============================= CyRSoXS Simulation Components ============================= `Cy-RSoXS `_ is a voxel-based forward-scattering simulator calculated in the Born Approximation. This page describes the required files and file structure for use with CyRSoXS. - **Morphology file** - .hdf5 format - **Material optical constant files** - Material1.txt, Material2.txt, Material3.txt, etc. - **Configuration file** - config.txt Morphology File Structure _________________________ Cy-RSoXS accepts two different types of morphologies: Vector and Euler. A vector morphology will use a vector to assign the direction and amount of alignment in each voxel for each material. A Euler morphology will use a set of Euler angles to assign the direction of alignment. A separate S parameter is used to denote the amount of alignment in each voxel for each material. The two structures below assume a morphology of size [1, 256, 256] where the dimensions are [Z, Y, X], and two materials in the morphology. Vector Morphology HDF5 Structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **NOTE:** The Vector Morphology type is included for legacy support and may be deprecated in future releases. Use of the Euler Morphology type is strongly recommended. .. code-block:: console Vector_Morphology/ Mat_1_alignment/ data = alignment vector array of shape [1, 256, 256, 3] and order [Z, Y, X, (XYZ)] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_1_unaligned/ data = volume fraction array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_2_alignment/ data = alignment vector array of shape [1, 256, 256, 3] and order [Z, Y, X, (XYZ)] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_2_unaligned/ data = volume fraction array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Morphology_Parameters/ *required* PhysSize/ data = size of each voxel edge in nanometers NumMaterial/ data = number of materials in morphology (integer) *optional* creation_date/ data = date and time film_normal/ data = [Z, Y, X] vector denoting the film normal direction morphology_creator/ data = author of the morphology name/ data = name of morphology Euler Morphology HDF5 Structure ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Euler Morphology uses a ZYZ convention. Currently, Cy-RSoXS only supports uniaxial materials and the first Euler rotation (Phi) is unused. Theta is the rotation around the Y axis. Psi is the last rotation around the Z axis. .. image:: /_static/Euler_ZYZ-v4.gif .. code-block:: console Euler_Angles/ Mat_1_Vfrac/ data = Rotation angle array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_1_S/ data = alignment magnitude array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_1_Theta/ data = Rotation angle array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_1_Psi/ data = Rotation angle array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_2_Vfrac/ data = Rotation angle array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_2_S/ data = alignment magnitude array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_2_Theta/ data = Rotation angle array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Mat_2_Psi/ data = Rotation angle array of shape [1, 256, 256] and order [Z, Y, X] dims = ['Z', 'Y', 'X'] Morphology Parameters/ *required* PhysSize/ data = size of each voxel edge in nanometers NumMaterial/ data = number of materials in morphology (integer) *optional* creation_date/ data = date and time film_normal/ data = [Z, Y, X] vector denoting the film normal direction morphology_creator/ data = author of the morphology name/ data = name of morphology Material Optical Constant File Structure ________________________________________ CyRSoXS currently supports uniaxial optical constants. In tensor form, this can be represented as: .. math:: \begin{bmatrix} n_{perp} & 0 & 0\\ 0 & n_{perp} & 0\\ 0 & 0 & n_{para} \end{bmatrix} where :math:`n = 1 - \delta + i\beta`. Para is the extraordinary (unique) axis, and perp is the ordinary (degenerate) axis. For each material in the simulation, we need a corresponding MaterialX.txt file. This file contains the optical constants at each energy for the extraordinary (Para) and ordinary (Perp) axes of the uniaxial dielectric function. .. code-block:: console EnergyData0: { Energy = 275.0; BetaPara = 6.388392448251455e-05; BetaPerp = 6.303899730113871e-05; DeltaPara = 0.0010635346640931634; DeltaPerp = 0.0011221433414215483; } EnergyData1: { Energy = 275.1; BetaPara = 6.309144102259152e-05; BetaPerp = 6.304376809350212e-05; DeltaPara = 0.0010567115883113286; DeltaPerp = 0.0011157664852560843; } . . . EnergyData249: { Energy = 299.9; BetaPara = 0.0024365306249853557; BetaPerp = 0.0025455166691934236; DeltaPara = 0.0017547293997892883; DeltaPerp = 0.001774225207859871; } Configuration File Structure _____________________________ The config.txt file has a number of options, where each option is written to a separate line in the file: .. code-block:: console Energies = [275.0, 275.1, ..., 299.9]; CaseType = 0 EAngleRotation = [0.0, 1.0, 360.0]; MorphologyType = 0 Table of Configuration File Options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | Option | Required | Default | Comment | +====================+==========+=============+==============================+ | CaseType | Yes | \- | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | Energies | Yes | \- | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | EAngleRotation | Yes | \- | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | MorphologyType | Yes | \- | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | listKVectors | No | [0, 0, 1] | Required for CaseType = 1, 2 | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | DetectorCoordinates| No | [0, 0, 1] | Required for CaseType = 2 | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | NumThreads | No | 4 | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | AlgorithmType | No | 0 | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | DumpMorphology | No | False | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | ScatterApproach | No | 0 | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | WindowingType | No | 0 | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | RotMask | No | False | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ | EwaldsInterpolation| No | False | | +--------------------+----------+-------------+------------------------------+ Configuration File Option Descriptions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * CaseType - The scattering configuration - 0 : Default configuration. fixed :math:`\vec k = (0, 0, 1)` and dectector normal of :math:`\vec n = (0, 0, 1)`. - 1 : Beam Divergence. Supports arbitrary :math:`\vec k`, but fixed detector normal of :math:`\vec n = (0, 0, 1)`. - 2 : Grazing Incidence. Supports arbitrary :math:`\vec k` and :math:`\vec n`. **Currently untested** - Input datatype: integer - Example: ``CaseType = 1;`` * Energies - The list of energies to simulate - Input datatype : Real double/float values - Example: ``Energies = [270.0, 271.0, 272.0];`` * EAngleRotation - The rotation angle in degrees for the x-ray beam's :math:`\vec E` polarization - List of 3 values in order of :math:`[Start, Increment, End]`. - Default :math:`\vec E = (1, 0, 0)`. Rotation is counter-clockwise. - Input datatype : Real double/float - Example: ``EAngleRotation = [0.0, 1.0, 360.0];`` * MorphologyType - Vector or Euler Morphology - 0 : Euler Morphology - 1 : Vector Morphology - Input datatype: integer - Example: ``MorphologyType = 0;`` * listKVectors - The list of :math:`\vec k` vectors - Specific to CaseType = 1, 2 - :math:`\vec k` vectors are arranged in groups. - Input datatype: Real double/float - Example: ``listKVectors = {k0={k=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}, k1={k=[0.5, 0.5, 1.0]}};`` * DetectorCoordinates - Determines the detector geometry by setting the detector's vector normal - Specific to CaseType = 2 - List of 3 values in the order :math:`[x, y, z]`. Default is :math:`\vec n = (0, 0, 1)` - Input datatype: Real double/float - Example: ``DetectorCoordinates = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0];`` * NumThreads - number of OpenMP threads - Default value = 4 - Must be :math:`\geq` number of GPUs - To set in hardware, run in bash ``export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4`` for 4 OpenMP threads - Example: ``NumThreads = 4;`` * AlgorithmType - Selects the type of algorithm used by CyRSoXS - 0 : Communication minimizing algorithm - 1 : Memory minimizing algorithm - Default values = 0 - Input datatype: integer - Example: ``AlgorithmType = 0;`` * DumpMorphology - Writes the morphology as seen by CyRSoXS, after any necessary conversions are performed. *Useful for double checking morphology construction* - Writes to XMDF and HDF5 files. The XMDF file can be loaded in Paraview/Visit for 3D visualization. The native CyRSoXS visualizer is Paraview or Visit. Use of other tools is up to the discretion of the user. - Default value = False - Input datatype : Boolean string - Example: ``DumpMorphology = True;`` * ScatterApproach - Option to explicitly calculate the differential scattering cross-section before the Ewald Sphere Projection - 0 : Do not compute - 1 : Compute - Example: ``ScatterApproach = 0;`` * WindowingType - Type of windowing for the FFT - 0 : None - 1 : Hanning - Default value = 0 - Input datatype : integer - Example: ``WindowingType = 0;`` * EwaldsInterpolation - Type of interpolation onto the Ewald Sphere - 0 : Nearest neighbor - 1 : Trilinear interpolation - Default value = 1 - Example: ``EwaldsInterpolation = 1;``