Getting Started with NeXLUncertainies.jl
Uncertainty calculations can separated into univariate and multivariate cases depending upon the number of output quantities. The univariate case is often handled using the strategies described in JCGM GUM 100 - Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement and presented in many an undergraduate science class. This technique can track uncertainties in multiple input quantities into the output value. This strategy is well implemented in the Measurements.jl package.
However, if your problem involves multiple outputs from one or more inputs, there will be correlations in the outputs that aren't handled in the univariate case. X-ray microanalysis is an example of such a measurement model. The inputs are k-ratios, ratios of X-ray intensity measured on a known and unknown material. The outputs are the mass fractions of each element. You can't measure one element at a time. You must measured them all because the k-ratio for element A is a function of all the other elements in the material due to "matrix effects". So the mass fraction of element $C_i$ is actually a function of all the $k$s.
The multivariate case can be handled using strategies in JCGM GUM 101 - Evaluation of measurement data — Supplement 1 to the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” — Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo method or JCGM GUM 102 - Evaluation of measurement data – Supplement 2 to the "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" – Extension to any number of output quantities.
There isn't another library to handle the multivariate case, so this is it.
This library defines two structures to hold quantities with associated uncertainties. A single value with an associate uncertainty is represented by an UncertainValue
. Multiple values, their uncertainties and the correlations between the values are represented by an UncertainValues
(plural) structure. Internally, an UncertainValues
object is represented by a Vector{Float64}
and the covariance matrix by a Matrix{Float64}
Often, the inputs to a calculation are represented by UncertainValue
objects, while the calculation is progressing the values are tracked using UncertainValues
objects and at the end of the calculation, the result is best expressed as an UncertainValues
object but may be flattened to a set of UncertainValue
objects because this is what people feel comfortable with. If subsequent calculations are to be performed, the result should definitely be maintained as an UncertainValues
objects so as not to lose information about the correlations between the output parameters.
This library then implements methods to propagate uncertainties from input values to the output values using either the Monte Carlo strategy in GUM 101 or the first-order Taylor series approximation strategy in GUM 102. They are complementary. The Monte Carlo strategy is usually easier to implement and can handle variables with arbitrary input distributions. The Taylor series approach requires analytical partial derivatives (or numerical approximations) but is typically much faster and allows contributions to be tracked from input values to output values. The library makes it easy to compare results from the Monte Carlo and Taylor series approaches. They don't always agree (for various reasons) but they often do. When they don't agree it suggests that maybe the first-order Taylor series approximation is insufficient.
The identity of input and output values must be rigorously tracked. Input values must be entered once and only once. Intermediate values must be computed once and only once. While it might be possible to use Symbol
objects for simple models, more complex models may require a more sophisticated mechanism to label quantities. For this purpose, a Label
abstract class has been constructed with a BasicLabel
implementation to handle simple labels and an nl"???"
macro to create a string-based label.
A collection of Label
structures and the associated Float64
values can be collected in a LabeledValues
structure. This structure provides a mechanism for mapping between Label
, integer row/column index (in the covariance matrix) and the value.
To propagate values, you'll need to implement the abstract type MeasurementModel
and a single method compute(mm::MeasurementModel, inputs::LabeledValues, withJac::Bool)::MMResult
, which returns MMResult = Tuple{LabeledValues, Union{Missing,AbstractMatrix{Float64}}}
is responsible for calculating two distinct objects. The first item is the output LabeledValues
structure and the second is a Jacobian matrix. The LabeledValues
are the result values from the model and the Jacobian is a matrix of partial derivatives of the output quantities relative to the input quantities. The rows are labeled by the indices in the inputs
variable and the columns are labeled by the result LabeledValues
Let's consider an model with input variables nl"A"
, nl"B"
, and nl"C"
and output variables nl"D"
, nl"E"
, nl"F"
and nl"G"
. (nl"A"
is equivalent to label("A")
using NeXLUncertainties
using BenchmarkTools
# Give our model a name and option parameters or flavor
struct TestMeasurementModel <: MeasurementModel
k::Float64 # Some useful value passed in but without an associated uncertainty
dd(a, b, c) = a + b^2 + c^3
ee(a, b, c) = log(a) + exp(c)
ff(a, b, c) = 3.2 * a * b * c
gg(a, b, c, k) = k * a * b + 1.8 * a * c
function NeXLUncertainties.compute(mm::TestMeasurementModel, inputs::LabeledValues, withJac::Bool=false)::MMResult
# Build labels to identify the input variables.
la, lb, lc = label.(( "A", "B", "C"))
# Pluck the value associated with these labels from `inputs`
a, b, c = inputs[la], inputs[lb], inputs[lc]
# Build labels to identify the output values
outlabels = label.(( "D", "E", "F", "G" ))
# Calculate the output values
results = ( dd(a, b, c), ee(a, b, c), ff(a, b, c), gg(a, b, c, mm.k) )
# Build the `LabeledValues` to represent the result values
outputs = LabeledValues(outlabels, results)
# Note: The order of the label in the constructor decides their index
@assert all(indexin(outputs, outlabels[i])==i for i in eachindex(outlabels))
if withJac # Only compute the Jacobian if `withJac=true`
# Compute the Jacobian column-by-column (input-by-input)
jac = zeros(length(outputs), length(inputs))
# Being very explicit...
jac[indexin(outputs, label("D")), indexin(inputs, la)] = 1 # D[a+b^2+c^3,a]
jac[indexin(outputs, label("E")), indexin(inputs, la)] = 1/a # D[log(a)+exp(c), a]
jac[indexin(outputs, label("F")), indexin(inputs, la)] = 3.2*b*c # D[3.2*a*b*c, a]
jac[indexin(outputs, label("G")), indexin(inputs, la)] = mm.k * b + 1.8 * c # D[mm.k * a * b + 1.8 * a * c, a]
# Or relying on the order implied by `outlabels` used to construct `outputs`
jac[:, indexin(inputs, lb)] .= ( 2.0 * b, 0, results[3] / b, mm.k * a )
jac[:, indexin(inputs, lc)] .= ( 3.0 * c^2, exp(c), results[3] / c, 1.8 * a )
jac = missing
return (outputs, jac)
That's it. We can control the order of the output variables (within the compute
function). However, in general, we can't control the order of the input variables so we do need to use the indexin(...)
function to find the index of the input variables so that we place the Jacobian elements in the correct columns.
To perform the calculation, we don't use compute(...)
directly. Instead, we'll use the (::MeasurementModel)(...)
notation. The input for these methods is an UncertainValues
Let's construct an UncertainValues
labels = [label("A"), label("B"), label("C")]
a, b, c = 2.0, π / 8, -1.0 # values
da, db, dc = 0.1, π / 40, 0.05 # uncertainties
cab, cac, cbc = -0.3, 0.8, 0.1 # correlation coefficients
values = [a, b, c]
covars = [
da^2 cab * da * db cac * da * dc
cab * da * db db^2 cbc * db * dc
cac * da * dc cbc * db * dc dc^2
# Construct the UncertainValues object
inputs = uvs(labels, values, covars)
Labels | Values | A | B | C | |
A | 2.00e+00 | (1.00e-01)² | -2.36e-03 | 4.00e-03 | |
B | 3.93e-01 | ± | -2.36e-03 | (7.85e-02)² | 3.93e-04 |
C | -1.00e+00 | 4.00e-03 | 3.93e-04 | (5.00e-02)² |
Now construct and apply the model using function-like syntax.
model = TestMeasurementModel(2.3)
if timeme
@btime model(inputs)
result = model(inputs)
5.940 μs (122 allocations: 6.42 KiB)
Labels | Values | D | E | F | G | |
D | 1.15e+00 | (2.42e-01)² | 1.44e-02 | -1.91e-02 | 4.13e-02 | |
E | 1.06e+00 | ± | 1.44e-02 | (6.56e-02)² | 5.82e-03 | -4.74e-05 |
F | -2.51e+00 | -1.91e-02 | 5.82e-03 | (4.57e-01)² | -1.79e-01 | |
G | -1.79e+00 | 4.13e-02 | -4.74e-05 | -1.79e-01 | (4.21e-01)² |
As we expect, the outputs are nl"D"
to nl"F"
as an UncertainValues
Now imagine that you don't want to perform the full uncertainty calculation but just want to evaluate the model as though it were a regular function. This time construct a LabeledValues
structure with the labels and values we defined above and apply the model using function-like syntax.
inputs = LabeledValues(labels, values)
if timeme
@btime model(inputs)
result = model(inputs)
1.130 μs (26 allocations: 1.81 KiB)
D => 1.1542125687670213
E => 1.0610266217313877
F => -2.5132741228718345
G => -1.7935842241858693
You might have noticed the withJac=false
argument to the compute(...)
function. It serves to short-circuit the computation of the Jacobian when it isn't necessary. A beauty of Julia is that by defining it with a default argument, the code compiles into two functions - one that computes the Jacobian and the other that doesn't. Thus the simple evaluation of values (as immediately above) uses a function that doesn't even consider constucting the Jacobian and so is lean and fast.
This efficiency is important when we want to use the same function for a Monte Carlo propagation.
inputs = uvs(labels, values, covars)
if timeme
@btime mcpropagate(model, inputs, 10000, parallel = false)
@btime mcpropagate(model, inputs, 10000, parallel = true)
mcres = mcpropagate(model, inputs, 10000, parallel = false)
43.856 ms (760259 allocations: 41.82 MiB)
42.179 ms (760259 allocations: 41.82 MiB)
Labels | Values | D | E | F | G | |
D | 1.15e+00 | (2.43e-01)² | 1.45e-02 | -1.67e-02 | 3.94e-02 | |
E | 1.06e+00 | ± | 1.45e-02 | (6.61e-02)² | 6.42e-03 | -4.85e-04 |
F | -2.50e+00 | -1.67e-02 | 6.42e-03 | (4.56e-01)² | -1.78e-01 | |
G | -1.79e+00 | 3.94e-02 | -4.85e-04 | -1.78e-01 | (4.20e-01)² |
Due to the stochastic nature of the evaluation, the values and the covariance matrix are not precisely the same as the analytical evaluation but they are close. As we like to say, "good enough for government work."
This is enough for a "Getting Started Page" but if you remain interested, there are more topics to cover. An important one is propagating errors for measurement models that are too complex to compute in a single step. If the model can be broken into sequential steps - step1
, step2
, step3
- it is possible to compose the steps to get the equivalent of step3(step2(step1(inputs)))
using the compose operator ∘
as (step3∘step2∘step1)(inputs)
. If it is possible to calculate the Jacobian for each step, it is possible to perform the propagation even if the Jacobian of the full calculation is too complex to compute directly.
Along the way, you may have noticed that error propagation in multivariate models is actually no more difficult than propagation in univariate models. This is particularly true if you attempt to apply the classic Freshman science rule (like these) which only serve to give error propagation a bad name.