A LIST loop enables the user to specify a file that contains a list of parameters and the values that they should take. If a LIST loop is chosen, a dialog box will appear:
The file should be a text file containing whitespace-delimited columns. The first line should specify the variables that should be varied, and the remaining lines should contain the values that those variables should take. For example:
thetai thetas 25 -10 25 0 25 10 30 20 30 30 30 40
In this example, six different combinations of thetai and thetas would be used. The variable(s) may be any variable defined in the USER VARIABLES, REQUIRED VARIABLES, or MODEL PARAMETERS sections. Furthermore, the file can contain expressions or string values. For example, the following will evaluate the model for four different materials:
$substrate gold.txt silicon.txt silica.txt tungsten.txt
Alternatively, the incident polarization and the polarization sensitivity can be varied (provided scatterdpol is defined):
incidentpol scatteredpol (1,1,0,0) (0.5,0.5,0,0) (1,-1,0,0) (0.5,-0.5,0,0)
After a LIST loop has been defined, it will show up in the VARIED PARAMETERS section of the tree menu. For example:
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Latest MIST Version: 4.10 (October 2017)