passing scan variables to the model at runtime"""
# private: for
[docs] def _attach_models(self):
"""Attach a single model to the scan"""
# private: for
def __load_x_offset(self):
self._x_offset = self.__get_x_offset()
if self._x_offset:
self._logger.debug("set _x_offset to {0}".format(self._x_offset))
# private: for
def __get_x_offset(self):
# offset has been manually set by the user:
if self._x_offset is not None:
return self._x_offset
# automatic determination of x_offset:
if self.enable_auto_tracking:
for entry in self._model_registry:
model = entry['model']
if 'auto_track' in entry and entry['auto_track']:
# use the last performed fit
if entry['auto_track'] == 'fitresults' and hasattr(model, 'fit'):
# use dataset value
elif entry['auto_track'] == 'fit' or entry['auto_track'] is True:
return model.get_main_fit(archive=False)
# default to no offset if none of the above cases apply
return 0.0
# private: for
[docs] def _init_simulations(self):
for entry in self._model_registry:
# measurement models...
if entry['measurement']:
# make a copy of simulation args to speed up simulations (don't have to recompute at each scan point)
entry['model']._simulation_args = entry['model'].simulation_args
self._logger.debug('initialized model {0} simulation args to {1}'.format(entry['model'].__class__,
except NotImplementedError:
self._logger.debug('initialized simulations')
# private: for
[docs] def reset_model_states(self):
# every registered model...
for entry in self._model_registry:
# private: for
[docs] def _init_model_datasets(self, shape, plot_shape, points, x, y, init_local, write_datasets):
"""Set the contents and handling modes of all datasets in the scan."""
# private: for
[docs] def _timeit(self, event):
if event == 'compile':
elapsed = time() - self._profile_times['before_compile']
self._logger.warning('core scan compiled in {0} sec'.format(elapsed))
# private: for
[docs] @portable
def _rewind(self, num_points):
"""Rewind the cursor from the current pass and point indices by the specified number of points. The cursor can
be rewound into a previous pass. The cursor cannot be rewound past the first point of the first pass.
:param num_points: The current cursor will be moved to this number of scan points before its current value.
# get new i_point, i_pass indices
if num_points > 0:
self._idx -= num_points
if self._idx < 0:
if self._i_pass == 0:
self._idx = 0
self._i_pass -= 1
self._idx = self.npoints + self._idx
# private: for
[docs] def _calculate(self, i_point, point, calculation, entry):
"""Perform calculations on collected data after each scan point"""
model = entry['model']
value = model.mutate_datasets_calc(i_point, point, calculation)
if 'mutate_plot' in entry and entry['mutate_plot']:
self._mutate_plot(entry, i_point, point, value)
# ------------------- Interface Methods ---------------------
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] def build(self, **kwargs):
""" Interface method (optional, has default behavior)
Creates the :code:`scheduler` and :code:`core` devices and sets them to the attributes
:code:`self.scheduler` and :code:`self.core` respectively.
:param kwargs: Optional dictionary of class attributes when using the scan as a sub-component (i.e. the
scan does not inherit from :code:`EnvExperiment`). Each entry will be set as an attribute of the scan.
# devices
# helper: for child class (optional)
[docs] def run(self, resume=False):
"""Helper method
Initializes the scan, executes the scan, yields to higher priority experiments,
and performs fits on completion on the scan."""
# start the profiler (if it's enabled)
# initialize the scan
# run the scan
if not self.fit_only:
if resume:
'resuming scan at (i_pass, i_point) = ({0}, {1})'.format(self._i_pass, self._i_point))
'starting scan at (i_pass, i_point) = ({0}, {1})'.format(self._i_pass, self._i_point))
if self.run_on_core:
if self.enable_timing:
self._profile_times = {
'before_compile': time()
self._logger.debug("compiling core scan...")
self._logger.debug("scan completed")
# yield to other experiments
if self._paused:
self._yield() # is called after other experiments finish and this scan resumes
# callback
self._logger.debug("executing _after_scan callback")
if not self._after_scan():
# callback
self._logger.debug("executing after_scan callback")
# perform fits
self._logger.debug("executing _analyze")
# callback
self._logger.debug("executing lab_after_scan callback")
# stop the profiler (if it's enabled)
# callback with default behavior: for child class
# interface: for child class or extension (required)
[docs] def get_scan_points(self):
"""Interface method (required - except when inheriting from TimeFreqScan, TimeScan, or FreqScan)
Returns the set of scan points that will be iterated over during the scan.
See the _point_loop() method
:returns: The list of scan points to scan over.
:rtype: A Python list or an ARTIQ Scannable type.
raise NotImplementedError('The get_scan_points() method needs to be implemented.')
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] def get_warmup_points(self):
"""Interface method (optional, has default behavior)
Returns the set of warm-up points that will be iterated before scanning over the scan points.
:returns: The list of warm-up points.
:rtype: A Python list or an ARTIQ Scannable type.
return [0 for _ in range(self.nwarmup_points)]
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] def create_logger(self):
"""Interface method (optional, has default behavior)
Sets self.logger to an instance of a python logging.logger for writing log messages
to the log window in the dashboard.
import logging
self.logger = logging.getLogger(self._logger_name)
self._logger = logging.getLogger("scan_framework.scans.scan")
# interface: for child class
[docs] def report(self, location='both'):
"""Interface method (optional, has default behavior)
Logs details about the scan to the log window.
Runs during initialization after the scan points and warmup points have been loaded but before datasets
have been initialized.
if location == 'top' or location == 'both':
if self.npasses == 1 and self.nrepeats == 1:'START {} / {} pass / {} repeat'.format(self._name, self.npasses, self.nrepeats))
elif self.nrepeats > 1:'START {} / {} pass / {} repeats'.format(self._name, self.npasses, self.nrepeats))
'START {} / {} passes / {} repeats'.format(self._name, self.npasses, self.nrepeats))
if location == 'bottom' or location == 'both':
#'Passes: %i' % self.npasses)
#'Repeats: %i' % self.nrepeats)
#'Bins: %i' % self.nbins)
self._logger.debug('do_fit {0}'.format(self.do_fit))
self._logger.debug('save_fit {0}'.format(self.save_fit))
self._logger.debug('fit_only {0}'.format(self.fit_only))
# interface: for child class (required)
[docs] @portable
def measure(self, point):
"""Interface method (required)
Performs a single measurement and returns the result of the measurement as an integer.
:param point: Current scan point value
:returns: The result of a single measurement
:rtype: Integer
raise NotImplementedError('The measure() method needs to be implemented.')
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] @portable
def warmup(self, point):
"""Interface method (optional)
Contains experimental code to execute at each warmup point.
If this method is not implemented, each warmup point will execute the measure method.
:param point: Current warmup point value
return self.do_measure(point)
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] @rpc(flags={"async"})
def mutate_datasets(self, i_point, measurement, point, data):
"""Interface method (optional, has default behavior)
If this method is not overridden, all data collected for the specified measurement during the
current scan point is passed to any model that has been registered for the given measurement.
The :code:`mutate_datasets()` and :code:`_mutate_plot()` methods of these models will be called with :code:`data`
passed as an argument. Thus, the registered models will calculate means and standard errors and plot these
statistics to the current scan applet for the current scan point.
Typically, the default implementation of this method is used, though it can be overridden in user scans
to manually perform statistic calculation and plotting of measurement data at the end of each scan point.
- Always runs on the host device.
:param i_point: Index of the current scan point.
:param measurement: Name of the current measurement (For multiple measurements).
:param point: Value of the current scan point.
:param data: List of integers containing the values returned by :code:`measure()` at each repetition of the current scan point.
self.measurement = measurement
for entry in self._model_registry:
# model registered for this measurement
if entry['measurement'] and entry['measurement'] == measurement:
# grab the model for the measurement from the registry
# if measurement in self._model_registry['measurements']:
# entry = self._model_registry['measurements'][measurement]
# mutate the stats for this measurement with the data passed from the core device
mean = entry['model'].mutate_datasets(i_point, point, data)
self._mutate_plot(entry, i_point, point, mean)
# keep a record on the host of the data collected for this pass, measurement, and scan point
# for i_repetition in range(len(data)):
# self._data.set(pos=[i_measurement, i_point, i_repetition], value=np.int32(data[i_repetition]))
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] def analyze(self):
"""Interface method (optional)
if not self._analyzed and not self._terminated:
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] def _yield(self):
"""Interface method (optional)
Yield to scheduled experiments with higher priority
self.logger.warning("Yielding to higher priority experiment.")
# resume
except TerminationRequested:
self.logger.warning("Scan terminated.")
self._terminated = True
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] @rpc(flags={"async"})
def _set_counts(self, counts):
"""Interface method (optional)
Runs after a scan point completes. By default, this method sets the :code:`counts` dataset
to the value passed in on the :code:`counts` parameter of this method. It therefore also
updates the count monitor dataset with the average value measured at the current scan point
while the scan is running.
:param counts: Average value of all values returned from :code:`measure()` during the current scan point.
- Does not run if :code:`self.enable_count_monitor == False`
if self.counts_perc >= 0:
counts = round(counts, self.counts_perc)
self.set_dataset('counts', counts, broadcast=True, persist=True)
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] @rpc(flags={"async"})
def _calculate_all(self, i_point, point):
# for every registered calculation....
for calculation in self.calculations:
for entry in self._model_registry:
# models that are registered for the calculation...
if entry['calculation'] and entry['calculation'] == calculation:
# entry = self._model_registry['calculations'][calculation]
# perform the calculation
if self.before_calculate(i_point, point, calculation):
self._calculate(i_point, point, calculation, entry)
# interface: for child class
[docs] def _get_fit_guess(self, fit_function):
"""Maps GUI arguments to fit guesses. """
guess = {}
signature = inspect.getargspec(getattr(fit_function, 'value')).args
# map gui arguments to fit guesses
for key in self._fit_guesses.keys():
g = self._fit_guesses[key]
if g['use']:
# generic fit guess gui arguments specified by position in the fit function signature
if g['fit_param'] is None and g['param_index'] is not None:
i = g['param_index']
if i < len(signature):
g['fit_param'] = signature[i]
if g['fit_param'] is not None:
guess[g['fit_param']] = g['value']
return guess
# interface: for child class (optional)
[docs] def _analyze(self):
"""Interface method (optional, has default behavior)
If this method is not overridden, fits will be performed automatically on the mean values calculated
for each measurement of the scan.
Calls :code:`before_analyze()`, checks to see if fits should be performed, and performs a fit using
each model that has been registered as performing a fit (i.e. :code:`fit=True` when calling
:code:`register_model()`). After fits have been performed, :code:`after_fit()` and :code:`report_fit()`
are called.
self._analyzed = True
# should/can fits be performed? ...
if self.do_fit and self.enable_fitting:
#Perform a fit for each registered fit model and save the fitted params to datasets.
#If self.save_fit is true, the main fit is broadcast to the ARTIQ master,
#persisted and saved. If self.save_fit is False, the main fit is not broadcasted or persisted but is saved
#so that it can still be retrieved using normal get_datset methods before the experiment has completed.
# for every registered model...
for entry in self._model_registry:
# registered fit models
if entry['fit']:
model = entry['model']
# callback
if self.before_fit(model) is not False:
# what's the correct data source?
# When fitting only (no scan is performed) the fit is performed on data from the last
# scan that ran, which is assumed to be in the 'current_scan' namespace.
# Otherwise, the fit is performed on data in the model's namespace.
use_mirror = model.mirror is True and self.fit_only
save = self.save_fit
# dummy values, these are only used in 2d scans
dimension = 0
i = 0
# perform the fit
self._logger.debug('performing fit on model \'{0}\''.format(entry['name']))
fit_performed, valid, main_fit_saved, errormsg = self._fit(entry, save, use_mirror, dimension, i)
entry['fit_valid'] = valid
# tell current scan to plot data...
model.set('plots.trigger', 1, which='mirror')
model.set('plots.trigger', 0, which='mirror')
# params not saved warning occurred
if save and not main_fit_saved:
self.logger.warning("Fitted params not saved.")
# callback
self._main_fit_saved = main_fit_saved
self._fit_valid = valid
if fit_performed:
self.after_fit(entry['fit'], valid, main_fit_saved, model)
# print the fitted parameters...
if self.enable_reporting and fit_performed:
# interface: for extensions (required)
[docs] def _write_datasets(self, entry):
# interface: for extensions (required)
[docs] def _load_points(self):
# interface: for extensions (required)
[docs] def _offset_points(self, x_offset):
raise NotImplementedError('The _offset_points() method needs to be implemented.')
# interface: for extensions (optional)
[docs] def _report(self):
# interface: for extensions (required)
[docs] def _mutate_plot(self, entry, i_point, data, mean):
raise NotImplementedError()
# interface: for extensions (required)
[docs] def calculate_dim0(self, dim1_model):
"""User callback (runs on host).
Returns a value and its error from the dimension 1 sub-scan. The returned value will be plotted
as the y-value in the dimension 0 plot and the returned error will weight the final fit along dimension 0.
:param model: The model which just performed a fit along the dimension 1 sub-scan. :code:`` points to
the :class:`Fit <scan_framework.analysis.curvefits.Fit>` object from the
:ref:`analysis <analysisapi>` package.
:type model: ScanModel
:returns: The calculated value and the error in the calculated value.
:rtype: A two entry tuple where the first entry is the calculated value and the second entry is the error
in the calculated value.
raise NotImplementedError
# interface: for extensions (optional)
[docs] @portable
def do_measure(self, point):
"""Provides a way for subclasses to override the method signature of the measure method."""
return self.measure(point)
# ------------------- Helper Methods ---------------------
# helper: for child class
[docs] def setattr_argument(self, key, processor=None, group=None, show='auto'):
if show is 'auto' and hasattr(self, key) and getattr(self, key) is not None:
if show is False or key in self._hide_arguments:
if not key in self._hide_arguments:
self._hide_arguments[key] = True
# fit guesses
if isinstance(processor, FitGuess):
if group is None:
group = 'Fit Settings'
super().setattr_argument(key, NumberValue(default=processor.default_value,
scale=processor.scale), group)
use = None
if processor.use is 'ask':
super().setattr_argument('use_{0}'.format(key), BooleanValue(default=processor.use_default), group)
use = getattr(self, 'use_{0}'.format(key))
use = processor.use
self._fit_guesses[key] = {
'fit_param': processor.fit_param,
'param_index': processor.param_index,
'use': use,
'value': getattr(self, key)
super().setattr_argument(key, processor, group)
# set attribute to default value when class is built but not submitted
if hasattr(processor, 'default_value'):
if not hasattr(self, key) or getattr(self, key) is None:
setattr(self, key, processor.default_value)
# helper: for child class
[docs] def scan_arguments(self, npasses={}, nrepeats={}, nbins={}, fit_options={}, guesses=False):
# assign default values for scan GUI arguments
if npasses is not False:
for k,v in {'default': 1, 'ndecimals': 0, 'step': 1}.items():
npasses.setdefault(k, v)
if nrepeats is not False:
for k,v in {'default': 100, 'ndecimals': 0, 'step': 1}.items():
nrepeats.setdefault(k, v)
if nbins is not False:
for k,v in {'default': 50, 'ndecimals': 0, 'step': 1}.items():
nbins.setdefault(k, v)
if fit_options is not False:
for k,v in {'values': ['No Fits','Fit',"Fit and Save","Fit Only","Fit Only and Save"], 'default': 'Fit'}.items():
fit_options.setdefault(k, v)
if npasses is not False:
self.setattr_argument('npasses', NumberValue(**npasses), group='Scan Settings')
if nrepeats is not False:
self.setattr_argument('nrepeats', NumberValue(**nrepeats), group='Scan Settings')
if nbins is not False:
self.setattr_argument('nbins', NumberValue(**nbins), group='Scan Settings')
if self.enable_fitting and fit_options is not False:
fovals = fit_options.pop('values')
self.setattr_argument('fit_options', EnumerationValue(fovals, **fit_options), group='Fit Settings')
if guesses:
if guesses is True:
for i in range(1, 6):
key = 'fit_guess_{0}'.format(i)
for fit_param in guesses:
key = 'fit_guess_{0}'.format(fit_param)
# helper: for child class
[docs] def register_model(self, model_instance, measurement=None, fit=None, calculation=None,
init_datasets=True, **kwargs):
"""Register a model with the scan. Models can be registered as a measurement model, fit model,
calculation model, or combinations of these.
When registered as a measurement model, all data collected for the specified measurement is passed to the
specified model instance's mutate_datasets() method via an RPC after it has been collected.
When registered as a fit model, fitting will be performed by the specified model instance after the scan
completes. The model instance's fit_data(), validate_fit(), set_fits(), and save_main_fit() methods
will be called.
When registered as a calculation model, the specified model instance's mutate_datasets_calc() method will be
called at the end of each scan point.
:param model_instance: Instance of the scan model being registered
:type model_instance: :class:`scan_framework.models.scan_model.ScanModel`
:param measurement: The name of the measurement for which the model will calculate and save statistics.
When only a single measurement is performed by the scan, this can simply be set to True.
If not set to a string or to True, statistics will not be generated or saved. If set to
a string or True, the registered model's mutate_datasets() method will be called via an RPC after
each scan point completes. The default behavior of this method is to calculate the
mean value measured at the scan point, calculate the standard error of this mean,
and to mutate the datasets storing these values under the model's namespace. Additionally,
this updates the current scan applet to plot the new mean and error after each scan point
completes. The mutate_datasets() method also mutates the 'counts' dataset, which
stores every value measured and returned by the scan's 'measure()' method, and optionally
mutates histogram datasets so that the histogram applets/plots are updated after each scan
point completes. Defaults to None
:type measurement: string or bool
:param fit: The name of the measurement for which the model will perform fits. When only a single measurement
is performed by the scan, this can simply be set to True. If not set to a string or to True,
fitting will not be performed by the model. If set to a string or True, the registered model's
fit_data() method will be called after the scan completes to perform a fit using the mean values
and standard errors stored under the model's namespace. Typically, a model tthat is registered with
the fit argument set is also registered with the measurement set, though this is not strictly necessary
if the means and errors have been generated by some other means by the user. Defaults to None
:type fit: string or bool
:param calculation: Name of a calculation that this model will perform at each scan point. When set to
a string or to True, the model's mutate_datasets_calc() method is called after each
scan point with the calculation name passes in on the calculation argument. The mutate_datasets_calc()
method, in turn calls the model's calculate() method which performs the calculation and
returns the calculated value along with its error. The calculated value and its error is
then set to the datasets along with the value of the current scan point under the namespace
of the registered model. Defaults to None
:type calculation: string or bool
:param init_datasets: If True, all datasets relevant to the scan are initialized under the model's namespace by
calling the model's init_datasets() method, defaults to True
:type init_datasets: bool
:param validate: If True, all validation rules defined in the model will be applied to the data to be fit
and/or the fit params found by this model during fitting. If False, no validations will be perforemd
by the model.
:type validate: bool
:param set: If True, all relevant data for a fit will be saved to the datasets by calling the model's set_fits() method.
The set_fits() method is only called if fits have been performed by the model.
:type set: bool
:param save: If True, the fit param specified by the model's 'main_fit' attribute will be saved to the datasets
when the fitted params pass all strong validation rules defined in the model. If no strong validation
rules are defined, the main fit param is always saved as long as the fit was performed. If validations
are disabled, the main fit param is always saved.
# map args
if calculation is True:
calculation = 'main'
if measurement is True:
measurement = 'main'
if fit is True:
fit = 'main'
# maintain a list of all models registered so that, later, we can dynamically bind the scan to each model
# and perform any other needed model initializations (this includes calc models)
#if name not in self._models:
# self._models.append(name)
# maintain a dynamic registry of all model instances so they can each be called after a scan point
# has completed
entry = {
'model': model_instance,
'init_datasets': init_datasets,
'datasets_initialized': False,
'measurement': measurement,
'fit': fit,
'calculation': calculation,
'name': model_instance.__class__.__name__
# tack on any additional user defined settings
entry = {
**kwargs, **entry
# default to dimension 0 for 1D scans
if 'dimension' not in entry:
entry['dimension'] = 0
# register the model
# debug logging
if not measurement and not calculation and not fit:
self._logger.debug('registered model \'{0}\' {1}'.format(entry['name'], entry))
if measurement:
self._logger.debug('registered measurement model \'{0}\' {1}'.format(entry['name'], entry))
if calculation:
self._logger.debug('registered calculation model \'{0}\' {1}'.format(entry['name'], entry))
if fit:
self._logger.debug('registered fit model \'{0}\' {1}'.format(entry['name'], entry))
# auto-register calculations and measurements
if calculation and calculation not in self.calculations:
if measurement and measurement not in self.measurements:
# helper method: for or child class
[docs] @kernel
def _run_scan_core(self, resume=False):
"""Helper Method:
Executes the scan on the core device.
Calls :code:`lab_before_scan_core()`, then :code:`_loop()`, followed by :code:`after_scan_core()` and
:param resume: Set to True if the scan is being resumed after being paused and to False if the scan is being
started for the first time.
if self.enable_timing:
self._logger.debug("running scan on core device")
# helper method: for or child class
[docs] def _run_scan_host(self, resume=False):
"""Helper Method:
Executes the scan entirely on the host device. The :code:`measure()` method of the scan must not have
the @kernel decorator if this method is called or if :code:`self.run_on_core == False`
Calls :code:`_loop()`
:param resume: Set to True if the scan is being resumed after being paused and to False if the scan is being
started for the first time.
self._logger.debug("running scan on the host")
# helper: for child class
[docs] def simulate_measure(self, point, measurement):
for entry in self._model_registry:
if entry['measurement'] and entry['measurement'] == measurement:
model = entry['model']
#model = self._model_registry['measurements'][measurement]['model']
if hasattr(model, '_simulation_args'):
simulation_args = model._simulation_args
simulation_args = model.simulation_args
# self._logger.debug('simulating measurement')
# self._logger.debug('simulation_args = {0}'.format(simulation_args))
value = model.simulate(point, self.noise_level, simulation_args)
return value
return None
# -------------------- Callbacks --------------------
# -- initialization callbacks
# callback: for child class
[docs] def prepare_scan(self):
"""User callback
Runs during initialization after the scan points and warmup points have been loaded
but before datasets have been initialized.
- Will be re-run when a scan is resumed after being paused.
- Always runs on the host.
# callback: for child class
[docs] def lab_prepare_scan(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the host during initialization after the scan points and warmup points have been loaded
but before datasets have been initialized.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
- Runs after the :code:`prepare_scan()` callback.
- Will be re-run when a scan is resumed after being paused.
- Always runs on the host.
:returns: None
# callback: for child class
[docs] def before_scan(self):
"""User callback
Run during initialization before datsets are initialized.
- always runs on the host
- called after the 'prepare_scan' callback
# callback: for child class
[docs] def before_analyze(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the host before deciding if fits should be performed.
- Always runs on the host.
- Will run even if fits have been disabled or performing a fit has not been selected in the GUI.
# callback reserved for child classes
[docs] @portable
def initialize_devices(self):
"""User callback
Typically used to initialize devices on the core device before the scan loop begins.
Runs after datasets have been initialized but before the scan loop begins.
- runs anytime _run_scan_core() or _run_scan_host() is called
- runs on the host or the core device
- called after the 'before_scan' callback
[docs] @portable
def _before_loop(self, resume):
"""Extension callback
Called before the scan loop begins.
- called after initialize_devices()
- runs on the host or the core device
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def before_pass(self, i_pass):
"""User callback
Runs during the scan loop at the start of each pass.
- Does not run when the scan is resumed from being paused unless no scan points have yet executed.
- Runs on the host or the core device.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def offset_point(self, i_point, point):
"""User callback
Allows scan points to be dynamically modified in a scan. The value returned by this method
is used as the current scan point. Runs before measurements are repeated at the current scan point.
:param i_point: Index of the current scan point.
:param point: Value of the scan point that will be executed next.
:returns: Possibly modified value of the scan point that will be executed next.
:rtype: Same datatype as a single scan point
return point
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def set_scan_point(self, i_point, point):
"""User callback
Callback to set device parameter values (e.g. DDS frequencies) at the start of a scan point
before the :code:`measure()` method is repeated self.nrepeats times at the current scan point.
Runs during the scan loop at the start of each scan point.
- Runs on the host or the core device.
- Runs before the 'before_measure' callback.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def before_measure(self, point, measurement):
"""User callback
Runs at each repetition of a scan point immediately before the :code:`measure()` method is called.
- Runs on the host or the core device.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def lab_before_measure(self, point, measurement):
"""User callback
Runs at each repetition of a scan point immediately before the :code:`measure()` method is called.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
- Runs on the host or the core device.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def after_measure(self, point, measurement):
"""User callback
Runs at each repetition of a scan point immediately after the :code:`measure()` method is called.
- Runs on the host or the core device.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def lab_after_measure(self, point, measurement):
"""User callback
Runs at each repetition of a scan point immediately after the :code:`measure()` method is called.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
- Runs on the host or the core device.
# callback: for child class
[docs] def before_calculate(self, i_point, point, calculation):
"""User callback
Runs during the scan loop after all data has been collected for a scan point but before calculations
are performed. Must return True for calculations to be performed.
- Always runs on the host.
- Calculations will always run if this callback is not implemented.
- Return False to skip calculations for the current scan point.
- Return True to allow calculations to execute for the current scan point.
- Runs before the :code:`after_scan_point()` callback
:param i_point: Index of the current scan point.
:param point: Value of the current scan point.
:param calculation: Name of the calculation to perform.
:returns: True: The calculation will be performed. False: The calculation will not be performed.
:rtype: Boolean
return True
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def after_scan_point(self, i_point, point):
"""User callback
Runs during the scan loop after a scan point has completed.
- Run on host or core device.
- Run after all data has been collected, datasets have been mutated, and 2 have run for
a scan point.
- Runs after the :code:`before_calculate()` callback.
# -- finalization & analysis callbacks
# callback: for child class
[docs] @portable
def cleanup(self):
"""User callback
This callback is meant to perform cleanup on the core device after a scan completes. For
example, resetting DDS frequencies or DAC values that have changed during the scan back to
their appropriate default values.
Called after the scan has completed and before data is fit.
- Runs on host or core device.
- Called before the :code:`after_scan()` and the :code:`after_scan_core()` callbacks.
- Always called before yielding to higher priority experiment.
- This callback will still execute if an exception is thrown during the scan loop.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @kernel
def after_scan_core(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the core device after the scan and any higher priority experiments have completed.
- Always runs on the core device.
- Runs before data is fit.
- This callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment.
- This callback will not be called if the scan is terminated.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @kernel
def lab_after_scan_core(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the core device after the scan and any higher priority experiments have completed.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
- Always runs on the core device.
- Runs before data is fit.
- This callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment.
- This callback will not be called if the scan is terminated.
# callback: for child class
[docs] @kernel
def lab_before_scan_core(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the core device after datasets have been initialized but before the scan loop begins.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
# callback: for child class
[docs] def _after_scan(self):
"""Internal callback called after the scan and any higher priority experiments have completed.
- always runs on the host
- runs before data is fit
- this callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment
- this callback will not be called if scan is terminated
return True
# callback: for child class
[docs] def after_scan(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the host after the scan and any higher priority experiments have completed.
- Always runs on the host.
- Runs before data is fit.
- This callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment.
- This callback will not be called if scan is terminated.
[docs] def after_analyze(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the host after the scan and any higher priority experiments have completed and after analysis
(e.g. fitting) has been completed.
- always runs on the host
- runs after data is fit
- runs regardless of if the fit was successful
- this callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment
- this callback will not be called if scan is terminated
[docs] def lab_after_analyze(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the host after the scan and any higher priority experiments have completed and after analysis
(e.g. fitting) has been completed.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
- always runs on the host
- runs after data is fit
- runs regardless of if the fit was successful
- this callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment
- this callback will not be called if scan is terminated
# callback: for child class
[docs] def before_fit(self, model):
"""User callback
Runs on the host before a fit is performed by a registered fit model.
- Always runs on the host.
- Will not run if fitting has been disable or has not been selected in the GUI.
:param model: Instance of the registered fit model.
:type model: ScanModel
:returns: False to prevent the fit from being performed.
# callback: for child class
[docs] def after_fit(self, fit_name, valid, saved, model):
"""User callback
Runs on the host after each registered fit model (i.e. all models registered with
:code:`self.register_model(..., fit='<fit name'>`) has performed it's fit.
- :code:`` is used in this callback to access the
:class:`Fit <scan_framework.analysis.curvefits.Fit>` object containing the fitted parameters and other
useful information about the fit.
- Always runs on the host.
- Will not run if fit's are not performed for any reason
:param fit_name: The name of the fit passed in on the :code:`fit` argument of :code:`register_model()`
:param valid: False if any fit validation errors were raised during fitting.
:param saved: True if the :code:`main_fit` fit parameter was saved to the model's top level namespace.
(a.k.a fits were saved)
:param model: Instance of the registered fit model.
:type model: ScanModel
# callback: for child class
[docs] def report_fit(self, model):
"""User callback (has default behavior)
If this method is not implemented :code:`model.report_fit()` will be called, which prints useful information
about the fit (i.e. the fitted parameter values) to the Log window in the dashboard.
Runs on the host after each registered fit model (i.e. all models registered with
:code:`self.register_model(..., fit='<fit name'>`) has performed it's fit.
- Always runs on the host.
- Will not run if fits are not performed for any reason.
:param model: Instance of the registered fit model.
:type model: ScanModel
# callback: for child class
[docs] def lab_after_scan(self):
"""User callback
Runs on the host after the scan has completed, fits have been performed, and any higher priority experiments
have completed.
Meant to be implemented in a base class from which all of a lab's scans inherit.
- Always runs on the host.
- Runs after data is fit.
- This callback will not be called before yielding to higher priority experiment.
- This callback will not be called if scan is terminated.
# -- callbacks for extensions
# callback: for extensions
[docs] def _scan_arguments(self):
# callback: for extensions
[docs] def _map_arguments(self):
# callback: for extensions
[docs] @portable
def _after_scan_point(self, i_point, point, mean):
Scan extension callback executed during the scan loop after a scan point has completed.
- executes on the core device
- executes after all data has been collected, datasets have been mutated, calculations have been performed,
and data has been analyzed.
:param i_point: point index (integer for 1D scans, a list of two inetegers for 2D scans)
:param point: the scan point (float for 1D scans, a list of two integers for 2D scans)
:param mean: the mean number of counts collected at the scan point over all measurements.
# callback: for extensions
[docs] @portable
def _analyze_data(self, i_point, last_pass, last_point):
[docs]class Scan1D(Scan):
"""Extension of the :class:`~scan_framework.scans.scan.Scan` class for 1D scans. All 1D scans should inherit from
this class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs)
self._dim = 1
self._i_point = np.int64(0)
[docs] def _load_points(self):
# grab the points
if self._points is None:
points = list(self.get_scan_points())
points = list(self._points)
# warmup points
if self._warmup_points is None:
warmup_points = self.get_warmup_points()
warmup_points = list(self._warmup_points)
warmup_points = [p for p in warmup_points]
# this turn's ARTIQ scan arguments into lists
points = [p for p in points]
# total number of scan points
self.npoints = np.int32(len(points))
self.nwarmup_points = np.int32(len(warmup_points))
# initialize shapes (these are the authority on data structure sizes)...
# shape of the stats.counts dataset
self._shape = np.int32(self.npoints)
# shape of the plots.x, plots.y, and plots.fitline datasets
if self._plot_shape is None:
self._plot_shape = np.int32(self.npoints)
# initialize 1D data structures...
# 1D array of scan points (these are saved to the stats.points dataset)
self._points = np.array(points, dtype=np.float64)
# flattened 1D array of scan points (these are looped over on the core)
self._points_flat = np.array(points, dtype=np.float64)
self._warmup_points = np.array(warmup_points, dtype=np.float64)
# flattened 1D array of point indices as tuples
# (these are used on the core to map the flat idx index to the 2D point index)
self._i_points = np.array(range(self.npoints), dtype=np.int64)
[docs] def _mutate_plot(self, entry, i_point, point, mean):
model = entry['model']
# mutate plot x/y datasets
model.mutate_plot(i_point=i_point, x=point, y=mean)
# tell the current_scan applet to redraw itself
model.set('plots.trigger', 1, which='mirror')
model.set('plots.trigger', 0, which='mirror')
[docs] def _fit(self, entry, save, use_mirror, dimension, i):
"""Perform the fit"""
model = entry['model']
x_data, y_data = model.get_fit_data(use_mirror)
# for validation methods
self.min_point = min(x_data)
self.max_point = max(x_data)
errors = model.stat_model.get('error', mirror=use_mirror)
fit_function = model.fit_function
guess = self._get_fit_guess(fit_function)
return model.fit_data(
set=True, # keep a record of the fit
save=save, # save the main fit to the root namespace?
[docs] def _offset_points(self, x_offset):
if x_offset is not None:
self._points += x_offset
self._points_flat += x_offset
[docs] def _write_datasets(self, entry):
entry['datasets_written'] = True
[docs]class Scan2D(Scan):
"""Extension of the :class:`~scan_framework.scans.scan.Scan` class for 2D scans. All 2D scans should inherit from
this class."""
hold_plot = False
[docs] def __init__(self, managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(managers_or_parent, *args, **kwargs)
self._dim = 2
self._i_point = np.array([0, 0], dtype=np.int64)
# private: for
[docs] def _load_points(self):
# grab the points...
if self._points is None:
points = list(self.get_scan_points())
points = list(self._points)
# warmup points
if self._warmup_points is None:
warmup_points = self.get_warmup_points()
warmup_points = list(self._warmup_points)
warmup_points = [p for p in warmup_points]
self._warmup_points = np.array(warmup_points, dtype=np.float64)
self.nwarmup_points = np.int32(len(warmup_points))
# this turn's ARTIQ scan arguments into lists
points = [p for p in points[0]], [p for p in points[1]]
# total number of scan points over both dimensions
self.npoints = np.int32(len(points[0]) * len(points[1]))
# initialize shapes (these are the authority on data structure sizes)...
self._shape = np.array([len(points[0]), len(points[1])], dtype=np.int32)
# shape of the current scan plot
if self._plot_shape is None:
self._plot_shape = np.array([self._shape[0], self._shape[1]], dtype=np.int32)
# initialize 2D data structures...
# 2D array of scan points (these are saved to the stats.points dataset)
self._points = np.array([
[[x1, x2] for x2 in points[1]] for x1 in points[0]
], dtype=np.float64)
# flattened 1D array of scan points (these are looped over on the core)
self._points_flat = np.array([
[x1, x2] for x1 in points[0] for x2 in points[1]
], dtype=np.float64)
# flattened 1D array of point indices as tuples
# (these are used on the core to map the flat idx index to the 2D point index)
self._i_points = np.array([
(i1, i2) for i1 in range(self._shape[0]) for i2 in range(self._shape[1])
], dtype=np.int64)
[docs] def _mutate_plot(self, entry, i_point, point, mean):
"""Mutates datasets for dimension 0 plots and dimension 1 plots"""
if entry['dimension'] == 1:
dim1_model = entry['model']
dim1_scan_end = i_point[1] == self._shape[1] - 1
dim1_scan_begin = i_point[1] == 0 and i_point[0] > 0
dim1_model.set('plots.subplot.i_plot', i_point[0], which='mirror', broadcast=True, persist=True)
# --- Beginning of dimension 1 scan ---
#if dim1_scan_begin:
#if not self.hold_plot:
# clear out plot data from previous dimension 1 plots
# dim1_model.init_plots(dimension=1)
# --- Mutate Dimension 1 Plot ---
# first store the point & mean to the dim1 plot x/y datasets
# the value of the fitted parameter is plotted as the y value
# at the current dimension-0 x value (i.e. x0)
dim1_model.mutate_plot(i_point=i_point, x=point[1], y=mean, error=None, dim=1)
# --- End of dimension 1 scan ---
if dim1_scan_end:
# --- Fit dimension 1 data ---
# perform a fit over the dimension 1 data
fit_performed = False
fit_performed, fit_valid, saved, errormsg = self._fit(entry,
# handle cases when fit fails to converge so the scan doesn't just halt entirely with an
# unhandeled error
except RuntimeError:
fit_performed = False
fit_valid = False
saved = False
errormsg = 'Runtime Error'
# fit went ok...
if fit_performed:
# --- Plot Dimension 1 Fitline ---
# set the fitline to the dimension 1 plot dataset
dim1_model.mutate('plots.dim1.fitline', ((i_point[0], i_point[0]+1), (0, len(,
# --- Mutate Dimension 0 Plot ---
# get the name of the fitted parameter that will be plotted
param, error = self.calculate_dim0(dim1_model)
# find the dimension 0 model
for entry2 in self._model_registry:
if entry2['dimension'] == 0:
dim0_model = entry2['model']
# mutate the dimension 0 plot
dim0_model.mutate_plot(i_point=i_point, x=point[0], y=param, error=error, dim=0)
# --- Redraw Plots ---
# tell the current_scan applet to redraw itself
dim1_model.set('plots.trigger', 1, which='mirror')
dim1_model.set('plots.trigger', 0, which='mirror')
[docs] def _fit(self, entry, save, use_mirror, dimension, i):
"""Performs fits on dimension 0 and dimension 1"""
model = entry['model']
# dimension 1 fits
if dimension == 1:
# perform a fit on the completed dim1 plot and mutate the dim0 x/y datasets
# get the x/y data for the fit on dimension 1
x_data = model.stat_model.points[i, :, 1] # these are unsorted
y_data = model.stat_model.means[i, :]
# use the errors in the dimension 1 mean values (std dev of mean) as the weights in the fit
errors = model.stat_model.errors[i, :]
# default fit arguments
defaults = {
'validate': True,
'set': True,
'save': False
guess = None
# dimension 0 fits
elif dimension == 0:
# get the x/y data for the fit on dimension 0
x_data, y_data, errors = model.get_plot_data(mirror=True)
# default fit arguments
defaults = {
'validate': True,
'set': True,
'save': save
i = None
guess = self._get_fit_guess(model.fit_function)
# settings in 'entry' always override default values
args = {**defaults, **entry}
# perform the fit
fit_function = model.fit_function
validate = args['validate']
set = args['set'] # save all info about the fit (fitted params, etc) to the 'fits' namespace?
save = args['save'] # save the main fit to the root namespace?
return model.fit_data(
[docs] def _offset_points(self, offset):
self._points[:, :, 1] += offset
self._points_flat[:, 1] += offset
[docs] def _write_datasets(self, entry):
entry['datasets_written'] = True
# NOTE: MetaScan has been deprecated by Scan2D
class MetaScan(Scan1D):
"""Support for 2D scan of scan. A top level scan is defined by inheriting from MetaScan. That top level scan then
executes a separate 1D scan that inherits from Scan1D."""
scan_registry = {} # dictionary containing instance of sub-scans that will be run by the top-level scan.
def register_scan(self, scan, name=None, enable_pausing=False):
"""Register a sub scan. By registering a scan, it's prepare(), _initialize_scan(), and prepare_scan() methods
will automatically be called immediately before those methods are called on the top level scan.
Scan's must be registered in the build method of the top level scan.
:param scan: Instance of the scan to register
:param name: Name of the scan to register, must be unique.
:param enable_pausing: pausing/terminating sub-scans does not work with the current scan architecture,
it is recommended to keep this set to False. This will override the enable_pausing attribute of the passed
in scan instance.
if name is not None:
if name in self.scan_registry:
raise Exception("Cannot register the scan named '{0}' the name has already been used. "
"You must pick a unique name to register this scan under.".format(name))
scan.enable_pausing = enable_pausing
self.scan_registry[name] = scan
self.logger.debug('registered scan \'{0}\' of type \'{1}\''.format(name, scan.__class__.__name__))
raise Exception("Cannot register scan. The name argument is required.")
# prepare sub scans
def prepare(self):
for name, s in self.scan_registry.items():
self.logger.debug('calling \'{0}.prepare()\''.format(name))
# sub scans are always initialized before top level scan
def _initialize(self, resume):
# initialize sub scans
for name, s in self.scan_registry.items():
self.logger.debug('calling \'{0}.initialize()\''.format(name))
# initialize top level scan
# sub scans are always prepared before top level scan
def prepare_scan(self):
# prepare sub scans
for name, s in self.scan_registry.items():
self.logger.debug('calling \'{0}.prepare_scan()\''.format(name))
# prepare top level scan