- class NRSS.morphology.Material(materialID=1, Vfrac=None, S=None, theta=None, psi=None, NumZYX=None, energies=None, opt_constants=None, name=None)#
Object to hold the voxel-level data for a CyRSoXS morphology. Inherits from the OpticalConstants class.
- materialID#
Integer value denoting the material number. Used in CyRSoXS
- Type:
- Vfrac#
Volume fractions for a Material
- Type:
- theta#
The second Euler angle (ZYZ convention)
- Type:
- psi#
The third Euler angle (ZYZ convention)
- Type:
- NumZYX#
Dimensions of the Material arrays (NumZ, NumY, NumX)
- Type:
tuple or list
- name#
Name of the Material (e.g. ‘Polystyrene’)
- Type:
- copy()#
- class NRSS.morphology.Morphology(numMaterial, materials=None, PhysSize=None, config={'CaseType': 0, 'EAngleRotation': [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], 'Energies': [270.0], 'MorphologyType': 0}, create_cy_object=True)#
Object used to hold all the components necessary for a complete CyRSoXS morphology
- input_mapping#
A dictionary to handle specific configuration input types
- Type:
- numMaterial#
Number of materials present in the morphology
- Type:
- materials#
A dictionary of Material objects
- Type:
- PhysSize#
The physical size of each cubic voxel’s three dimensions
- Type:
- NumZYX#
Number of voxels in the Z, Y, and X directions (NumZ, NumY, NumX)
- Type:
tuple or list
- config#
A dictionary of configuration parameters for CyRSoXS
- Type:
- create_cy_object#
Boolean value that decides if the CyRSoXS objects are created upon instantiation
- Type:
- simulated#
Boolean value that tracks whether or not the simulation has been run
- Type:
- load_morph_hdf5(hdf5_file, create_cy_object=True)#
Class method that creates a Morphology object from a morphology HDF5 file
- create_inputData()#
Creates a CyRSoXS InputData object and populates it with parameters from self.config
- create_optical_constants()#
Creates a CyRSoXS RefractiveIndex object and populates it with optical constants from the materials dict
- create_voxel_data()#
Creates a CyRSoXS VoxelData object and populates it with the voxel information from the materials dict
- run(stdout=True, stderr=True, return_xarray=True, print_vec_info=False)#
Creates a CyRSoXS ScatteringPattern object if not already created, and submits all CyRSoXS objects to run the simulation
- scattering_to_xarray(return_xarray=True, print_vec_info=False)#
Copies the CyRSoXS ScatteringPattern arrays to an xarray in the format used by PyHyperScattering for further analysis
- property AlgorithmType#
- property CaseType#
- property EAngleRotation#
- property Energies#
- property EwaldsInterpolation#
- property MorphologyType#
- property PhysSize#
- property ReferenceFrame#
- property RotMask#
- property WindowingType#
- check_materials(quiet=True)#
- property config#
- config_default = {'AlgorithmType': 0, 'CaseType': 0, 'EAngleRotation': [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], 'Energies': [270.0], 'EwaldsInterpolation': 1, 'MorphologyType': 0, 'ReferenceFrame': 1, 'RotMask': 0, 'WindowingType': 0}#
- config_to_inputData()#
- create_inputData()#
- create_optical_constants()#
- create_update_cy()#
- create_voxel_data()#
- input_mapping = {'AlgorithmType': ['setAlgorithm', [0, 1]], 'CaseType': ['setCaseType', [<CaseType.Default: 0>, <CaseType.BeamDivergence: 1>, <CaseType.GrazingIncidence: 2>]], 'EwaldsInterpolation': ['interpolationType', [<InterpolationType.NearestNeighour: 0>, <InterpolationType.Linear: 1>]], 'MorphologyType': ['setMorphologyType', [<MorphologyType.EulerAngles: 0>, <MorphologyType.VectorMorphology: 1>]], 'ReferenceFrame': ['referenceFrame', [0, 1]], 'RotMask': ['rotMask', [False, True]], 'WindowingType': ['windowingType', [<FFTWindowing.NoPadding: 0>, <FFTWindowing.Hanning: 1>]]}#
- load_config(config_file)#
- load_matfile(matfile)#
- classmethod load_morph_hdf5(hdf5_file, create_cy_object=False)#
- property numMaterial#
- run(stdout=True, stderr=True, return_xarray=True, print_vec_info=False, validate=False)#
- scattering_to_xarray(return_xarray=True, print_vec_info=False)#
- property simulated#
- update_optical_constants()#
- update_voxel_data()#
- validate_all(quiet=True)#
- visualize_materials(*args, **kwargs)#
Reads in morphology HDF5 file and checks that the format is consistent for CyRSoXS. Optionally plots and returns select quantities.
- Parameters:
z_slice (int) – Which z-slice of the array to plot.
subsample (int) – Number of voxels to display in X and Y
translate_x (int) – Number of voxels to translate image in x; meant for use with subsample
translate_y (int) – Number of voxels to translate image in y; meant for use with subsample
screen_euler (bool) – Suppress visualization of euler angles where vfrac < 0.05 or S < 0.05; intended to hilight edges
add_quiver (bool) – Adds lines to every voxel on the psi plot that indicate in-plane direction. Not recommended for resolutions larger than 128x128, best for resolutions 64x64 or lower.
quiver_bw (bool) – Intended to be used when add_quiver == True, when quiver_bw is True, the quiver arrows will be black and white instead of colored.
outputmat (list of ints) – Number of which materials to return
outputplot (list of strings) – Number of which plots to return, can include ‘vfrac’, ‘S’, ‘theta’, ‘psi’
outputaxes (bool) – If a plot is returned, include its axes
vfrac_range (list of tuples as [float, float]) – A custom range for vfrac colorbar
S_range (list of tuples as [float, float]) – A custom range for S colorbar
vfrac_cmap (str) – A custom substitution for vfrac colormap
S_cmap (str) – A custom substitution for vfrac colormap
runquiet (bool) – Boolean flag for running without plotting or outputting to console
batchMode (bool) – if true, prints console output and generates plots but doesnt show (provide exportDir for export)
plotstyle (str) – Use a light or dark background for plots. ‘dark’ - dark, ‘light’ - light
dpi (int) – The dpi at which the plot is generated. Per-material plot dimensions are 8.5” x 12.75”
exportDir (str, optional) – if provided, export directory to save any generated figures into, by default, will respect dpi and save as png, use exportParams to override
exportParams (dict, optional) – additional params to unpack into matplotlib.pyplot.savefig. Overrides existing params. ex: exportParams = {‘dpi’:600, format=’svg’}
- Return type:
If outputmat and outputplot are correctly entered, will return an index list of images of the selected material and plot. Each list element will be a numpy array in RGB format that be displayed with imshow
- write_config()#
- write_constants(path=None)#
- write_to_file(fname, author='NIST')#
- class NRSS.morphology.OpticalConstants(energies, opt_constants=None, name='unknown')#
Object to hold dielectric optical constants in a format compatible with CyRSoXS
- energies#
List of energies
- Type:
list or array
- opt_constants#
Dictionary of optical constants, where each energy is a key in the dict
- Type:
- name#
String identifying the element or material for these optical constants
- Type:
- calc_constants(energies, reference_data, name='unkown')#
Interpolates optical constant data to the list of energies provided
- load_matfile(matfile, name='unknown')#
Creates an OpticalConstants object from a previously written MaterialX.txt file
- create_vacuum(energies)#
Convenience function to populate zeros for all optical constants
- classmethod calc_constants(energies, reference_data, name='unknown')#
- create_vacuum(energies)#
- classmethod load_matfile(matfile, name='unknown')#
- NRSS.morphology.check_NumMat(f, morphology_type)#
Checks and validates the number of materials in the HDF5 file
- Parameters:
f (file object)
morphology_type (int) – 0 - Euler, 1 - Vector
- Returns:
num_mat – Number of materials in file
- Return type:
- NRSS.morphology.morphology_visualizer(morphology, z_slice: int = 0, subsample: int = None, translate_x: int = None, translate_y: int = None, screen_euler: bool = True, add_quiver: bool = False, quiver_bw: bool = True, outputmat: list = None, outputplot: list = None, outputaxes: bool = True, vfrac_range: list = None, S_range: list = None, vfrac_cmap: str = None, S_cmap: str = None, runquiet: bool = False, batchMode: bool = False, plotstyle: str = 'light', dpi: int = 300, exportDir: str = None, exportParams: dict = None)#
Reads in morphology HDF5 file and checks that the format is consistent for CyRSoXS. Optionally plots and returns select quantities.
- Parameters:
z_slice (int) – Which z-slice of the array to plot.
subsample (int) – Number of voxels to display in X and Y
translate_x (int) – Number of voxels to translate image in x; meant for use with subsample
translate_y (int) – Number of voxels to translate image in y; meant for use with subsample
screen_euler (bool) – Suppress visualization of euler angles where vfrac < 0.05 or S < 0.05; intended to hilight edges
add_quiver (bool) – Adds lines to every voxel on the psi plot that indicate in-plane direction. Not recommended for resolutions larger than 128x128, best for resolutions 64x64 or lower.
quiver_bw (bool) – Intended to be used when add_quiver == True, when quiver_bw is True, the quiver arrows will be black and white instead of colored.
outputmat (list of ints) – Number of which materials to return
outputplot (list of strings) – Number of which plots to return, can include ‘vfrac’, ‘S’, ‘theta’, ‘psi’
outputaxes (bool) – If a plot is returned, include its axes
vfrac_range (list of tuples as [float, float]) – A custom range for vfrac colorbar
S_range (list of tuples as [float, float]) – A custom range for S colorbar
vfrac_cmap (str) – A custom substitution for vfrac colormap
S_cmap (str) – A custom substitution for vfrac colormap
runquiet (bool) – Boolean flag for running without plotting or outputting to console
batchMode (bool) – if true, prints console output and generates plots but doesnt show (provide exportDir for export)
plotstyle (str) – Use a light or dark background for plots. ‘dark’ - dark, ‘light’ - light
dpi (int) – The dpi at which the plot is generated. Per-material plot dimensions are 8.5” x 12.75”
exportDir (str, optional) – if provided, export directory to save any generated figures into, by default, will respect dpi and save as png, use exportParams to override
exportParams (dict, optional) – additional params to unpack into matplotlib.pyplot.savefig. Overrides existing params. ex: exportParams = {‘dpi’:600, format=’svg’}
- Return type:
If outputmat and outputplot are correctly entered, will return an index list of images of the selected material and plot. Each list element will be a numpy array in RGB format that be displayed with imshow
- NRSS.morphology.read_config(config_file)#
- NRSS.morphology.read_material(filename)#
- NRSS.morphology.write_hdf5(material_list, PhysSize, fname, MorphologyType=0, ordering='ZYX', author='NIST')#
Writes Euler or Vector Morphology format into CyRSoXS-compatible HDF5 file and returns the hdf5 filename
- Parameters:
material_list (lists) – List of material lists. Euler Ex. [[Mat_1_Vfrac, Mat_1_S, Mat_1_Theta, Mat_1_Psi],[Mat_2_Vfrac, Mat_2_S, Mat_2_Theta, Mat_2_Psi]] Vector Ex. [[Mat_1_alignment, Mat_1_unaligned],[Mat_2_alignment, Mat_2_unaligned]]
PhysSize (float) – Voxel size
fname (str or path) – name of hdf5 file to write
MorphologyType (int) – 0 - Euler 1 - Vector
ordering (str) – String denoting the axes ordering. ‘ZYX’ or ‘XYZ’
author (str) – Name of author writing the morphology
- Returns:
Name of hdf5 file written
- Return type:
- NRSS.morphology.write_opts(optical_constants, material_num, path)#