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Assessment Plan Model prototype-shared-responsibility-model XML Format Outline

The following outline is a representation of the XML format for this model, whose schema can be built using the following instructions. For each element or attribute, the name links to the corresponding entry in the XML Format Reference. The cardinality and data type are also provided for each element or attribute where appropriate.

<assessment-plan uuid="uuid"></assessment-plan> [1]
<metadata></metadata> [1]
<title>markup-line</title> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<published>date-time-with-timezone</published> [0 or 1]

a date-time-with-timezone value


<last-modified>date-time-with-timezone</last-modified> [1]

a date-time-with-timezone value


<version>string</version> [1]

a string value


<oscal-version>string</oscal-version> [1]

a string value


<revisions></revisions> [0 or 1]
<revision></revision> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<published>date-time-with-timezone</published> [0 or 1]

a date-time-with-timezone value


<last-modified>date-time-with-timezone</last-modified> [0 or 1]

a date-time-with-timezone value


<version>string</version> [1]

a string value


<oscal-version>string</oscal-version> [0 or 1]

a string value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]




<document-id scheme="uri">string</document-id> [0 to ∞]

a string value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<role id="token"></role> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<short-name>string</short-name> [0 or 1]

a string value


<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<location uuid="uuid"></location> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<address type="token"></address> [0 or 1]
<addr-line>string</addr-line> [0 to ∞]

a string value


<city>string</city> [0 or 1]

a string value


<state>string</state> [0 or 1]

a string value


<postal-code>string</postal-code> [0 or 1]

a string value


<country>string</country> [0 or 1]

a string value



<email-address>email-address</email-address> [0 to ∞]

an email-address value


<telephone-number type="string">string</telephone-number> [0 to ∞]

a string value


<url>uri</url> [0 to ∞]

a uri value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<party uuid="uuid" type="string"></party> [0 to ∞]
<name>string</name> [0 or 1]

a string value


<short-name>string</short-name> [0 or 1]

a string value


<external-id scheme="uri">string</external-id> [0 to ∞]

a string value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<email-address>email-address</email-address> [0 to ∞]

an email-address value


<telephone-number type="string">string</telephone-number> [0 to ∞]

a string value


A choice of:

<address type="token"></address> [0 to ∞]
<addr-line>string</addr-line> [0 to ∞]

a string value


<city>string</city> [0 or 1]

a string value


<state>string</state> [0 or 1]

a string value


<postal-code>string</postal-code> [0 or 1]

a string value


<country>string</country> [0 or 1]

a string value



<location-uuid>uuid</location-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<member-of-organization>uuid</member-of-organization> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<responsible-party role-id="token"></responsible-party> [0 to ∞]
<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [1 to ∞]

a uuid value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<action uuid="uuid" date="date-time-with-timezone" type="token" system="uri"></action> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<responsible-party role-id="token"></responsible-party> [0 to ∞]
<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [1 to ∞]

a uuid value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<import-ssp href="uri-reference"></import-ssp> [1]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<local-definitions></local-definitions> [0 or 1]
<component uuid="uuid" type="string"></component> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<purpose>markup-line</purpose> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<status state="token"></status> [1]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<responsible-role role-id="token"></responsible-role> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<protocol uuid="uuid" name="string"></protocol> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<port-range start="non-negative-integer" end="non-negative-integer" transport="token"/> [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<inventory-item uuid="uuid"></inventory-item> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<responsible-party role-id="token"></responsible-party> [0 to ∞]
<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [1 to ∞]

a uuid value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<implemented-component component-uuid="uuid"></implemented-component> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<responsible-party role-id="token"></responsible-party> [0 to ∞]
<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [1 to ∞]

a uuid value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<user uuid="uuid"></user> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<short-name>string</short-name> [0 or 1]

a string value


<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<role-id>token</role-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value


<authorized-privilege></authorized-privilege> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<function-performed>string</function-performed> [1 to ∞]

a string value



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<objectives-and-methods control-id="token"></objectives-and-methods> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<part id="token" name="token" ns="uri" class="token"></part> [1 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]

<part> (recursive: model like parent part) </part> [0 to ∞]

<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.




<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<activity uuid="uuid"></activity> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<step uuid="uuid"></step> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<reviewed-controls></reviewed-controls> [0 or 1]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<control-selection></control-selection> [1 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-control control-id="token"></include-control> [1 to ∞]
<statement-id>token</statement-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value



<exclude-control control-id="token"></exclude-control> [0 to ∞]
<statement-id>token</statement-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<control-objective-selection></control-objective-selection> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-objective objective-id="token"/> [1 to ∞]


<exclude-objective objective-id="token"/> [0 to ∞]


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<responsible-role role-id="token"></responsible-role> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<related-controls></related-controls> [0 or 1]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<control-selection></control-selection> [1 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-control control-id="token"></include-control> [1 to ∞]
<statement-id>token</statement-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value



<exclude-control control-id="token"></exclude-control> [0 to ∞]
<statement-id>token</statement-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<control-objective-selection></control-objective-selection> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-objective objective-id="token"/> [1 to ∞]


<exclude-objective objective-id="token"/> [0 to ∞]


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<responsible-role role-id="token"></responsible-role> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<terms-and-conditions></terms-and-conditions> [0 or 1]
<part uuid="uuid" name="token" ns="uri" class="token"></part> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]

<part> (recursive: model like parent part) </part> [0 to ∞]

<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.





<reviewed-controls></reviewed-controls> [1]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<control-selection></control-selection> [1 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-control control-id="token"></include-control> [1 to ∞]
<statement-id>token</statement-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value



<exclude-control control-id="token"></exclude-control> [0 to ∞]
<statement-id>token</statement-id> [0 to ∞]

a token value



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<control-objective-selection></control-objective-selection> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-objective objective-id="token"/> [1 to ∞]


<exclude-objective objective-id="token"/> [0 to ∞]


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<assessment-subject type="token"></assessment-subject> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-subject subject-uuid="uuid" type="token"></include-subject> [1 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<exclude-subject subject-uuid="uuid" type="token"></exclude-subject> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<assessment-assets></assessment-assets> [0 or 1]
<component uuid="uuid" type="string"></component> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<purpose>markup-line</purpose> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<status state="token"></status> [1]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<responsible-role role-id="token"></responsible-role> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<protocol uuid="uuid" name="string"></protocol> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<port-range start="non-negative-integer" end="non-negative-integer" transport="token"/> [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<assessment-platform uuid="uuid"></assessment-platform> [1 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<uses-component component-uuid="uuid"></uses-component> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<responsible-party role-id="token"></responsible-party> [0 to ∞]
<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [1 to ∞]

a uuid value


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]




<task uuid="uuid" type="token"></task> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<timing/> [0 or 1]
<dependency task-uuid="uuid"></dependency> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<task> (recursive: model like parent task) </task> [0 to ∞]

<associated-activity activity-uuid="uuid"></associated-activity> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<responsible-role role-id="token"></responsible-role> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<subject type="token"></subject> [1 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-subject subject-uuid="uuid" type="token"></include-subject> [1 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<exclude-subject subject-uuid="uuid" type="token"></exclude-subject> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<subject type="token"></subject> [0 to ∞]
<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



A choice of:

<include-all/> [1]


<include-subject subject-uuid="uuid" type="token"></include-subject> [1 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<exclude-subject subject-uuid="uuid" type="token"></exclude-subject> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<responsible-role role-id="token"></responsible-role> [0 to ∞]
<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.



<party-uuid>uuid</party-uuid> [0 to ∞]

a uuid value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<back-matter></back-matter> [0 or 1]
<resource uuid="uuid"></resource> [0 to ∞]
<title>markup-line</title> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<description>markup-multiline</description> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<document-id scheme="uri">string</document-id> [0 to ∞]

a string value


<citation></citation> [0 or 1]
<text>markup-line</text> [1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.


<prop name="token" uuid="uuid" ns="uri" value="string" class="token" group="token"></prop> [0 to ∞]
<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]



<link href="uri-reference" rel="token" media-type="string" resource-fragment="string"></link> [0 to ∞]
<text>markup-line</text> [0 or 1]

a markup-line value

Text and inline markup including <insert><em>, <strong>, <code>.




<rlink href="uri-reference" media-type="string"></rlink> [0 to ∞]
<hash algorithm="string">string</hash> [0 to ∞]

a string value



<base64 filename="token" media-type="string">base64</base64> [0 or 1]

a base64 value


<remarks>markup-multiline</remarks> [0 or 1]

One or more blocks of text: a markup-multiline value

<p> or other elements defined as markup-multiline [0 to ∞]





This page was last updated on January 1, 0001.