NIST Fingerprint Image Quality 2
Fingerprint image quality assessment tool
No Matches
v2.2 to v2.3 API Transition

Crosswalk of v2.2 to v2.3 Public APIs


The v2.3.0 release of NFIQ 2 aligns with the release of ISO/IEC 29794-4:2024. Amongst other changes, an effort was made to align terminology to ISO/IEC 29794-1:2024 for clarity. To better align the code with the text, the public API names within NFIQ 2 have also been modified to align with the text. A high-level summary of changes are shown in the following sections.

Core API

v2.2 v2.3
NFIQ2::Algorithm::computeQualityScore NFIQ2::Algorithm::computeUnifiedQualityScore
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::getQualityModuleIDs NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::getNativeQualityMeasureAlgorithmIDs
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::getQualityFeatureIDs NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::getNativeQualityMeasureIDs
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::computeQualityModules NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::computeNativeQualityMeasureAlgorithms
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::computeQualityFeatures NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::computeNativeQualityMeasures
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::getQualityFeatureValues NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::getNativeQualityMeasures
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::getQualityModules NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::getNativeQualityMeasureAlgorithms
NFIQ2::QualityFeatures::getQualityModuleSpeeds NFIQ2::QualityMeasures::getNativeQualityMeasureAlgorithmSpeeds


Many of names and values constants in NFIQ2::Identifiers have changes to align with ISO/IEC 29794-4:2024.

v2.2 v2.3
NFIQ2::Identifiers::QualityModules NFIQ2::Identifiers::QualityMeasureAlgorithms
NFIQ2::Identifiers::QualityFeatures NFIQ2::Identifiers::QualityMeasures

CSV Output

Despite the numerous API changes, the column headers of the NFIQ 2 command-line interface have remained the same. This was a purposeful choice to not break user scripts, since we know many users did not write scripts to run and parse NFIQ 2 output themselves. This will likely change in the future, but we should build an accompanying script to translate headers back and forth for those who do not have anyone to edit existing scripts.