- NRSS.writer.dump_data(valArray, index, labelEnergy, f)#
Function to write material optical constants to file
- Parameters:
valArray (ndarray)
index (int)
labelEnergy (dict)
f (file object)
- NRSS.writer.dump_dataVacuum(index, energy, f)#
Function to write vacuum optical contants (n = 1 + i0)
- Parameters:
index (int)
energy (float)
- NRSS.writer.find_nearest(array, value)#
Function to find the nearest index
- Parameters:
array (ndarray)
value (value of energy)
- Returns:
idx – index location corresponding to the closest location
- Return type:
- NRSS.writer.get_interpolated_value(array, value, nearest_id, energy_id)#
Function to get the interpolated value
- Parameters:
array (ndarray)
value (value of energy)
nearest_id (id corresponding to the nearest value)
- Returns:
valArray – array of the interpolated values
- Return type:
- NRSS.writer.removeDuplicates(Data, energy_id)#
Function to remove duplicate energies
- Parameters:
Data (ndarray)
energy_id (int)
- Returns:
- Return type:
- NRSS.writer.writeList(name: str, value: list, file)#
Function to write list to file
- Parameters:
name (str)
value (list)
file (file object)
- NRSS.writer.write_config(Energies, EAngleRotation, CaseType=0, MorphologyType=0, NumThreads=4, AlgorithmType=0, DumpMorphology=False, ScatterApproach=0, WindowingType=0, RotMask=False, EwaldsInterpolation=1)#
Writes config.txt file for CyRSoXS simulations
- Parameters:
energies (list) – List of energies to be simulated
EAngleRotation (list) – List of angle rotations in degrees. Format is [AngleStart, AngleIncrement, AngleStop]
CaseType (int) – Scattering configuration. 0 - Default 1 - Beam Divergence 2 - Grazing Incidence
MorphologyType (int) – 0 - Euler Morphology (default) 1 - Vector Morphology
NumThreads (int) – Number of OpenMP threads to use. Must be >= number of GPUs
AlgorithmType (int) – 0 - Communication minimizing (default) 1 - Memory minimizing
DumpMorphology (bool) – Boolean flag to write morphology to file, as seen by CyRSoXS, after necessary conversions are performed
ScatterApproach (int) – Flag to explicitly calculate the differential scattering cross-section before the Ewald Sphere projection 0 - Do not compute 1 - Compute
WindowingType (int) – Type of FFT window to apply 0 - None 1 - Hanning
RotMask (bool) – Boolean flag to include values outside valid range for all angles False - Writes NaNs for pixels that are not valid at every EAngleRotation True - Replaces NaNs with values averaged over valid EAngleRotations
EwaldInterpolation (int) – Type of interpolation for Ewald Sphere projection 0 - Nearest Neighbor 1 - Trilinear
- Return type:
- NRSS.writer.write_hdf5(material_list, PhysSize, fname, MorphologyType=0, ordering='ZYX', author='NIST')#
Writes Euler or Vector Morphology format into CyRSoXS-compatible HDF5 file and returns the hdf5 filename
- Parameters:
material_list (lists) – List of material lists. Euler Ex. [[Mat_1_Vfrac, Mat_1_S, Mat_1_Theta, Mat_1_Psi],[Mat_2_Vfrac, Mat_2_S, Mat_2_Theta, Mat_2_Psi]] Vector Ex. [[Mat_1_alignment, Mat_1_unaligned],[Mat_2_alignment, Mat_2_unaligned]]
PhysSize (float) – Voxel size
fname (str or path) – name of hdf5 file to write
MorphologyType (int) – 0 - Euler 1 - Vector
ordering (str) – String denoting the axes ordering. ‘ZYX’ or ‘XYZ’
author (str) – Name of author writing the morphology
- Returns:
Name of hdf5 file written
- Return type:
- NRSS.writer.write_materials(energies, materialdict, labelEnergy, numMaterial)#
Function to write optical constants for all energies supplied
- Parameters:
energies (ndarray)
materialdict (dict)
labelEnergy (dict)
numMaterial (int)
- NRSS.writer.write_opts(optical_constants, material_num, path)#
- NRSS.writer.write_slurm(hdf5_filename, cyrsoxs_version='latest')#
Writes job.slurm file for use on the NIST glados and wheatley workstations
- Parameters:
filename (str or pathlib object) – Name of morphology HDF5 file to be simulated. Can include path
cyrsoxs_version (str) – String denoting which version of CyRSoXS to run
- Return type: