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Assessment Plan Model v1.1.3 Reference

The following reference documentation is available for the OSCAL Assessment Plan model.

  • Conceptual Overview: Provides a high-level overview of the model’s intended purpose and role in the OSCAL architecture. Describes the model’s purpose, target audience, and key concepts.
  • Outline (JSON/YAML, XML): Provides a brief listing of the model’s information items organized hierarchically. Useful for understanding the structure and basic syntax of the model in a given format.
  • Reference (JSON/YAML, XML): Provides a detailed description of the structure and syntax for the model’s information items organized hierarchically. Useful for understanding how to use information items within the model in the given format.
  • Index (JSON/YAML, XML): Provides a listing of the model’s information items organized by where they are used.
  • Definitions (JSON/YAML, XML): Provides a reference for the XML Schema types and JSON Schema definitions derived from this model’s metaschema. A metaschema is used to express the model in a format agnostic way, that is then used to generate the XML and JSON Schema, XML <-> JSON content converters, and this reference documentation.

This page was last updated on January 1, 0001.