Events and Presentations
The following are presentations on OSCAL-related topics. Some of the older presentations were based on earlier versions of OSCAL, which may be slightly different from the current OSCAL releases. In such cases, the content will still apply conceptually and will give you a good overview of the core OSCAL concepts.
- Monthly Workshops - 2022-present
- 4th NIST OSCAL Conference and Workshop - May 23, 2023
- 3rd NIST OSCAL Workshop - March 1-2, 2022
- 2nd NIST OSCAL Workshop - February 2-3, 2021
- 1st NIST OSCAL Workshop - November 5, 2019
- OSCAL Deep Diff Introduction presented during the Lunch with the OSCAL Developers - May 5, 2022
- Using Leveraged Authorizations in OSCAL presented during the OSCAL Model Review - July 24, 2020
- OSCAL Assessment Models Overview presented during the Lunch with the OSCAL Developers - July 2, 2020
- Security Automation Simplified via NIST OSCAL: We're Not in Kansas Anymore presented at RSA Conference 2018 - April 18, 2018
- Automating Security and Compliance via a New Standard of Standards presented at Docker Government Summit 2018 - April 11, 2018