Public Safety Analytics Resources

Public Safety Analytics Resource Compendium

The compendium, linked below, was prepared by yet2 and sponsored by NIST’s Public Safety Communications Research Division under contract number 80JSC017D0029.

NIST and yet2 do not endorse any of these resources or claim this compendium to be comprehensive.

Compendium Access

Access the compendium as an MS Excel workbook here.


The NIST PSCR program is seeking to identify open-source software frameworks, toolkits and algorithms, datasets, and standards/best practices that could assist in the development of AI-based analytic tools to support real-time analysis of streaming data from public safety communications and data streams that public safety officials must monitor to maintain situation awareness.

Please email or open an Issue through out Github site to suggest contributions.

The types of AI software tools of interest support automated data analysis and span the following domains:

The types of data resources of interest (spanning the analytic domains listed above) include the following:

The types of data specifications of interest (spanning the analytic domains listed above) include these:

The types of software frameworks of interest (spanning the analytic domains listed above) include the following: