Modeled Integrated Scatter Tool (MIST)

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The REQUIRED VARIABLES section allows the user to define five parameters that are required during the calculation of integrated reflectance:

The order of the required variables may be changed by dragging any with the mouse or by selecting any and pressing CTRL and either the up button or the down button. If the user double-clicks on any of these parameters, a dialog box will open, allowing the user to edit the parameter value. The interpretation of each variable is defined below:

DIFFERENTIAL — The approximate differential solid angle (in steradians) used during the integration. The smaller this value, the longer the calculation will take, but the more accurate the results will be. A helpful way to define this parameter to obtain a $2^\circ\times2^\circ$ grid is to set it to (2*deg)^2.

MINSAMPLES — The minimum number of samples for any integration. If the total solid angle of the integration is close to or smaller than DIFFERENTIAL, then the program will use a smaller differential solid angle. The default value of this parameter is 10.

INCIDENTANGLE — The angle of incidence ($\theta_{\rm i}$, in radians).

INCIDENTPOL — The Stokes vector intensity for the incident light. The Stokes vector should have unit intensity in order for the results to be interpreted as a reflectance. See Sec. 6 for appropriate Stokes vectors. Note that the incident polarization for any specific integral can be overridden and that this parameter exists to maintain compatibility with previous versions.

ROTATION — The rotation angle (in radians) of the sample about the surface normal. If this parameter is zero, then the light is incident along the fiducial direction for the model. If the scattering model is for an isotropic surface, this parameter will have no effect.

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Latest MIST Version: 4.10 (October 2017)