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Profile Model v1.1.3 JSON Format Outline

The following outline is a representation of the JSON format for this model, whose schema can be found here. For each property, the name links to the corresponding entry in the JSON Format Reference. The cardinality and data type are also provided for each property where appropriate.

profile [1]: { … }

uuid [1]: uuid,

metadata [1]: { … },

title [1]: markup-line,

published [0 or 1]: date-time-with-timezone,

last-modified [1]: date-time-with-timezone,

version [1]: string,

oscal-version [1]: string,

revisions [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of revision objects [1 to ∞] {

title [0 or 1]: markup-line,

published [0 or 1]: date-time-with-timezone,

last-modified [0 or 1]: date-time-with-timezone,

version [1]: string,

oscal-version [0 or 1]: string,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



document-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of document-id objects [0 to ∞] {

scheme [0 or 1]: uri,

identifier [0 or 1]: string,



props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



roles [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of role objects [1 to ∞] {

id [1]: token,

title [1]: markup-line,

short-name [0 or 1]: string,

description [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



locations [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of location objects [1 to ∞] {

uuid [1]: uuid,

title [0 or 1]: markup-line,

address [0 or 1]: { … },

type [0 or 1]: token,

addr-lines [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of addr-line strings [0 to ∞]: string


city [0 or 1]: string,

state [0 or 1]: string,

postal-code [0 or 1]: string,

country [0 or 1]: string,


email-addresses [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of email-address strings [0 to ∞]: email-address


telephone-numbers [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of telephone-number objects [0 to ∞] {

type [0 or 1]: string,

number [0 or 1]: string,



urls [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of url strings [0 to ∞]: uri


props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



parties [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of party objects [1 to ∞] {

uuid [1]: uuid,

type [1]: string,

name [0 or 1]: string,

short-name [0 or 1]: string,

external-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of external-id objects [0 to ∞] {

scheme [1]: uri,

id [0 or 1]: string



props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



email-addresses [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of email-address strings [0 to ∞]: email-address


telephone-numbers [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of telephone-number objects [0 to ∞] {

type [0 or 1]: string,

number [0 or 1]: string,



A choice of:

addresses [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of address objects [1 to ∞] {

type [0 or 1]: token,

addr-lines [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of addr-line strings [0 to ∞]: string


city [0 or 1]: string,

state [0 or 1]: string,

postal-code [0 or 1]: string,

country [0 or 1]: string



location-uuids [0 or 1]: [ … ]

An array of location-uuid strings [0 to ∞]: uuid


member-of-organizations [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of member-of-organization strings [0 to ∞]: uuid


remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



responsible-parties [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of responsible-party objects [1 to ∞] {

role-id [1]: token,

party-uuids [1]: [ … ],

An array of party-uuid strings [1 to ∞]: uuid


props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



actions [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of action objects [1 to ∞] {

uuid [1]: uuid,

date [0 or 1]: date-time-with-timezone,

type [1]: token,

system [1]: uri,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



responsible-parties [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of responsible-party objects [1 to ∞] {

role-id [1]: token,

party-uuids [1]: [ … ],

An array of party-uuid strings [1 to ∞]: uuid


props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,


imports [1]: [ … ],

An array of import objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

A choice of:

include-all [1]: { … },


include-controls [1]: [ … ]

An array of include-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

with-child-controls [0 or 1]: token,

with-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of with-id strings [0 to ∞]: token


matching [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of matching objects [1 to ∞] {

pattern [0 or 1]: string





exclude-controls [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of exclude-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

with-child-controls [0 or 1]: token,

with-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of with-id strings [0 to ∞]: token


matching [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of matching objects [1 to ∞] {

pattern [0 or 1]: string







merge [0 or 1]: { … },
combine [0 or 1]: { … },

method [0 or 1]: string,


A choice of:

flat [1]: { … },


custom [1]: { … }
groups [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of group objects [1 to ∞] {

id [0 or 1]: token,

class [0 or 1]: token,

title [1]: markup-line,

params [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of param objects [1 to ∞] {

id [1]: token,

class [0 or 1]: token,

depends-on [0 or 1]: token,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



label [0 or 1]: markup-line,

usage [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

constraints [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of constraint objects [1 to ∞] {

description [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

tests [0 or 1]: [ … ]

An array of test objects [1 to ∞] {





guidelines [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of guideline objects [1 to ∞] {



A choice of:

values [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of value strings [0 to ∞]: string


select [0 or 1]: { … }

how-many [0 or 1]: token,

choice [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of choice strings [0 to ∞]: markup-line



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



parts [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of part objects [1 to ∞] {

id [0 or 1]: token,

name [1]: token,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

class [0 or 1]: token,

title [0 or 1]: markup-line,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



prose [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

parts [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of part objects [1 to ∞] {



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,





A choice of:

groups [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of group objects [1 to ∞] {



insert-controls [0 or 1]: [ … ]

An array of insert-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

order [0 or 1]: token,

A choice of:

include-all [1]: { … },


include-controls [1]: [ … ]

An array of include-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

with-child-controls [0 or 1]: token,

with-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of with-id strings [0 to ∞]: token


matching [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of matching objects [1 to ∞] {

pattern [0 or 1]: string





exclude-controls [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of exclude-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

with-child-controls [0 or 1]: token,

with-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of with-id strings [0 to ∞]: token


matching [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of matching objects [1 to ∞] {

pattern [0 or 1]: string









insert-controls [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of insert-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

order [0 or 1]: token,

A choice of:

include-all [1]: { … },


include-controls [1]: [ … ]

An array of include-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

with-child-controls [0 or 1]: token,

with-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of with-id strings [0 to ∞]: token


matching [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of matching objects [1 to ∞] {

pattern [0 or 1]: string





exclude-controls [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of exclude-controls objects [1 to ∞] {

with-child-controls [0 or 1]: token,

with-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of with-id strings [0 to ∞]: token


matching [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of matching objects [1 to ∞] {

pattern [0 or 1]: string









modify [0 or 1]: { … },
set-parameters [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of set-parameter objects [1 to ∞] {

param-id [1]: token,

class [0 or 1]: token,

depends-on [0 or 1]: token,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



label [0 or 1]: markup-line,

usage [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

constraints [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of constraint objects [1 to ∞] {

description [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

tests [0 or 1]: [ … ]

An array of test objects [1 to ∞] {





guidelines [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of guideline objects [1 to ∞] {



A choice of:

values [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of value strings [0 to ∞]: string


select [0 or 1]: { … }

how-many [0 or 1]: token,

choice [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of choice strings [0 to ∞]: markup-line





alters [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of alter objects [1 to ∞] {

control-id [1]: token,

removes [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of remove objects [1 to ∞] {

by-name [0 or 1]: token,

by-class [0 or 1]: token,

by-id [0 or 1]: token,

by-item-name [0 or 1]: token,

by-ns [0 or 1]: token,



adds [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of add objects [1 to ∞] {

position [0 or 1]: token,

by-id [0 or 1]: token,

title [0 or 1]: markup-line,

params [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of param objects [1 to ∞] {

id [1]: token,

class [0 or 1]: token,

depends-on [0 or 1]: token,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



label [0 or 1]: markup-line,

usage [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

constraints [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of constraint objects [1 to ∞] {

description [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

tests [0 or 1]: [ … ]

An array of test objects [1 to ∞] {





guidelines [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of guideline objects [1 to ∞] {



A choice of:

values [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of value strings [0 to ∞]: string


select [0 or 1]: { … }

how-many [0 or 1]: token,

choice [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of choice strings [0 to ∞]: markup-line



remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,



parts [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of part objects [1 to ∞] {

id [0 or 1]: token,

name [1]: token,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

class [0 or 1]: token,

title [0 or 1]: markup-line,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



prose [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

parts [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of part objects [1 to ∞] {



links [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,










back-matter [0 or 1]: { … },
resources [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of resource objects [1 to ∞] {

uuid [1]: uuid,

title [0 or 1]: markup-line,

description [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



document-ids [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of document-id objects [0 to ∞] {

scheme [0 or 1]: uri,

identifier [0 or 1]: string,



citation [0 or 1]: { … },

text [1]: markup-line,

props [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of prop objects [1 to ∞] {

name [1]: token,

uuid [0 or 1]: uuid,

ns [0 or 1]: uri,

value [1]: string,

class [0 or 1]: token,

group [0 or 1]: token,

remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,



links [0 or 1]: [ … ]

An array of link objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

rel [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

resource-fragment [0 or 1]: string,

text [0 or 1]: markup-line,




rlinks [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of rlink objects [1 to ∞] {

href [1]: uri-reference,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

hashes [0 or 1]: [ … ],

An array of hash objects [0 to ∞] {

algorithm [1]: string,

value [0 or 1]: string,





base64 [0 or 1]: { … },

filename [0 or 1]: token,

media-type [0 or 1]: string,

value [0 or 1]: base64


remarks [0 or 1]: markup-multiline,





This page was last updated on January 1, 0001.