.. PyHyperScattering documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Mon Jun 28 13:56:42 2021.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

.. only:: html 

    .. image:: /source/_static/Logo_PyHyperO10_Dark.svg
        :class: only-dark
        :alt: PyHyperScattering Logo
        :width: 800

    .. image:: /source/_static/Logo_PyHyperO9_Light.svg
        :class: only-light
        :alt: PyHyperScattering Logo
        :width: 800

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 1
   Getting Started <source/getting_started/idx_getting_started>
   User Guide <source/user_guide/idx_user_guide>
   API Reference <source/reference_API/idx_reference_API>
   Development <source/development/idx_development>
   Release notes <source/release_notes/idx_release_notes>

PyHyperScattering aims to make working with hyperspectral x-ray and neutron scattering data easy" 
to make programs that work with such data a combination of simple, logical commands with minimal 
‘cruft’. In the era of modern computing, there is no reason you should have to think about for loops 
and how you’re storing different intermediate data products - you should be able to go immediately 
from raw data to an analysis with clear commands, punch down to the data you need for your science 
quickly. The goal is for these tools to make the mechanics of hyperspectral scattering easier and 
in so doing, more reproducible, explainable, and robust.

PyHyperScattering is an open-source collaboration maintained by the `National Institute of 
Standards and Technology (NIST) <https://www.nist.gov/>`_. This package is under active 
development, and the team welcome DMs with questions on the NIST RSoXS slack, Nikea, and NSLS2 slack 
channels, or by email to `Dr. Peter Beaucage <mailto:peter.beaucage@nist.gov>`_. 
For more information about contributing, development philosophy, and licensing, 
see :ref:`the Development page <Development>`.

.. list-table:: 
   :widths: 30 30
   :header-rows: 0

   * - :ref:`Getting Started <Getting_Started>` Tutorials to help you get your analysis up and running. Beginners should start here. 
     - :ref:`User Guide <User_Guide>` A collection of How-To guides (recipes) for specific data reduction, analysis, and visualization tasks.
   * - :ref:`API Reference <Reference_API>` Detailed technical reference; presents documentation at the function, class, and module level. 
     - :ref:`Development <Development>` Information and resources regarding the scope and development philosophy of this project, along with information on contributing and licensing.


* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`