This notebook includes the python
for reading the web logs for NIST Technical Series Publications and displaying the usage in a simple table that allows searching of any of the cells, e.g., searching sp.1800-15
filters only the hits and visitors for that publication. It's built using ITables, which has the MIT License. More information on our use case, including a video, can be found at https://pages.nist.gov/NIST-Tech-Pubs/downloads/.
In [36]:
# imports and initializes libraries
import pandas as pd
from itables import init_notebook_mode, show
In [38]:
# reads a csv file into the DataFrame with specified columns
df = pd.read_csv('./csv/fy2024.csv',
names=['number', 'none', 'type', 'hits', 'hits%', 'visitors', 'visitors%', 'bytes', 'bytes%', 'ms-avg', 'ms-cm', 'ms-max', 'method', 'null', 'file'])
# drops unnecessary columns
df = df.drop(columns=['number', 'none', 'type', 'hits%', 'visitors%', 'bytes', 'bytes%', 'ms-avg', 'ms-cm', 'ms-max', 'method', 'null'])
# normalize file names to lowercase
df['file'] = df['file'].str.lower()
# groups by 'file' and sums 'hits' and 'visitors'
df_grouped = df.groupby('file', as_index=False).agg({'hits': 'sum', 'visitors': 'sum'})
# sorts the DataFrame by 'hits' in descending order
df_sorted = df_grouped.sort_values(by='hits', ascending=False)
# reorder columns to 'hits', 'visitors', 'file'
df_sorted = df_sorted[['hits', 'visitors', 'file']]
# shows DataFrame with 3 buttons for exporting the table, and some style, without the index column
show(df_sorted, maxBytes=0, buttons=['copyHtml5', 'csvHtml5', 'excelHtml5'], style="table-layout:auto;width:100%;float:center;", columnDefs=[{'targets': 0, 'visible': False}])
hits | visitors | file | |
Loading ITables v2.1.4 from the init_notebook_mode cell...
(need help?) |