National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 1500-100, Election Results Reporting Common Data Format Specification Revision 2

March 2020

The following is an excerpt from the SP 1500-100 V2 specification. It contains the specification’s executive summary and class documentation.

The complete publication including JSON and XML schemas is available free of charge from:

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

This publication presents a common data format (CDF) for pre-election setup information and post-election results reporting. The format, known as the Election Results Common Data Format Specification Version 2.0, is comprehensive and detailed in its coverage of election results-related data and at the same time very flexible, able to accommodate election scenarios used throughout the United States. This publication describes:

This specification provides a common data interchange format for election data used in voting systems across U.S. jurisdictions. Using this specification, pre-election and post-election data can be published in a common, well-understood format. The format accommodates highly detailed election results data and is sufficiently flexible to accommodate many different types of contests and political structures.

This specification provides manufacturers of election management systems (EMS) and managers of election jurisdictions with standard methods for importing and exporting election data, thereby increasing interoperability among election devices and reducing the need to create software to translate between proprietary formats. Interoperable data will reduce costs to election jurisdictions by reducing the complexity in election management and offering jurisdictions more choice in election equipment.

This specification is geared towards the following audiences:

The format accommodates three different election scenarios:

Pre-election. The period prior to an election, for reporting pre-election data from a jurisdiction but not yet complete information about any election.

Election. The period during which an election is being conducted and election results reports are produced. The reports include aggregated results data or more detailed, precinct-level reporting, depending on the capabilities of the reporting jurisdiction.

Post-election. The period after the polls close when more detailed election results reports are produced with options for precinct reporting, type of ballot, and type of device.

The XML and JSON schemas associated with this specification are derived from the UML model, which defines the types, structure, and interrelationships of geopolitical geography across the United States. The model was designed to accommodate multiple types of contests and their many variations. It also provides the capability to report on these contests from higher aggregate levels down to very fine levels of detail, including:

The UML model can be re-used and modified to meet the needs of other planned common data format specifications for voting devices such as electronic pollbooks and ballot marking devices.

Notice of Revision 2.0

This document is a version 2.0 revision to the NIST Special Publication 1500-100, Election Results Common Data Format Specification, Version 1. Changes were made to the version 1 UML model to add additional information and make the model easier to implement and use. Additionally, the XML schema was updated accordingly and a new JSON schema was generated.


The BallotMeasureType Enumeration

Image of BallotMeasureType

Enumeration for types of ballot measures in the BallotMeasureContest element.

Name Value
ballot-measure For reports that contain only aggregated counts.
initiative For an initiative.
recall For a recall.
referendum For a referendum.
other Used when the type of ballot measure is not included in this enumeration.

The CandidatePostElectionStatus Enumeration

Image of CandidatePostElectionStatus

Enumeration for various post-election statuses applicable to a candidate in the Candidate element.

Name Value
advanced-to-runoff For candidates who have advanced to a runoff.
defeated Used for candidates who were defeated in the election.
projected-winner For a projected contest winner.
winner For the official contest winner or one of “n” contest winners for n-of-m voting.
withdrawn For candidates who have withdrawn from the contest.

The CandidatePreElectionStatus Enumeration

Image of CandidatePreElectionStatus

Enumeration for various pre-election statuses applicable to a candidate in the Candidate class.

Name Value
filed For candidates who have filed with the election authority but not necessarily qualified.
qualified For candidates who are qualified by the election authority to be on the ballot for a contest.
withdrawn For candidates who have withdrawn from the contest.

The CountItemStatus Enumeration

Image of CountItemStatus

Enumeration for various counting-related statuses for types of ballots or write-ins, used in the CountStatus class.

Name Value
completed For counts that are complete.
in-process For counts that are in process.
not-processed When the counting has not started or is not underway.
unknown When the status of the counting is unknown.

The CountItemType Enumeration

Image of CountItemType

Enumeration for the items that are counted during the course of an election and for which the status of the counts is of interest. Used in the Counts and CountStatus classes.

Name Value
absentee For any/all classes of absentee, generally when absentee is not broken out into specific classes.
absentee-fwab A type of absentee; for Federal Write-in Absentee Ballots.
absentee-in-person A class of absentee; for absentee ballots cast in-person, e.g., at a county office.
absentee-mail A class of absentee; for postal mail absentee ballots separately.
early For ballots cast during early voting periods.
election-day For ballots cast on election day.
provisional For challenged ballots.
seats For legislative balance-of-power results information.
total Total of all ballots cast regardless of voting class.
uocava A class of absentee; for absentee ballots from Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) voters.
write-in For write-ins on ballots.
other Used when the type of counting item is not included in this enumeration.

The DayType Enumeration

Image of DayType

Enumeration for the day(s) in a schedule in the Schedule element.

Name Value
all Used for all days of the week.
sunday Used if day of week is Sunday.
monday Used if day of week is Monday.
tuesday Used if day of week is Tuesday.
wednesday Used if day of week is Wednesday.
thursday Used if day of week is Thursday.
friday Used if day of week is Friday.
saturday Used if day of week is Saturday.
weekday Used for any day of the week.
weekend Used for both Saturday and Sunday.

The DeviceType Enumeration

Image of DeviceType

Enumeration for the type of device in the DeviceClass class.

Name Value
bmd For ballots prepared on ballot marking devices and then scanned.
dre For DRE (Direct Record Electronic) and other all-electronic devices.
manual-count For hand-counted paper ballots.
opscan-central For an optical scanner used at a central office with no opportunity for voter correction of mistakes.
opscan-precinct For an optical scanner used at a precinct or other location where voter correction of mistakes such as overvotes is possible.
unknown Used when the type of device is unknown.
other Used when the device type is not listed in this enumeration.

The ElectionType Enumeration

Image of ElectionType

Enumeration for the type of election in the ElectionReport class.

Name Value
general Election in which all eligible voters, regardless of party affiliation, are permitted to select candidates to fill public office and/or vote on ballot measures.
partisan-primary-closed Primary election in which the voter receives a ballot containing only those party-specific contests pertaining to the political party with which the voter is affiliated, along with non-party-specific contests presented at the same election. Unaffiliated voters may be permitted to vote only on non-party-specific contests.
partisan-primary-open Primary election in which the voter may choose a political party at the time of voting and vote in party-specific contests associated with that party, along with non-party-specific contests presented at the same election. Some states require voters to publicly declare their choice of party at the polling place, after which the election worker provides or activates the appropriate ballot. Other states allow the voters to make their choice of party within the privacy of the voting booth.
primary Election held to determine which candidates qualify to appear as contest options in subsequent elections.
runoff Election to select a winner following a primary or a general election, in which no candidate in the contest received the required minimum percentage of the votes cast. The two candidates receiving the most votes for the contest in question proceed to a runoff election.
special Primary or general election that is not regularly scheduled. A special election may be combined with a scheduled election.
other Used when the election type is not listed in this enumeration.

The GeoSpatialFormat Enumeration

Image of GeoSpatialFormat

Enumeration for geospatial vector data formats used in Geographic Information System (GIS) software, used in the SpatialExtent class.

Name Value
geo-json For GeoJSON open standard format.
gml For Geography Markup Language format.
kml For Keyhole Markup Language format.
shp For the shape file format associated with Esri.
wkt For Well-known Text format.

The IdentifierType Enumeration

Image of IdentifierType

Enumeration for election data-related codes in the ExternalIdentifier class .

Name Value
fips For FIPS codes.
local-level For a code that is specific to a county or other similar locality.
national-level For a code that is used at the national level other than “fips” or “ocd-id”.
ocd-id For Open Civic Data identifiers.
state-level For a code that is specific to a state.
other Used when the type of code is not included in this enumeration.

The OfficeTermType Enumeration

Image of OfficeTermType

Enumeration for the office term type in the Office class.

Name Value
full-term When the officeholder’s term began at the beginning of the full term of the office, e.g., 6 years for U.S. Senate.
unexpired-term When the officeholder’s term began at some date after the beginning of the full term of the office, generally because the previous officeholder vacated the office before the fullterm expired.

The ReportDetailLevel Enumeration

Image of ReportDetailLevel

Enumeration for the detail level of the election results report in the Election class.

Name Value
precinct-level For reports that contain counts from precincts in the reporting jurisdiction.
summary-contest For reports that contain only aggregated counts.

The ReportingUnitType Enumeration

Image of ReportingUnitType

Enumeration for the type of geopolitical unit in the ReportingUnit class.

Name Value
ballot-batch Used for reporting batches of ballots that may cross precinct boundaries.
ballot-style-area Used for ballot style areas generally composed of precincts.
borough Used in CT, NJ, PA, other states, and New York City for boroughs. For AK and LA, see county.
city Used for a city that reports results and/or for the district that encompasses it.
city-council Used for city council districts.
combined-precinct Used for one or more precincts that have been combined for the purposes of reporting. Used for “Ward” if “Ward” is used interchangeably with “CombinedPrecinct”.
congressional Used for U.S. Congressional districts.
country Used for a reporting unit of type country.
county Used for a county and/or for the district that encompasses it. In AK, used for counties that are called boroughs. In LA, used for parishes.
county-council Used for county council districts.
drop-box Used for a dropbox for absentee ballots.
judicial Used for judicial districts.
municipality Used as applicable for various units such as towns, townships, villages that report votes and/or for the district that encompasses it.
polling-place Used for a polling place.
precinct Used also for “Ward” or “District” when these terms are used interchangeably with “Precinct”.
school Used for a school district.
special Used for a special district.
split-precinct Used for splits of precincts.
state Used for a state and/or for the district that encompasses it.
state-house Used for a state house or assembly district.
state-senate Used for a state senate district.
town Used in some New England states as a type of municipality that reports votes and/or for the district that encompasses it.
township Used in some mid-western states as a type of municipality that reports votes and/or for the district that encompasses it.
utility Used for a utility district.
village Used as a type of municipality that reports votes and/or for the district that encompasses it.
vote-center Used for a vote center.
ward Used for combinations or groupings of precincts or other units.
water Used for a water district.
other Used for other types of reporting units not included in this enumeration.

The ResultsStatus Enumeration

Image of ResultsStatus

Enumeration for the status of the election results in the ElectionReport class.

Name Value
certified For results that have been certified by the election authority.
correction For results that are a correction to an earlier report.
pre-election For a pre-election data.
recount For results that are a recount of an earlier election.
unofficial-complete For results that are unofficial and complete, e.g., the complete election night results.
unofficial-partial For results that are unofficial and partial, e.g., partial election night results.

The VoteVariation Enumeration

Image of VoteVariation

Enumeration for contest decision algorithm or rules in the Contest element.

Name Value
approval When voter can select as many candidates as desired in a contest up to a maximum number.
borda For the Borda count voting.
cumulative When voter can allocate more than one vote to a given candidate.
majority For majority voting.
n-of-m Includes vote for 1, i.e., 1-of-m.
plurality For plurality voting.
proportional For proportional voting.
range For range voting.
rcv For ranked choice voting.
super-majority For super majority voting.
other Used when the vote variation type is not included in this enumeration.


The AnnotatedString Class

Image of AnnotatedString

Used as a type for character strings; it adds a 16-character annotation to a character string.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Annotation 0..1 ShortString An annotation of up to 16 characters associated with a character string.
Content 1 String The string to be annotated.

The AnnotatedUri Class

Image of AnnotatedUri

Used as a type for character strings that represent Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI); it adds a 16-character annotation to a character string.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Annotation 0..1 ShortString An annotation of up to 16 characters associated with a character string.
Content 1 anyURI The URI to be annotated.

The BallotCounts Class

Image of BallotCounts

Used for identifying various ballot counts. It inherits the attributes of Counts.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
BallotsCast 0..1 Integer Number of ballots cast.
BallotsOutstanding 0..1 Integer Number of ballots not yet counted.
BallotsRejected 0..1 Integer Number of ballots rejected.

The BallotMeasureContest Class

Image of BallotMeasureContest

For ballot measure (i.e., referenda or a tax measure) and judicial retention contests. It inherits the attributes of Contest.

If the type of ballot measure is not listed in enumeration BallotMeasureType, use other and include the type (that is not listed in the enumeration) in OtherType.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
ConStatement 0..1 InternationalizedText For a statement on the ballot associated with a “no” vote.
EffectOfAbstain 0..1 InternationalizedText For a statement on the ballot detailing the effect of abstaining from voting on the ballot measure.
FullText 0..1 InternationalizedText For full text on the ballot of the ballot measure.
InfoUri 0..* AnnotatedUri For associating a URI with the ballot measure contest.
PassageThreshold 0..1 InternationalizedText For a statement on the ballot of the number or percentage of votes needed to approve or pass the ballot measure.
ProStatement 0..1 InternationalizedText For a statement on the ballot associated with a “yes” vote.
SummaryText 0..1 InternationalizedText For a summary on the ballot of the ballot measure.
Type 0..1 BallotMeasureType For indicating the type of ballot measure.
OtherType 0..1 String Used when BallotMeasureType is other.

The BallotMeasureSelection Class

Image of BallotMeasureSelection

For a contest selection in a ballot measure contest. Because judicial or other retention contests are often treated like ballot measure contests, this element can be used also for retention contests. It inherits the attributes of ContestSelection.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the ballot measure selection.
Selection 1 InternationalizedText Contains the text used to indicate a vote for or against the ballot measure, e.g., “yes”, “no”.

The BallotStyle Class

Image of BallotStyle

For defining a ballot style composed of ordered content (i.e. Headers or Contests) and their contest selections, and associating the ballot style with a political party, a reference to an image of the ballot, and a reference to a precinct or other geopolitical unit that the ballot is unique to. Election includes BallotStyle. BallotStyle references OrderedContent to include content that appears on that ballot style. To preserve any rotation associated with the ballot, it is expected that the generating application will list the occurrences of OrderedContest in the order as on the ballot for the associated geopolitical unit. BallotStyle references one or more GpUnit instances defined for the associated precincts or split precincts. If the ballot style is associated with multiple precincts (or other geographies), multiple references to the precinct GpUnit instances can be included.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the ballot style.
{GpUnit} 1..* GpUnit Unique identifier for one or more GpUnit instances. For associating specific geopolitical units with the ballot style.
ImageUri 0..* AnnotatedUri URI for a ballot image.
{OrderedContent} 0..* OrderedContent For associating a ballot style with ballot content, such as contests or headers.
{Party} 0..* Party Unique identifier for one or more Party instances. For associating one or more parties with the ballot style.

The Candidate Class

Image of Candidate

For defining information about a candidate in a contest. CandidateSelection references Candidate instances to associate one or more candidates with a contest selection. Election includes Candidate.

Candidate uses the Party association to reference the candidate’s political party. If the candidate is endorsed by other parties for a particular contest, the endorsing parties are referenced using the CandidateSelection attribute.

ExternalIdentifier can be used to associate an ID with the candidate. If the type is not listed in enumeration IdentifierType, use other and include the type (that is not listed in the enumeration) in OtherType.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
BallotName 1 InternationalizedText For the candidate’s name as listed on the ballot.
CampaignSlogan 0..1 InternationalizedText The slogan or motto used by the candidate in their campaign.
{ContactInformation} 0..1 ContactInformation For associating contact information for the candidate.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating codes with the candidate.
FileDate 0..1 date Date when the candidate filed for the contest.
IsIncumbent 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate whether the candidate is the incumbent for the office associated with the contest. Assumed to be “no” if not present.
IsTopTicket 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate whether the candidate is the top of a ticket that includes multiple candidates. Assumed to be “no” if not present.
{Party} 0..1 Party For associating a party with the candidate.
{Person} 0..1 Person For associating more detailed information about the candidate.
PostElectionStatus 0..1 CandidatePostElectionStatus Final status of the candidate, e.g., winner, withdrawn, etc.
PreElectionStatus 0..1 CandidatePreElectionStatus Registration status of the candidate, e.g., filed, qualified, etc.

The CandidateContest Class

Image of CandidateContest

For a contest that involves selecting one or more candidates. It inherits the attributes of Contest.

This class optionally references Office and Party. If the candidate contest is associated with a ticket (of candidates) and each candidate in the ticket is associated with a separate office, the association to Office can reference each of the separate offices. For example, if the contest is for the state governor ticket but Governor and Lieutenant (Lt.) Governor are both separate offices, the association references first to the Office instance defined for the Governor’s office and then to the Lt. Governor’s office. In this case, it is expected that the generating application will list the multiple references according to a jurisdiction-defined ordering scheme, e.g., Governor first and Lt. Governor second.

Note that when using the CandidateSelection class to associate the candidates with a contest selection for the contest, the order of the candidates should match the order of offices. Again, using the example of the state governor ticket, if the offices are listed with Governor first and Lt. Governor second, then the order of the candidates in the ContestSelection instance should be identical, with the Governor candidate first and the Lt. Governor candidate second.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
NumberElected 0..1 Integer Number of candidates that are elected in the contest (“n” of n-of-m).
NumberRunoff 0..1 Integer The number of candidates in a runoff contest.
{Office} 0..* Office For associating office descriptions.
{PrimaryParty} 0..* Party For associating parties with the contest.
VotesAllowed 1 Integer Maximum number of votes per voter in this contest.

The CandidateSelection Class

Image of CandidateSelection

For the contest selections in a candidate contest, including for write-ins. It inherits the attributes of ContestSelection. References to multiple Candidate instances can be included if necessary, e.g., when the contest selection would be for a ticket of candidates (unless the ticket itself is defined as a candidate).

EndorsementParty is used to reference any associated endorsement parties other than the specific party of the candidate (Candidate references Party for that purpose). For example, if a candidate of one party is also endorsed by a second party, use EndorsementParty to reference the second party. A second example would be for ballot fusion as used in some states, where the same candidate is listed multiple times in the same contest, but with different endorsement parties.

When multiple candidates are referenced for a ticket and the ordering of the candidates is important to preserve, it is expected that the generating application will list the references to Candidate instances according to the ordering scheme in place. For example, if the contest is for a ticket in which each candidate is associated with a different office, then the order of the candidates should match the same ordering of the element references within in the <Contest xsi:type="CandidateContest" ... /> element.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Candidate} 0..* Candidate For associating a candidate with the candidate selection on the ballot and for cases where the contest selection is for multiple candidates, e.g., a ticket.
IsWriteIn 0..1 Boolean Indicates whether the candidate is a write-in, e.g., true or false. Assumed to be false if not present.
{EndorsementParty} 0..* Party For associating one or more endorsing parties with the candidate selection.

The Coalition Class

Image of Coalition

For defining a coalition, i.e., a collection of parties organized for the purpose of endorsing a candidate in a contest. It inherits the attributes and elements of Party.

Coalition instances themselves are composed of multiple Party references along with a reference to an associated Contests.

If there are no associated Contests, a general default is that the coalition endorses the associated parties.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Contest} 0..* Contest For associating contests with the coalition.
{Party} 0..* Party For associating parties with the coalition.

The ContactInformation Class

Image of ContactInformation

For defining contact information about objects such as persons, boards of authorities, organizations, etc. Election, ElectionAdministration, Person, GpUnit, and Office include ContactInformation.

To include an address for the contact, use multiple occurrences of AddressLine. It is expected that the generating application will list the name of the person/organization in the first occurrence of AddressLine, with subsequent ordered occurrences for street address, city, state, zip code, etc. Directions can be used to supply any additional address-related information that may appear in multiple languages.

ContactInformation includes LatLng so as to associate latitude/longitude with the contact address.

Email, Fax, and Phone are of type AnnotatedString, which permits up to a 16-character annotation to be associated with the data.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
AddressLine 0..* RichText For associating an address with the contact.
Directions 0..1 InternationalizedText Directional information in addition to address information.
Email 0..* AnnotatedString Email address associated with the contact.
Fax 0..* AnnotatedString Fax number associated with the contact.
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
{LatLng} 0..1 LatLng For latitude and longitude information associated with the contact.
Name 0..1 RichText Name associated with the contact.
Phone 0..* AnnotatedString Phone number associated with the contact.
{Schedule} 0..* Schedule For associating a schedule with the contact.
Uri 0..* AnnotatedUri URI associated with the contact.

The Contest Class

Image of Contest

For defining a contest and linking the contest to the associated candidates, ballot measures, parties, or retention contests. Election includes Contest.

Contest is an abstract class with four subclasses that get used according to the type of contest:

*BallotMeasureContest, used for a contest involving a ballot measure *CandidateContest, used for a contest involving one or more candidates for an office *PartyContest, used for a contest for a straight party selection on the ballot *RetentionContest, used for a judicial or other type of retention contest 

Contest includes ContestSelection to link the selections on the ballot to the contest, e.g., to link one or more candidates to a candidate contest. Like Contest, ContestSelection is also an abstract class and has subclasses that correspond to those of Contest, as follows: 

*BallotMeasureContest includes BallotMeasureSelection *CandidateContest includes CandidateSelection *PartyContest includes PartySelection *RetentionContest includes BallotMeasureSelection

Contest includes a required ElectionDistrict reference to a GpUnit defined for the geographical scope of the contest. For example, in a state senate contest, ElectionDistrict would reference a GpUnit of type ReportingUnit element defined for the district associated with the contest. Office also includes an optional reference that serves the same purpose. Note that for contests that are state-wide or county-wide and so forth, the same GpUnit defined for the state or county, etc., can be re-used. Contest includes OtherCounts for providing a summary of miscellaneous counts associated with the contest, including total number of ballots cast containing the contest, total number of overvotes, undervotes, or write-ins. The summary counts can be associated with the contest as a whole, or with precincts or other lower-level reporting units by using multiple occurrences of OtherCounts. SequenceOrder is used for results display ordering, i.e., to display contests according to a particular ordering. For example, “100” may indicate a U.S. Senatorial contest, “200” may indicate a U.S. Congressional contest, etc. SequenceOrder is not appropriate to use as the contest order on the ballot; contest order on each ballot can be preserved, however, using the BallotStyle element, which associates ballot styles with their corresponding precincts or other geopolitical units. When including ExternalIdentifiers, if the type is not listed in enumeration IdentifierType, use other and include the type (that is not listed in the enumeration) in OtherType.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Abbreviation 0..1 String Abbreviation for the contest.
BallotSubTitle 0..1 InternationalizedText Subtitle of the contest as it appears on the ballot.
BallotTitle 0..1 InternationalizedText Title of the contest as it appears on the ballot.
{ContestSelection} 0..* ContestSelection For associating a contest selection for the contest, i.e., a candidate, a ballot measure.
{OtherCounts} 0..* OtherCounts For associating counts such as overvote and undervotes with the contest.
CountStatus 0..* CountStatus For providing various counting status associated with the contest.
{ElectionDistrict} 1 ReportingUnit Link to a GpUnit instance. For associating the contest with a reporting unit that represents the geographical scope of the contest, e.g., a district, etc.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the contest.
HasRotation 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate whether the selections in the contest are rotated. Assumed to be “no” if not present.
Name 1 RichText Name of the contest, not necessarily as it appears on the ballot.
SequenceOrder 0..1 Integer Orderering for listing the contest for purposes of results display. If not present, no order is assumed.
SubUnitsReported 0..1 Integer Number of subunits, e.g., precincts, that have completed reporting votes for this contest.
TotalSubUnits 0..1 Integer Total number of subunits, e.g., precincts that have this contest on the ballot.
VoteVariation 0..1 VoteVariation Vote variation associated with the contest, e.g., n-of-m.
OtherVoteVariation 0..1 String For use when VoteVariation is other.

The ContestSelection Class

Image of ContestSelection

Used for the contest selections in a contest (e.g., for candidates, for ballot measures) and to generally link them to vote counts. Contest includes ContestSelection.

ContestSelection is an abstract class with three subclasses that get used according to the type of contest:

*BallotMeasureSelection, used if the contest type is for a ballot measure, including for retentions *CandidateSelection, used if the contest type is for one or more candidates, to link the contest selection to the candidate instances and endorsement parties; and *PartySelection, used if the contest type is for a party, e.g., for a straight party contest. ContestSelection includes VoteCounts for associating vote counts with the contest selection. *SequenceOrder is included to specify an ordering for the contest selections for purposes of display only. The original ballot ordering can be preserved, however, by using the BallotStyle class.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
SequenceOrder 0..1 Integer Order in which the candidate is listed on the ballot for purposes of results display. If not present, no order is assumed.
{VoteCounts} 0..* VoteCounts For associating the contest selection’s vote counts.

The Counts Class

Image of Counts

Used for reporting on contest vote counts. Contains attributes to categorize the counts according to voting classification (e.g., election day, early voting, etc.) and type of device on which the votes were cast (e.g., DRE, accessible device, etc.).

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
DeviceClass 0..1 DeviceClass For filtering counts by device type.
{GpUnit} 1 GpUnit For filtering counts by political geography or device or device type.
IsSuppressedForPrivacy 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate if votes are suppressed for voter privacy, e.g., true or false. Assumed to be false if not present.
Round 0..1 Integer An identification of the RCV round being reported.
Type 1 CountItemType The type of count being used as a filter on the vote counts, e.g., election day, early voting, etc.
OtherType 0..1 String Used when Type is other.

The CountStatus Class

Image of CountStatus

For reporting on the counting status for various items such as ballot types or write-ins, e.g., whether for a certain type of ballot, the counts are in progress, not yet started, complete, etc. Contest, Election, and GpUnit include CountStatus.

If the type of count item is not listed in enumeration CountItemType, use other and include the type (that is not listed in the enumeration) in OtherType.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Status 1 CountItemStatus The status of the count, from the CountItemStatus enumeration.
Type 1 CountItemType The type of item, from the CountItemType enumeration.
OtherType 0..1 String Used when Type is other.

The DateTimeWithZone Class

Image of DateTimeWithZone

Restricts dateTime to require inclusion of time zone information and excludes fractional seconds.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
pattern   String Pattern used for indicating the date, time and the accompanying time zone.

The DeviceClass Class

Image of DeviceClass

For filtering vote counts by device-related information. GpUnit, Counts, and OtherCounts include DeviceClass.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Manufacturer 0..1 String Manufacturer of the device.
Model 0..1 String Manufacturer’s device model, used to filter on, e.g., a specific model of DRE or other device type.
Type 0..1 DeviceType Enumerated type of device, e.g., “dre”, “opscan-precinct”, etc.
OtherType 0..1 String Used when Type is other.

The Election Class

Image of Election

For defining the status of the election and associated information such as candidates, contests, and vote counts.

Election includes links to the major instances that are specific to an election: BallotStyle, Candidate, and Contest.

Election includes a required association end ElectionScope, which links to a GpUnit instance for the purpose of identifying the geographical scope of the election. For example, for an election within a county, ElectionScope would reference a GpUnit defined for the county. If it is desired to include election authority information, the GpUnit can include ElectionAdministration.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{BallotCounts} 0..* BallotCounts Used for identifying various ballot counts.
{BallotStyle} 0..* BallotStyle For defining ballot styles associated with the election.
{Candidate} 0..* Candidate For defining candidates associated with the election.
{ContactInformation} 0..1 ContactInformation For associating various contact information with the election.
{Contest} 0..* Contest For defining contests associated with the election.
CountStatus 0..* CountStatus For providing various counting status on types of ballots or other items.
{ElectionScope} 1 ReportingUnit Unique identifier for a GpUnit element. For associating the election with a reporting unit that represents the geographical scope of the election, e.g., a state, a county, etc.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the election.
Name 1 InternationalizedText For including a name for the election; the name could be the same name as appears on the ballot.
StartDate 1 date Calendar start date of the election, e.g., “2018-11-04”.
EndDate 1 date Calendar end date of the election; for a typical one-day election, the end date is the same as the start date.
Type 1 ElectionType Enumerated type of election, e.g., partisan-primary, open-primary, etc.
OtherType 0..1 String Used when Type is other.

The ElectionAdministration Class

Image of ElectionAdministration

Used to provide various information about an election authority. ReportingUnit includes ElectionAdministration.

ElectionAdministration includes ContactInformation for the election authority and, using ElectionOfficialPerson references one or more Person instances defined for individuals/organizations associated with the election authority.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{ContactInformation} 0..1 ContactInformation For including various contact information.
{ElectionOfficialPerson} 0..* Person Unique identifier for one or more Person elements defined for the election authority.
Name 0..1 RichText Name of the election authority.

The ElectionReport Class

Image of ElectionReport

For defining items pertaining to the status and format of the report and when it was generated.

ElectionReport references the major elements that are not necessarily specific to an election and that therefore can exist in a pre-election report: GpUnit, Office and OfficeGroup, Party, Person, and Election.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Election} 0..* Election For associating elections with the report.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the report.
Format 1 ReportDetailLevel Detail level of the report, e.g., contest summary, precinct level results, etc.
GeneratedDate 1 DateTimeWithZone Identifies the date and time that the election report was generated.
{GpUnit} 0..* GpUnit For associating geopolitical units with the report.
{Header} 0..* Header For associating headers with parts of a ballot style.
Issuer 1 RichText Identification of the report issuer.
IssuerAbbreviation 1 RichText An abbreviation of the report issuer such as the 2-character U.S. Census Bureau abbreviation of the state whose results are being reported, e.g., AL, TX, MN, etc.
IsTest 0..1 Boolean Used to indicate whether the report is a test report. Assumed to be “false” if not present.
Notes 0..1 RichText For including an arbitrary message with the report.
{Office} 0..* Office For associating offices with the report.
{OfficeGroup} 0..* OfficeGroup For associating a name for a grouping of offices with the report.
{Party} 0..* Party For associating parties with the report.
{Person} 0..* Person For associating persons with the report.
SequenceStart 1 Integer The report’s number as part of a sequence of reports, used withso as to be read as, e.g., 1 of 1, 1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc. Starts with “1”.
SequenceEnd 1 Integer The upper bound of the sequence; e.g., “1” if there is only 1 report, “2” if there are two reports in the sequence, etc.
Status 1 ResultsStatus Status of the election report, e.g., test mode, unofficial, etc.
TestType 0..1 String A description of the type of test, e.g., pre-election, logic and accuracy, etc.
VendorApplicationId 1 String An identifier of the vendor application generating the election report, e.g., X-EMS version 3.1.a.

The ExternalIdentifier Class

Image of ExternalIdentifier

For associating a jurisdiction’s codes, i.e., identifiers, with objects such as candidates, offices, or geopolitical units such as counties, towns, precincts, etc. Multiple occurrences of the ExternalIdentifier sub-element can be used to associate multiple codes, e.g., if there is a desire to associate multiple codes with a particular object such as FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) codes as well as OCD-IDs (Open Civic Data Identifiers).

For elements that link to ExternalIdentifier instances, if the type is not listed in enumeration IdentifierType, use other and include the type (that is not listed in the enumeration) in OtherType.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
Type 1 IdentifierType An identifier type, e.g., FIPS.
OtherType 0..1 String Used when IdentifierType value is other.
Value 1 String The identifier used by the jurisdiction.

The GpUnit Class

Image of GpUnit

Class for describing a geo-politically bounded area of geography such as a city, district, or jurisdiction, or a precinct or split-precinct, or specific vote-capture device, for the purpose of associating contest vote counts and ballot counts (and other information) with the reporting unit. Reporting units can link to each other to form a hierarchicallly-oriented model of a state’s (or a county’s, etc.) jurisdictions, districts, and precincts.

GpUnit is an abstract class with two subclasses that get used according to the type of unit:

*ReportingDevice, used for associating vote counts with a specific vote-capture device *ReportingUnit, for associating vote counts with geopolitical units such as cities, districts, counties, precincts, etc.

Election and Contest contain a required reference to GpUnit representing the jurisdiction of the election or contest respectively; Office contains a similar reference that is optional.  OtherCounts and VoteCounts reference GpUnit to link vote or summary counts to GpUnit instances defined for precincts or other types of geopolitical units.  BallotStyle references GpUnit to link a ballot style to its corresponding geopolitical unit.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{ComposingGpUnit} 0..* GpUnit Unique identifier for one or more GpUnit instances. For creating a reference to another GpUnit that is contained with the parent GpUnit.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the GpUnit, e.g., a district’s or county’s code.
Name 0..1 InternationalizedText Name of the geopolitical unit.

The Header Class

Image of Header

For defining a reusable set of headers.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the header.
Name 1 InternationalizedText Name of the header, as it is to appear on a ballot style.

The Hours Class

Image of Hours

Hours is used to specify a specific day and hours on that day, including the time zone. Multiple occurrences of Hours can be used if the schedule includes a range of days and hours.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Day 0..1 DayType Day of the week.
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
StartTime 1 TimeWithZone Start time of the schedule.
EndTime 1 TimeWithZone End time of the schedule.

The HtmlColorString Class

Image of HtmlColorString

For a string containing a 6-digit Red-Green-Blue (RGB) code that can be displayed using HTML. Used in Party to associate a web-displayable color with the party. The RGB code is specified in hexadecimal, such that the RGB code for the color green is “00FF00” (“#00” + “#FF” + “#00”).

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
pattern   String Pattern used for indicating the RGB color to use.

The InternationalizedText Class

Image of InternationalizedText

For strings that can contain multi-national text, for use with text as shown on a ballot containing multi-national text. The Identifier attribute can be used to assign an identifier to the text as desired.

Text uses the xsd:language type such that its language attribute must be set to a value that identifies the language.

Values for language are from ISO 639 [12] and include:

*en – English *en-US – U.S. English *en-GB – U.K. English *fr – French *es – Spanish *zh – Chinese *ja – Japanese *ko – Korean

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
{Text} 1..* LanguageString Used to hold a string of text with an associated table indicating the language used.

The LanguageString Class

Image of LanguageString

Used to hold a string of text with an associated table indicating the language used.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Content 1 String The string in the specified language.
Language 1 language Identification of the language, such as ‘es’.

The LatLng Class

Image of LatLng

Associates latitude/longitude with a contact address.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
Latitude 1 double Latitude of the contact location.
Longitude 1 double Longitude of the contact location.
Source 0..1 String System used to perform the lookup from location name to lat/lng, e.g., the name of a geocoding service.

The Office Class

Image of Office

For defining an office and information associated with a contest and/or a district. ElectionReport includes Office. CandidateContest and RetentionContest reference Office.

Office includes Term for defining details about the term of an office such as start/end dates and the type of term. OfficeGroup is included from ElectionReport to assign a name to a grouping of office definitions.

Office includes an optional ElectionDistrict reference to a GpUnit for the purpose of identifying the geographical scope of the office. For example, for an office for a state senate seat, ElectionDistrict would include a reference to the GpUnit defined for the district associated with that office.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{ContactInformation} 0..1 ContactInformation For associating various contact information with the office.
Description 0..1 InternationalizedText A description of the office, possibly as shown on the ballot to the voter.
{ElectionDistrict} 0..1 ReportingUnit Link to a GpUnit instance. For associating the office with a reporting unit that represents the geographical scope of the contest, e.g., a district, etc.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the office.
FilingDeadline 0..1 date Date and time when a candidate must have filed for the contest for the office.
IsPartisan 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate whether the office is partisan, e.g., true or false. If not present, assumption is true.
Name 1 InternationalizedText Name of the office; can appear on the ballot.
{OfficeHolderPerson} 0..* Person Links to one or more Person instances defined for the office holder.
{Term} 0..1 Term For including office term-related information.

The OfficeGroup Class

Image of OfficeGroup

Used to assign a name to a grouping of office definitions. It includes references to Office instances and a name to identify the grouping of references, e.g., “Judicial” or “Statewide”, etc. SubOfficeGroup can be used to create a nested hierarchy of groupings. ElectionReport includes OfficeGroup.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
Name 1 String Name of the office grouping.
{Office} 0..* Office Link to one or more Office instances.
{SubOfficeGroup} 0..* OfficeGroup For defining a nested hierarchy of Office instance groupings.

The OrderedContent Class

Image of OrderedContent

An abstract base class for content that can appear under a particular ballot style.

OrderedContent is an abstract class with two subclasses that get used according to the type of content:

*OrderedContest, used for the appearance of a contest. *OrderedHeader, used for the appearance of a header, optionally with the inclusion of contests.

The OrderedContest Class

Image of OrderedContest

For the appearance of a contest on a particular ballot style.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Contest} 1 Contest The contest associated represented by OrderedContest.
{OrderedContestSelection} 0..* ContestSelection The contest selections for the ballot.

The OrderedHeader Class

Image of OrderedHeader

For the appearance of a header on a particular ballot style.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Header} 1 Header Association to the header to be used.
{OrderedContent} 0..* OrderedContent For associating a header with ballot content, such as contests or nested headers.

The OtherCounts Class

Image of OtherCounts

Identifies other counts associated with a contest.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
DeviceClass 0..1 DeviceClass For filtering counts by device type.
{GpUnit} 1 GpUnit For filter counts by political geography or device or device type.
Overvotes 0..1 float Number of overvotes.
Undervotes 0..1 float Number of undervotes.
WriteIns 0..1 Integer Number of write-ins.

The Party Class

Image of Party

Used to describe a political party that can then be referenced in other elements. ElectionReport includes Party. Candidate, PartyContest, PartyRegistration, and Person reference Party.

Party is an abstract type with one subtype Coalition, used to define coalitions.

The Color attribute specifies a 6-digit RGB code displayable using HTML.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Abbreviation 0..1 InternationalizedText Short name for the party, e.g., “DEM”.
Color 0..1 HtmlColorString For associating an HTML RGB color coding with the party.
{ContactInformation} 0..1 ContactInformation For associating contact information regarding the party, e.g., party offices.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating an ID with the party.
IsRecognizedParty 0..1 Boolean For indicating whether the party is recognized by the election authority; “false” is assumed if not present.
{LeaderPerson} 0..* Person Identification of a Party’s leader.
LogoUri 0..* AnnotatedUri A URI to the party’s graphical logo.
Name 1 InternationalizedText Official full name of the party, e.g., “Republican”; can appear on the ballot.
{PartyScopeGpUnit} 0..* GpUnit The GpUnit(s) the party operates in or the top-most GpUnit.
Slogan 0..1 InternationalizedText The slogan or motto used by a political party.

The PartyContest Class

Image of PartyContest

For a contest that involves choosing a party, typically for a straight party selection on the ballot.

The PartyRegistration Class

Image of PartyRegistration

For tracking the number of registered voters per party per geopolitical unit, i.e., for reporting on the number of registered voters of a particular party in a district or other type of reporting unit. Referenced by GpUnit.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Count 1 Integer A count for tracking the number of registered voters.
{Party} 1 Party Link to a Party instance. For associating a political party.

The PartySelection Class

Image of PartySelection

For a contest selection involving a party such as for a straight party selection on the ballot. It inherits the attributes of ContestSelection.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Party} 1..* Party Link to one or more Party instances. For associating one or more parties with the party selection.

The Person Class

Image of Person

For defining information about a person; the person may be a candidate, election official, authority for a reporting unit, etc. ElectionReport includes Person. Candidate and ElectionAdministration and GpUnit references Person. Person optionally references ContactInformation for associating contact information.

Multiple occurrences of the MiddleName attribute can be used as needed, e.g., for names such as “John Andrew Winston Smith”.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{ContactInformation} 0..* ContactInformation For associating contact information with the person.
DateOfBirth 0..1 date Person’s date of birth.
ExternalIdentifier 0..* ExternalIdentifier For associating codes with the person.
FirstName 0..1 RichText Person’s first (given) name.
FullName 0..1 InternationalizedText Person’s full name.
Gender 0..1 RichText Person’s gender.
LastName 0..1 RichText Person’s last (family) name.
MiddleName 0..* RichText Person’s middle name.
Nickname 0..1 RichText Nickname associated with the person.
{Party} 0..1 Party Links to a Party instance. For associating a political party with the person.
Prefix 0..1 RichText A prefix associated with the person, e.g., Mr.
Profession 0..1 InternationalizedText Person’s profession.
Suffix 0..1 RichText A suffix associated with the person, e.g., Jr.
Title 0..1 InternationalizedText A title associated with the person.

The ReportingDevice Class

Image of ReportingDevice

Class/element describing a specific vote-capture device.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
DeviceClass 0..1 DeviceClass Used for reporting on details about the type of voting device used for the results in question.
SerialNumber 0..1 RichText Device’s serial number or other unique identifier.

The ReportingUnit Class

Image of ReportingUnit

For defining a geopolitical unit such as state, county, township, precinct, etc., using the ReportingUnitType enumeration. It inherits the attributes of GpUnit.

This class optionally references Person to associate one or more individuals, e.g., authorities, for the reporting unit. It also includes ContactInformation to provide contact addresses for the reporting unit, such as an address of a vote center.

Election references this class so as to identify the geographical scope of the election. In this case, the GpUnit element defined for the scope of the election may include ElectionAdministration to include election authority-related information.

The Type attribute uses the ReportingUnitType enumeration to specify the type of geopolitical geography being defined. ReportingUnitType contains the most common types of geographies, e.g., state, county, precinct, and so forth. If the reporting unit type is not listed in enumeration ReportingUnitType, use other and include the reporting unit type (that is not listed in the enumeration) in OtherType.

The IsDistricted boolean can be used in a number of ways. It is not strictly necessary, as it is possible to identify districts by their Type attribute or by examining the Contest instance’s ElectionDistrict reference, which links to the election district associated with the contest. However, if a district is defined but is not linked from a contest, or if the type of district is not listed in the ReportingUnitType enumeration and therefore OtherType is used, then IsDistricted is necessary to identify the GpUnit as a district. The IsDistricted boolean can also be used to signify that a GpUnit defined as a jurisdiction, e.g., a county, is also used as a district for, e.g., county-wide contests.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Authority} 0..* Person A link to one or more Person instances describing an authority responsible for the reporting unit.
{ContactInformation} 0..1 ContactInformation For associating contact information with the reporting unit.
CountStatus 0..* CountStatus For providing various counting status on types of ballots or other items.
{ElectionAdministration} 0..1 ElectionAdministration For use when the reporting unit serves as the authority in the election.
IsDistricted 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate whether the reporting unit is a district; assumed to be “false” if not present.
IsMailOnly 0..1 Boolean Boolean to indicate whether the reporting unit handles only mail-in or absentee ballot elections, assumed to be “false” if not present.
Number 0..1 String A number associated with the reporting unit; for compatibility with VIP.
{PartyRegistration} 0..* PartyRegistration For associating a count of registered voters per party with the geopolitical unit.
{SpatialDimension} 0..1 SpatialDimension For describing the reporting unit’s spatial extent (a polygon that shows the related area).
SubUnitsReported 0..1 Integer Number of associated subunits such as precincts that have completed reporting.
TotalSubUnits 0..1 Integer Total number of associated subunits such as precincts.
Type 1 ReportingUnitType Enumerated type of reporting unit, e.g., state, county, district, precinct, etc.
OtherType 0..1 String For use when ReportingUnitType value is other.
VotersParticipated 0..1 Integer Number of voters who have participated in the election, i.e., shown up at the polls, including those who did not cast ballots.
VotersRegistered 0..1 Integer Number of registered voters residing within the boundaries of the geopolitical unit.

The RetentionContest Class

Image of RetentionContest

For judicial retention or other types of retention contests. Retention contests can be treated essentially as ballot measure contests, however this element differs from BallotMeasureContest in that it can include a reference to a candidate or the associated office.

This element uses BallotMeasureContest as a superclass. Therefore, it inherits the attributes of Contest as well as BallotMeasureContest.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Candidate} 1 Candidate Link to a Candidate instance. For associating a candidate with the retention contest.
{Office} 0..1 Office Link to an Office instance. For associating an office description with the retention contest.

The Schedule Class

Image of Schedule

For defining a schedule associated with a particular election office or location. ContactInformation includes Schedule.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
{Hours} 0..* Hours For specifying a range of hours for a schedule.
IsOnlyByAppointment 0..1 Boolean If an appointment is only by appointment; assumed to be “no” if not present.
IsOrByAppointment 0..1 Boolean If an appointment can by appointment presumably as desired; assumed to be “no” if not present.
IsSubjectToChange 0..1 Boolean If an appointment may be subject to change; assumed to be “no” if not present.
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
StartDate 0..1 date For the starting date of the schedule.
EndDate 0..1 date For the ending date of the schedule.

The ShortString Class

Image of ShortString

For defining a 32-character annotation, used with character strings in AnnotatedString.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
maxLength   Integer The maximum allowed length of a ShortString.

The SpatialDimension Class

Image of SpatialDimension

For defining the spatial layout of a GpUnit, e.g., a map or a spatial extent (a polygon that shows the related area) for various purposes, including to visualize election results, to understand the composition of districts, or to determine whether GpUnit instances are properly related. GpUnit includes SpatialDimension.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
MapUri 0..* AnnotatedUri Typically a URI to a map of the GpUnit.
{SpatialExtent} 0..1 SpatialExtent For associating a GpUnit element’s spatial extent information.

The SpatialExtent Class

Image of SpatialExtent

SpatialDimension includes SpatialExtent for defining a GpUnit instance’s spatial extent data and the format used for the spatial extent.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Coordinates 1 RichText The data coordinates constituting the spatial extent.
Format 1 GeoSpatialFormat Enumerated type for the format used, e.g., gml, kml, wkt, etc.

The Term Class

Image of Term

For describing information about an office term. Term is included by Office.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Label 0..1 String For use as needed and compatibility with the VIP schema.
StartDate 0..1 date Start date for the current term of the office.
EndDate 0..1 date End date for the current term of the office.
Type 0..1 OfficeTermType Enumerated type of term, e.g., full-term, unexpired-term, etc.

The TimeWithZone Class

Image of TimeWithZone

Restricts time to require inclusion of time zone information and excludes fractional seconds

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
pattern   String Pattern used for indicating the time with the accompanying time zone.

The VoteCounts Class

Image of VoteCounts

For reporting on vote counts for contest selections in a contest. VoteCounts includes Counts as an extension base and therefore inherits the elements from Counts, but it is included directly by ContestSelection.

Attribute Multiplicity Type Attribute Description
Count 1 double Count of contest votes cast; can include a factional component in special cases.