Election Modeling Semantic Glossary
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Concepts: A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z Unnamed Concepts


Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter Situation
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situational Ballot Catagoies that has absentee voter exactly one occurrence of Absentee Voter
This concept is the domain of has absentee voter
This concept is the range of qualified to recieve
Definition: Ballot used for absentee voting.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that required under exactly one occurrence of Excuse Voting
This concept is the domain of required under
This concept is the range of has absentee excuse
Definition: An excuse in order to vote an absentee ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situation that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of appears on, has absentee excuse, and represents
This concept is the range of fills out absentee request
Definition: A request made by the voter to receive an absentee ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Schema
This concept is the range of embodies
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that has valid absentee request exactly one occurrence of Valid Absentee Request
A kind of Voter that qualified to recieve exactly one occurrence of Absentee Ballot
This concept is the domain of has valid absentee request and qualified to recieve
This concept is the range of has absentee voter
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of based on
Definition: Voting that can occur unsupervised at a location chosen by the voter and usually done ahead of election day.
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Action that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of applied to
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Nexus
A kind of thing that has purpose exactly one occurrence of Purpose
This concept is the domain of has purpose
This concept is the range of has action and performs
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Controlled Contest that activated by exactly one occurrence of only Activation Contest
This concept is the domain of activated by
This concept is the range of activates
Definition: A controlled contest that has been activated by the selection of an activation option in an activation contest, and thus eligible to be voted on.
Model-Generated Definition:
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Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Controlling Contest that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of activates and has indirect deselection
This concept is the range of activated by
Definition: A controlling contest containing an activation option, that when selected activates one or more controlled contests.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has credentialed medium
This concept is the range of has activation device
  • Programmed device that creates credentials necessary to begin a voting session using a specific ballot style. Examples include electronic poll books and card activators that contain credential information necessary to determine the appropriate ballot style for the voter.
  • Are these Components?
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Option that exactly one occurrence of Activation Contest
Definition: A contest option appearing under an activation contest that when selected, causes the controlled contests to change state to selectable.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Direct Selection that activates some occurrences of only Activated Contest
This concept is the domain of activates
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Object that embodies exactly one occurrence of Absentee Request Form
This concept is the domain of embodies
This concept is the range of appears on
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Object that has form exactly one occurrence of Form
This concept is the domain of has form
This concept is the range of appears on form and has actual form
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A kind of Process
Definition: Process of resolving flagged cast ballots to reflect voter intent. Common reasons for flagging include:
· write-ins,
· overvotes,
· marginal marks,
· having no contests marked on the entire ballot, or
· the ballot being unreadable by a scanner.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Read Ballot
Not an occurrence of Counted Ballot
Definition: A ballot that contains contest selections that require adjudication.
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A kind of Ballot Selection Origin that adjudicates exactly one occurrence of Ballot Mark
This concept is the domain of adjudicates
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A kind of Candidate that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of affiliates via
This concept is the range of affiliates and represents
Definition: A candidate affiliated with a political party, regardless of ballot designation.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has affiliating primary
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Party Affiliation
Definition: Association with a political party.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that performs exactly one occurrence of Action
This concept is the domain of performs
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Person in Role that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of agent of and member of
This concept is the range of patient of
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: The ballot or accompanying information is said to be in an alternative format if it is in a representation other than the standard ballot language and format. Examples include, but are not limited to languages other than English, Braille, ASCII text, large print, recorded audio. (VVSG 1.1)
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A kind of Indication Facts
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Definition: [OMR Book] 1/10 of a nm
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A kind of Office
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Equivalent to Filling Mark
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Definition: A ballot in which a set of offices is presented to the voter in spoken, rather than written, form (VVSG 1.1)
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  • Not part of the voting system?
  • Voting device dedicated exclusively to independently verifying or assessing the voting system’s performance.
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Definition: Printing on both sides of a sheet [OMR book]
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A kind of Identifiable Thing and Object that meets all of the following conditions:
Definition: Presentation of the contest options for a particular voter.
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Equivalent to Voting Session
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Faceting Thing
This concept is the domain of has option
This concept is the range of appears under
Definition: Anonymous class for content areas on the ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Mediating Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the range of associated with ballot data, has ballot style data, and part of
Definition: A list of contests and associated contest options that may appear on a ballot for a particular precinct and election.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that part of ballot format exactly one occurrence of Ballot Format
This concept is the domain of part of ballot format
This concept is the range of instantiates display format
Definition: The way the voting system communicates ballot choices and other information. (Human Factors Group)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script that instructs some occurrences of Ballot Rendering Process
This concept is the range of dictates, has ballot format, and part of ballot format
Definition: The concrete presentation of the contents of a ballot appropriate to the particular voting technology being used. The contents may be rendered using various methods of presentation (visual or audio), language or graphics. (VVSG 1.1) (blessed)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Rendered Ballot that instantiates display format exactly one occurrence of Ballot Display Format
This concept is the domain of instantiates display format
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Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Relative Thing and Script
This concept is the range of according to and has ballot interaction instructions
Definition: Instructions for interacting with the ballot based on its rendering.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process that has ballot exactly one occurrence of Ballot
This concept is the domain of has ballot
This concept is the range of has ballot interpertation
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has ballot interpertation
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Ballot Measure Contest
Equivalent to Ballot Proposition
Equivalent to Ballot Question
Equivalent to Ballot Referendum
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Selection Generation that indicating at most one occurrence of Voter Intent
This concept is the domain of indicating
This concept is the range of adjudicates, has ballot marks, and indicated by
Definition: A possible indicator of voter intent.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Action and Voting Process that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of marks and performed by
This concept is the range of marked by
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A vote-capture device that:

permits ballot options to be reviewed on an electronic interface,
produces a human-readable paper ballot, and
does not make any other lasting record of the voter’s selections.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of made according to
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Ballot Issue
Equivalent to Ballot Proposition
Equivalent to Ballot Question
Equivalent to Ballot Referendum
A kind of Contest in Election that has option at least two occurrences of only Ballot Measure Option
Definition: A question that appears on the ballot with options usually in the form of an approval or rejection.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Option that appears under exactly one occurrence of only Ballot Measure Contest
Definition: A contest option that specifies a response to a ballot measure contest.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that indicated by exactly one occurrence of Ballot Selection
Not an occurrence of Contest Option
This concept is the domain of indicated by
  • Role of ballot style
  • A particular type of ballot style that may be given to / activated for a voter.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of achieves
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Ballot Issue
Equivalent to Ballot Measure Contest
Equivalent to Ballot Question
Equivalent to Ballot Referendum
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Ballot Issue
Equivalent to Ballot Measure Contest
Equivalent to Ballot Proposition
Equivalent to Ballot Referendum
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Ballot Issue
Equivalent to Ballot Measure Contest
Equivalent to Ballot Proposition
Equivalent to Ballot Question
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of achieves and produces render ballot
This concept is the range of supplies ballot data
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Election Policy that instructs some occurrences of Candidate Rotation Process
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that part of exactly one occurrence of Ballot Data
This concept is the domain of part of
This concept is the range of has ballot section
  • An independently countable part of a ballot.
  • Harvey?
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Description that characterizes exactly one occurrence of only Ballot Option
This concept is the range of indicated by
Definition: The act of choosing a particular ballot style from those availbile.
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This concept is the range of has ballot selection origin
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Equivalent to Vote Summary Card
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This concept is the range of has ballot side
Definition: The face of a paper ballot. A paper ballot may have two sides.
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Equivalent to Generic Ballot Style
A kind of Ballot Data that meets all of the following conditions:
Definition: Ballot data that has been put into contest order for a particular precinct and set of voter situations. Voter situations include party affiliation (for closed primaries) and age of the voter (in states that permit 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections), among others.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of identfies ballot
This concept is the range of has ballot style identifier
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Mediating Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has ballot, has contest count, and has election district
This concept is the range of contains contest count and has contest count
Definition: Meron for Ballot Count
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A ballot processing device that:

accepts stacks of hand-marked or BMD-produced paper ballots and automatically processes them until the stack is empty;
is usually used at an election authority’s central location;
is mostly commonly used to process absentee or mail ballots;
usually has input and output hoppers for ballots;
scans a ballot and rejects it if either unreadable or un-processable;
detects, interprets, and validates contest selections;
detects and sorts (either digitally or physically) ballots that are unreadable or un-processable, or that contain undeterminable selections, marking exceptions, or write-ins; and
tabulates and reports contest results as required. This unit was previously referred to as central count optical scanner or CCOS.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situation that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has date, has name, and of person
This concept is the range of born at and has birth
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Description
This concept is the domain of has birth and has person
This concept is the range of has date
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Birth that has united states exactly one occurrence of United States
Not an occurrence of Naturalization
This concept is the domain of has citizen and has united states
This concept is the range of has birth in united states
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Citizen that has birth in united states exactly one occurrence of Birth in County
Not an occurrence of Naturalized Citizen
This concept is the domain of has birth in united states
This concept is the range of has citizen
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A kind of Voter Possessable Ballots that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Marked Ballot
This concept is the domain of has ballot marks and marked by
This concept is the range of marks
Definition: Issued ballot without any selections made.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Timing control
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A kind of thing that unnamed property1 exactly four occurrences of Point
This concept is the domain of unnamed property1
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A kind of Relative Thing
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script
This concept is the range of for period ending on
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Person in Role that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Candidate Ticket
This concept is the domain of member of, patient of, and runs for
This concept is the range of agent of, for, and has candidate
Definition: Person contending in a contest for office. A candidate may be explicitly presented as one of the contest options or may be a write-in candidate. (VVSG vNext)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Agent that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of for and has committee purpose
This concept is the range of member of
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest in Election that has option any number of occurrences of only Candidate Contest Option
This concept is the range of has candidate contest and has contest
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Faceting Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of for representation in and has contest
This concept is the range of for election in
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Candidate Option or Write-In Option
A kind of Contest Option that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the range of has candidate contest option
Definition: A contest option appearing under a candidate contest.
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A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Write-In Option
This concept is the domain of has ordered contest and has rotated contest
Definition: A contest option that is associated with a candidate.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Party Affiliation that executes any number of occurrences of only Declared Party Affiliation
This concept is the domain of affiliates
This concept is the range of affiliates via
Definition: The party affiliation of a candidate for purposes of representing a party in an election.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Variation that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the range of produced by
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Team Candidate
A kind of thing that made up of at least two occurrences of Candidate
Not an occurrence of Candidate
Definition: Two or more candidates that appear together as a single contest option.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that in possession of exactly one occurrence of Election Jurisdiction
Not an occurrence of Spoiled Ballot
This concept is the domain of has cast vote and in possession of
This concept is the range of has cast ballot
Definition: Ballot in which the voter has taken final action in selecting contest choices and irrevocably confirmed their intent to vote as selected.
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has cast vote
This concept is the range of has cast vote record
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has cast ballot and has cast vote record
This concept is the range of has cast vote
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Process
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Digital Imaging
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Device that consolidates and reports vote totals from multiple precincts at a central location.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Ballot cast by a voter whose eligibility to vote is disputed. A challenged ballot may be a provisional ballot, based on state law. In some states challenge ballot is a synonym for provisional ballot. (proposed by Katy)
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A kind of Digital Imaging
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A kind of Person in Role that is identified by some occurrences of Social Security Card
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Definition: Area where non-dropout color ink is disallowed.
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Equivalent to Timing Mark
Definition: [Equiv according to OMR book]
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Open Primary
This concept is the range of has closed primary
Definition: Primary election in which the voter receives a ballot containing only those party-specific contests pertaining to the political party with which the voter is affiliated, along with non-party-specific contests presented at the same election. Note: Usually, unaffiliated voters are permitted to vote only on non-party-specific contests . (NIST Twiki Glossary)
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Unnamed1
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Equivalent to Reporting Unit
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A kind of Agent of Candidate
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A kind of Purpose
This concept is the range of has committee purpose
Definition: A committee may have a purpose different than the purpose of the candidate. For example, the obstensive purpose of a committee is election to office, but a candidate may want to use committee for fund raising.
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A kind of Agent of Candidate
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Definition: Element within a larger voting system.
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Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of allocated to and has contest count
Definition: A measure associated with a particular contest.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: The ability to select options in a particular contest. All contests of a given ballot style are eligible to be voted on, subject to one or more activation contests.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Final Impact, Qualifier Impact, or Rules Impact
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identifiable Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Psudocontest
This concept is the range of has contest, has contest in election, and unnamed property1
Definition: A single decision or set of associated decisions being put before the voters (for example, the option of candidates to fill a particular public office or the approval or disapproval of a constitutional amendment). This term encompasses other terms such as "race," "question," and "issue" that are sometimes used to refer to specific kinds of contests. It does not refer to the legal challenge of an election outcome.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has facet any number of occurrences of only Contest on Ballot
This concept is the range of has contest instructions and informs
Definition: Instructions for voting a particular contest. Usually the instructions are related to the voting method used.
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A kind of Narrowing Purpose
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Ballot Content, Contest in Election, and Faceting Thing that appears on some occurrences of Ballot
This concept is the domain of appears on and has contest instructions
This concept is the range of has contest
Definition: A contest that appears on a ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that selected at contest option position some occurrences of Contest Option Position
Not an occurrence of Ballot Option or Contest Selection
This concept is the domain of selected at contest option position
Definition: A votable choice that appears under a contest.
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Overvote Count or Undervote Count
This concept is the range of allocated to
Definition: A measure associated with a particular contest option.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identifiable Thing, Mediating Thing, and Response Position that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of associates with contest option and is indicated by
Definition: A specified area on a ballot where a voter’s selection for a particular contest option can be indicated.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Mark Entry Frame
Equivalent to Mark Frame
A kind of Faceting Thing
This concept is the domain of bounded by reading range
This concept is the range of has appearence, has mark frame, is indicated by, and made along
Definition: An indicator of where marks may be placed.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Unallocated Contest Vote
This concept is the domain of allocated to and valid according to law
Definition: Vote that is allocated to a particular contest option.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Vote that will be counted for a particular contest option.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Election Policy that instructs some occurrences of Contest Ordering
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of produces
This concept is the range of produced by
Definition: The process of putting contests into a particular order, commonly referred to as ballot order.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of derived from and has contest outcome
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has contest exactly one occurrence of Contest in Election
This concept is the domain of has contest and informs
This concept is the range of has contest rule
Definition: Rule that affect the way the contest is voted. Examples include number to be elected or vote for.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Contest Vote
A kind of Description that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Contest Option
This concept is the range of appearence of, contains evidence of, and to make
Definition: A selection marked on the ballot by a voter with respect to a specific single contest (for example, a candidate, the value “Yes” or “Approve”).
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has contest selection generation
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A kind of Cast Vote Union that meets all of the following conditions:
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Equivalent to Contest Selection
A kind of thing that allocated to exactly one occurrence of Contest Count
This concept is the domain of allocated to
Definition: Countable unit allocated to a particular contest accumulator.
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest on Ballot that controlled by exactly one occurrence of Controlling Contest
This concept is the domain of controlled by
This concept is the range of controls
Definition: A contest on a ballot whose state is dependent on the selections made in a separate controlling contest.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Psudocontest that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of controls and selection made via direct selection
This concept is the range of controlled by
  • Ballot content structured as a contest that affects other contests under its control. The purpose of a controlling contest varies, but includes the activation or deactivation of parts of the ballot based on the voter's selection.
  • Contest where the selection of contest options causes a outcome
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter Intent Mark
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Not an occurrence of Uncountable Ballot
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Not an occurrence of Needs Adjudication or Uncountable Indication
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A kind of Recorded Ballot
Not an occurrence of Adjudication-required ballot
Definition: A read ballot that has been processed and whose votes are included in the vote totals.

Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Jurisdiction that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of power vested in
This concept is the range of governs
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has activation device
This concept is the range of has credentialed medium
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Felony, Hospital, Jail, Misdemeanor, Person, or Prison
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Equivalent to Party Endorsement that comes from at least two occurrences of Political Party
This concept is the range of unnamed1
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A kind of Unnamed1
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Not an occurrence of Timing Mark
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A kind of Script that instructs any number of occurrences of only Candidate Party Affiliation
(Not selected for the report)
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Definition: Canvass means different things to different people
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Record representing a single voter's intent in a given election that will be used in counts, recount, and audits. [JD Def] [Term was used by NIST-EAC WGs]
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Definition: Physical apparatus and any supporting supplies, materials, and logic that together form a functional unit that performs assigned tasks as an integrated whole.
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Equivalent to Resolution Scanning
This concept is the range of has digital imaging
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Candidate or Candidate Ticket
A kind of thing that represented by any number of occurrences of Candidate Contest Option
Definition: Concept not related to selection method, rather if the option is for an elector or the candidate themself
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A voting device that allows:

electronic presentation of a ballot,
electronic selection of valid voter choices, and
electronic storage of these selections as individual records. It also provides a summary of these vote selections.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Selection
Not an occurrence of Indirect Selection
This concept is the range of selection made via direct selection
Definition: A contest selection made under direct control of the voter.
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A kind of Reading Range that under vertical timing mark exactly one occurrence of only Vertical Timing Mark
This concept is the domain of under vertical timing mark
This concept is the range of has direct under
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Countable Ballot or Uncountable Ballot
A kind of Rendered Ballot
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A kind of Purpose
This concept is the range of has dissemination purpose
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Equivalent to Political Subdivision
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Equivalent to Precinct Split
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This concept is the range of has dropout color
Definition: Refers to colors pre-printed or written on documents that people can see but it doesn't appear when read with an image scanner or other devices.
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  • Voting that occurs prior to election day at a polling location under the supervision of poll workers or election administrative staff. See also: in-person voting. Note: some jurisdictions, early voting is referred to as in-person absentee voting. (NIST SP 1500-100)
  • Voting that occurs prior to election day at a polling place under the supervision of election workers.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Office that is composed of some occurrences of only Elected Office Seat
This concept is the domain of has candidate
This concept is the range of runs for
Definition: An office that is filled primarily or exclusively via election.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Office Seat that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of for election in
This concept is the range of for representation in
Definition: An elected office position that a single officeholder may occupy for a term of office.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identifiable Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
Definition: A formal process that allows qualified voters to:
• select candidates to fill seats in one or more public offices and
• to accept or reject one or more proposed ballot measures.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of State Government
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A kind of Calendar Date that made up of some occurrences of Election
This concept is the domain of made up of
This concept is the range of has election calendar and scheduled via
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Absentee Request that has election calendar exactly one occurrence of Election Calendar
This concept is the domain of has election calendar
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that conducted during election day voting period exactly one occurrence of Election Day Voting Period
This concept is the domain of conducted during election day voting period
This concept is the range of has election day voting
Definition: Voting that occurs at a polling location under the supervision of poll workers on the final day of a voting period, commonly known as "Election Day".
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Period that meets all of the following conditions:
Definition: The period during which election day voting may occur. Usually occurring on a single day, starting in the morning and continuing until early evening.
Model-Generated Definition:
  • Voting vs Election System
  • Programmed memory device containing all applicable election definition data required by the election system component where the device will be used.
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This concept is the range of has election district
Definition: Administrative area in which voters are entitled to vote in contests that are specific to that area.
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Equivalent to Precinct or Precinct Split
A kind of Mediating Thing
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Equivalent to Municipality
A kind of Government that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of employs and plays role of
This concept is the range of employed by and in possession of
Definition: Term as used in election contexts to signify a geographical area to which a practical authority has been granted to administer elections for political offices. Areas of jurisdiction apply to local, state, and federal levels. Note: States, counties, cities, towns and townships are all examples of jurisdictions. (old?)
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A kind of Relative Thing that exactly one occurrence of Election Jurisdiction
This concept is the range of plays role of
Definition: A role (business function) played by a election jurisdiction.
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A kind of Situation
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Definition: Term used to designate the group of people associated with elections, including election personnel, poll workers, ballot designers and those responsible for the installation, operation and maintenance of the voting systems. See also election officials.
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A kind of Outcome that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of derived from, has voting, and unnamed property1
This concept is the range of has election outcome
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of established under authority and has voting variation
This concept is the range of has election policy
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A kind of Committee Purpose
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Equivalent to Reported Outcome
A kind of Occurrent
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A kind of Tabulation Report that has dissemination purpose exactly one occurrence of Dissemination Purpose
This concept is the domain of has dissemination purpose
Definition: A tabulation produced after thje
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Faceting Thing
This concept is the domain of applies to
This concept is the range of has election rules
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has election exactly one occurrence of Election
This concept is the domain of has election
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Election Worker
A kind of Election Jurisdiction in Role that has supervised voting exactly one occurrence of Supervised Voting
This concept is the domain of has supervised voting
This concept is the range of has election supervisor
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has jurisdiction exactly one occurrence of Jurisdiction
This concept is the domain of has jurisdiction
This concept is the range of part of
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Election Supervisor
A kind of Person in Role that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of employed by and staffs
This concept is the range of employs and staffed by
Definition: Any person who interacts with those coming to vote. This includes any poll worker, election day worker, early voting worker, or other temporary staff engaged in supporting the voting process.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Subsystem within a voting system which communicates ballot information to a voter in video, audio, or other alternative format which allows the voter to select candidates and issues using vocalization or physical actions.
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A kind of Device
Definition: Device that partially automates the process of checking in voters, assigning them the correct ballot style, and marking voters who have been issued a ballot. May be used in place of a traditional paper poll book. E-poll books can be stand alone at the precinct with a separate copy of the electors list or can be networked into a central voter registration system. They can check and update voter records in real time.
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Component that component of exactly one occurrence of Vote-Capture Device
This concept is the domain of component of
Definition: Component of an electronic vote-capture device that communicates ballot information to the voter and accepts vote selection input from the voter.
Model-Generated Definition:
  • Device that uses electronic or electromechanical components.
  • Subject to EAC certification
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Candidate
This concept is the domain of receives
This concept is the range of applies
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Visual display format options for displaying ballot choices and other information with the addition of personal choices such as text size and color contrast.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has entries
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Excuse Voting or No Excuse Voting
A kind of Voting Variation
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of No Excuse Voting
This concept is the range of required under
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: In reference to processing a ranked choice voting contest on a cast ballot, a ballot that becomes inactive and cannot be advanced in the tabulation for a contest because there are no further valid rankings on the ballot for continuing contest options.
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Unexpected Mark
This concept is the domain of made at
Definition: Mark that falls wholly or partially inside of a contest selection position.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A mark that is outside of the contest option position on a paper or other physical ballot. Extraneous marks on the ballot that can be used to associate the ballot with a specific voter will invalidate the ballot according to state rules.
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Reading Range that determined by vertical timing mark exactly four occurrences of only Vertical Timing Mark
This concept is the range of has facom
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Government that governs exactly one occurrence of Country
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Law
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Person in Role
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Crime, Hospital, Jail, Misdemeanor, Person, or Prison
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Equivalent to Reference Mark
Equivalent to Registration Mark
This concept is the range of relative to fiducial mark
Definition: A printed reference point on a ballot. [Need to determine how to precisely determine offsets]
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Appropriate Mark
A kind of Expected Mark and Semiotic Mark that made according to exactly one occurrence of Ballot Marking Instructions
Not an occurrence of Geometric Mark
This concept is the domain of made according to
This concept is the range of has filling mark
Definition: An expected mark made according to the ballot marking instructions.
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Qualifier Impact or Rules Impact
This concept is the range of has final impact
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has fixed position scanning
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Schema that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has actual form and has entries
This concept is the range of has form
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of according to and has actual form
This concept is the range of fills out
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situation
This concept is the range of has form outcome
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Election Policy
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of RegistrationForm
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of relative to fiducial mark
This concept is the range of has fudicial offset
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that has final impact some occurrences of Final Impact
This concept is the domain of has final impact
Definition: Election in which voters, regardless of party affiliation, are permitted to select candidates to fill public office and vote on ballot issues (VVSG 1.1)
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Equivalent to Indirect Selection
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Equivalent to Ballot Style
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A kind of Semiotic Mark
Not an occurrence of Filling Mark or Script Mark
This concept is the range of has geometric mark
Definition: A mark whose shape may indicate a contest selection.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Describes units of geopolitical geography so that they can be associated with contests, offices, ballot styles, and election results.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Name that exactly one occurrence of Person
This concept is the domain of has birth
This concept is the range of has name
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Organization that governs exactly one occurrence of Country
This concept is the domain of governs
This concept is the range of power vested in
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Marking Method
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Structual Data
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A kind of Voter Intent Mark that indicating no occurrences of anything
Definition: Small dot made by resting the point of a writing utensil on a paper ballot.
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Timing Mark
This concept is the domain of has omr reading methods and unnamed property1
This concept is the range of has horizontal timing mark
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that composed of timing mark any number of occurrences of only Horizontal Timing Mark
Not an occurrence of Vertical Timing Track
This concept is the range of has horizontal timing track
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Crime, Felony, Jail, Misdemeanor, Person, or Prison
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Description, Namespace, and Relative Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of identifies and issued by
This concept is the range of is identified by and issues
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that issues exactly one occurrence of Identification
This concept is the domain of issues
This concept is the range of issued by
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has nvra form exactly one occurrence of Nvra Form
This concept is the domain of has nvra form
This concept is the range of unnamed property1
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script Mark that identifies exactly one occurrence of Voter
This concept is the domain of identifies
Definition: Script Mark that potentially indicate the voter’s identify.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Early Voting that based on at most one occurrence of Absentee Voting
This concept is the domain of based on
Definition: Voting that occurs prior to election day at a polling location under the supervision of poll workers. This kind of voting may employ procedures similar to other forms of absentee voting.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Early Voting
Definition: Voting that occurs prior to election day at a polling location under the supervision of poll workers.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Polling Place Voting
A kind of Supervised Voting that occurs at some occurrences of Polling Place
This concept is the domain of occurs at
Definition: Voting that occurs at a polling place under the supervision of poll workers.
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Person in Role
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has indication determination
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Contest Selection and Purpose
This concept is the range of has indirect deselection
  • Remove/replace with active inactive concept?
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Generated Mark
A kind of Contest Selection and Purpose
Not an occurrence of Direct Selection
This concept is the range of has indirect selection
Definition: The condition in which a selection for a specific contest option caused selections in other linked contest options. An example is a straight party selection that causes indirect selections for all contest options of the identified party in contests linked to the straight party contest.
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A kind of Person
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A kind of Sensor Type
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A kind of Script that written to honor exactly one occurrence of Marking Motivation
This concept is the domain of written to honor
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Rendered Ballot that in state exactly one occurrence of Process Ballot Categories
This concept is the domain of in state
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Crime, Felony, Hospital, Misdemeanor, Person, or Prison
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has law exactly one occurrence of Law
This concept is the domain of has law
This concept is the range of has jurisdiction and has law jurisdiction
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter Situation
This concept is the range of has language
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has dropout color some occurrences of Dropout Color
This concept is the domain of has dropout color and has readable color
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Rule and Script that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of establishes office, has election policy, and has law jurisdiction
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has legal obligations
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Government
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Abstract and Contest in Election that has physical contest some occurrences of Physical Contest
This concept is the domain of has physical contest
This concept is the range of ff
Definition: A contest layed out according to
Model-Generated Definition:
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This concept is the domain of caused by application of rules
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Marking Method
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of made according to
Definition: Mark in a contest selection position of a paper ballot that meets requirements for detection by a scanner.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Mark in a contest selection position of a paper ballot that meets requirements for detection by a scanner.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Political Party
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A kind of Marked Ballot
Definition: Paper ballot marked by a person using a writing utensil. The paper ballot is the independent voter-verifiable record.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Mark in contest selection position of a paper ballot that does not meet the requirements for a reliably detectable selection, and therefore requires human adjudication. A marginal mark may be a determined to indicate a selection, depending on state law.
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Equivalent to Mark Frame
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Definition: Syn from [SK glossary]
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Reading Range that between vertical timing mark exactly two occurrences of only Vertical Timing Mark
This concept is the domain of between vertical timing mark
This concept is the range of has mark to mark
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that has ballot marks some occurrences of Ballot Mark
A kind of Voter Possessable Ballots that has marking outcome exactly one occurrence of Marking Outcome
Not an occurrence of Blank Ballot
This concept is the domain of has ballot marks and has marking outcome
This concept is the range of has marked ballot
Definition: Ballot that contains all of a voter's selections.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script
This concept is the range of made according to
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Motivation that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has marking outcome
This concept is the range of has marking motivation and written to honor
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Outcome that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has marked ballot and has marking motivation
This concept is the range of has marking outcome
Model-Generated Definition:
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Equivalent to Response Position
Definition: equiv per OMR book
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Process
Model-Generated Definition:
Mediating Thing (http://hiltonroscoe.com/ns/ontologies/sowa#MediatingThing)
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Person in Role
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Military and Voter
Not an occurrence of SeventeenYearOldVoter
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Political Party
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Crime, Felony, Hospital, Jail, Person, or Prison
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identification Issuer that issues some occurrences of State Identification
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A kind of Voting Method
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Election Jurisdiction
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identification
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Purpose that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has candidate contest and has candidate contest option
This concept is the range of has narrowing purpose
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has citizen exactly one occurrence of Naturalized Citizen
Not an occurrence of Birth in County
This concept is the domain of has citizen
This concept is the range of has naturalized
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situation
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Citizen that has naturalized exactly one occurrence of Naturalization
Not an occurrence of Birthright Citizen
This concept is the domain of has naturalized
This concept is the range of has citizen
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Unknown Indication
(Not selected for the report)
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Not an occurrence of Excuse Voting
Definition: Any registered voter may request an absentee ballot without stating a reason. Discussion: in states without no-excuse absentee voting a voter must state a valid excuse in order to obtain an absentee ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Candidate and Situation that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has nominated success and has nomination purpose
Definition: Seems that Nominated Candidate is a candidate that prehends nomination success. However, it also describes a situational outcome
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process that has nomination rules exactly one occurrence of Nomination Rules
This concept is the domain of has nomination rules
This concept is the range of has nomination process
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Committee Purpose that explains exactly one occurrence of Nominated Candidate
This concept is the range of has nomination purpose
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Script that has nomination process exactly one occurrence of Nomination Process
This concept is the domain of has nomination process
This concept is the range of has nomination rules
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of History that has nomination process exactly one occurrence of Nomination Process
This concept is the domain of has nomination process
This concept is the range of has nominated success
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has narrowing purpose exactly one occurrence of only Non Party Specific Narrowing Purpose
Not an occurrence of Partisan Primary
This concept is the range of appear during
Definition: Primary election held to narrow the field of candidates in non-party-specific contests.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has partisan primary exactly one occurrence of Partisan Primary
This concept is the domain of has partisan primary
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Party Specific Contest
Definition: Contest where eligibility to vote in that contest is independent of political party.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Narrowing Purpose that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of appear during
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Partisan Office
Definition: Elected office for which candidates appear on the election ballot without political party designation.
Model-Generated Definition:
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This concept is the range of unnamed property1
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Mediating Thing and RegistrationForm that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of containing and unnamed property1
This concept is the range of appears on and has nvra form
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Federal Law
(Not selected for the report)
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of governed by law, has legal obligations, and is composed of
This concept is the range of establishes office and has office
Definition: A position established by law with certain associated rights and duties.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Nonpartisan Office or Partisan Office
A kind of thing that has candidate any number of occurrences of Candidate
Definition: Union describing whether an office has a partisan composure or not. All partisan office seats do, including appointed office.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has office, has officeholder, and has term of office
This concept is the range of for seat and is composed of
Definition: An office position that a single officeholder may occupy for a term of office.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of for seat and has legal obligations
This concept is the range of has officeholder
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that establishes at most one occurrence of Party Affiliation
Not an occurrence of Closed Primary
This concept is the domain of establishes
Definition: (For Ballot Issuance purposes), Primary election in which the voter may choose a political party when they request a ballot. In some states the voter will become publicly affiliated with the chosen political party, while others do not establish affiliation. Other states may restrict the voters ability to switch affiliation from one party to another.

(For Voting System purposes) Primary election in which a voter may vote in party-specific contests associated with that party, along with non party specific contests presented at the same election.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Controlling Contest that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has indirect deselection
Definition: A controlling contest that may appear on an open primary ballot that allows the voter to select which political party’s primary they wish to vote. A valid selection in this contest protects the voter from voiding the partisan selection of the ballot by making selections in more than one party’s contest.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has fixed position scanning
This concept is the range of has optical mark recognition
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Ballot Option or Contest Option
A kind of Faceting Thing that appears under exactly one occurrence of Ballot Content
This concept is the domain of appears under
This concept is the range of has option
Definition: (term is purposely not defined)
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Response Meaning
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A kind of Contest in Election that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of produced by
This concept is the range of has ordered contest and produces
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situation that has voting exactly one occurrence of Voting Motivation
This concept is the domain of has voting
This concept is the range of produces
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Expected Mark and Semiotic Mark that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has filling mark and has geometric mark
Definition: Two or more semiotic marks overlapping in the same contest selection position
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that allocated to exactly one occurrence of Overvote Count
Not an occurrence of Undervote
Definition: Occurs when the number of selections made by a voter in a contest is more than the maximum number allowed. The number of allowed selections is equal to the number of votes lost. For example, if three selections are made in a vote-for-two contest, the number of votes lost is two.
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Contest Option Count or Undervote Count
Definition: The number of overvotes associated with a particular contest.
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This concept is the domain of has ballot sheet
  • A piece of paper, or multiple sheets of paper, on which all contest options of a given ballot style are printed.
  • Ballot style does not link properly to Ballot
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has ballot pages
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has ballot pages and has ballot side
This concept is the range of has ballot sheet
Definition: A single piece of paper that forms part of a paper ballot. Paper ballots may contain multiple ballot sheets.
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of contains evidence of
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Countable Ballot
Model-Generated Definition:
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Ballot that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has cool party and has voter voting in closed primary
This concept is the range of has partisan ballot
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has candidate any number of occurrences of only Affiliated Candidate
Not an occurrence of Nonpartisan Office
Definition: Elected office for which candidates may appear on the ballot with a political party designation.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Office Seat
Definition: Boards that have equal makeup based on partisanship
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Closed Primary or Open Primary
A kind of thing that has narrowing purpose exactly one occurrence of only Party Specific Narrowing Purpose
Not an occurrence of Non Partisan Primary
This concept is the range of appear during and has partisan primary
Definition: Primary election held to narrow the field of candidates in party-specific contests.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of affiliates via and has party contests
This concept is the range of affiliates and has voter
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Party Contest Option that appears under exactly one occurrence of only Open Primary Party Preference Contest
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Selection that deactivates some occurrences of only Party Specific Contest Option
This concept is the domain of deactivates
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Affiliation
A kind of Process that affiliates to exactly one occurrence of Political Party
This concept is the domain of affiliates to
This concept is the range of affiliates via, establishes, implies, and votes for
Definition: Association with a political party. See also: endorsement. Note: Affiliation with a political party does not imply endorsement by that political party; endorsement does not imply affiliation
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Ballot Selection that has affiliating primary exactly one occurrence of Affiliating Primary
This concept is the domain of has affiliating primary
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Option
Definition: For a contest selection involving a party such as for a straight party selection on the ballot. It inherits the attributes of ContestSelection. [ERRv2 CDF]
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Candidate that recieves some occurrences of Political Party Designation
This concept is the domain of recieves
This concept is the range of applies to
Definition: A candidate that has a party or party-like designation.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Mediating Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of applies and comes from
This concept is the range of gives and receives
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that implies exactly one occurrence of Party Affiliation
Not an occurrence of Straight Party Option
This concept is the domain of implies
Definition: The act of picking a political party for primary voting purposes. (JND)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Non Party Specific Contest
This concept is the domain of appearing under
This concept is the range of has party contests
Definition: Contest such that eligibility to vote in that contest is restricted based on political party affiliation or lack thereof. Note: The affiliation might be the registered affiliation of the voter or it might be an affiliation declared at the time of voting. See closed primary, open primary. (NIST Twiki Glossary), (approved by EM group, 3/28)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Option that appears under exactly one occurrence of only Party Specific Contest
This concept is the range of deactivates
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Narrowing Purpose that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of appear during
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Once a voter opts in, they will receive an absentee ballot automatically for all future elections. Note: the definition of "permanent" varies by state. Some states require voters to reapply at certain intervals (NCSL)
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that born at exactly one occurrence of Birth
A kind of Independent Thing and Object that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Crime, Felony, Hospital, Jail, Misdemeanor, or Prison
This concept is the range of for, has performer, has person, identifies, of person, and represents
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Agent and Participation that has performer exactly one occurrence of Person
This concept is the domain of has performer
This concept is the range of performs as
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest in Election and Physical that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of ff and has voting variation
This concept is the range of has physical contest
Definition: A contest rendered according to a specific layout.
Model-Generated Definition:
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Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Pitch
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that unnamed property1 exactly two occurrences of Numerical Coordinate
This concept is the domain of unnamed property1
This concept is the range of unnamed property1
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that is labeled by exactly one occurrence of Political Party
This concept is the domain of applies to and is labeled by
This concept is the range of labels and recieves
Definition: A political party label that is associated with a candidate. Candidates may be designated through the nomination process or by the candidate themself.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to District
  • Any unit of government, such as counties, cities, school districts, and water and conservation districts having authority to hold elections for public offices or on ballot measures.
  • Right to hold or the holder of See canvass definition
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Polling Place
A kind of Building in Role that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has election, serves, and serves precinct
This concept is the range of has polling location and votes at
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Polling Location
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of staffed by
This concept is the range of occurs at and staffs
Definition: Location at which voters may cast in-person ballots under the supervision of election workers during one or more specific time periods.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to In Person Voting
Definition: Voting that occurs at a polling place under the supervision of poll workers.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: QR Code Only
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Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that conducted during pre election day voting period exactly one occurrence of Pre Election Day Voting Period
A kind of Temporal Voting Category that occurs for exactly one occurrence of Valid Absentee Request
This concept is the range of meets requirements of
Definition: Voting that occurs during a period that starts prior to the start of election day voting.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Period that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of starts before election day voting period
Definition: The period during which early voting may take place. This period must begin prior to election day.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Election District that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has polling location and has vote center
This concept is the range of has precinct and serves precinct
Definition: A precinct is the geographic area to which voters are assigned. It is an administrative division of a county or municipality to which a voter has been assigned by their residence address for voting in an election. Your jurisdiction may use the terms “ward” or “voting district” to describe voting precincts.

Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to District Combo
A kind of Election District that exactly one occurrence of Ballot Style
This concept is the range of has split precinct
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter Situation
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Ballot Style that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the range of has presentable ballot
Definition: Ballot style that includes all presentational details required to generate a ballot. This may include language, ordering of contests and candidates, and structural content such as headers.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Primary election in which voters choose the delegates to the presidential nominating conventions allotted to their states by the national party committees.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Non Partisan Primary or Partisan Primary
Equivalent to a thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has narrowing purpose and has qualifier contest
Definition: Election held to determine which candidates qualify to appear as contest options in subsequent elections.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has appearence exactly one occurrence of Contest Option Position Appearence
This concept is the domain of has appearence
This concept is the range of has contest layout
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Physical Contest that has contest layout exactly one occurrence of Print Contest Layout
This concept is the domain of has contest layout
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Crime, Felony, Hospital, Jail, Misdemeanor, or Person
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to either Blank Ballot or Marked Ballot
Equivalent to Cast Ballot or Reviewed Ballot
This concept is the range of in state
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Component
Model-Generated Definition:
  • Electronic device that includes software. Most electronic voting devices include application logic (software) and are, therefore, programmed devices.
  • Replace with programmed component?
Model-Generated Definition:

A failsafe ballot provided to a voter whose eligibility for a regular ballot cannot be immediately determined. The ballot may be counted or further processed depending on state law. See also: 52 U.S.C. Section 21082, recallable ballot.

Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Ballot Content
Not an occurrence of Contest in Election
Definition: Ballot content structured as a contest
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of fills out and has form outcome
This concept is the range of has persons purpose
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Final Impact or Rules Impact
This concept is the range of has qualifier contest
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Scanned Ballot
A kind of Cast Ballot
Definition: Cast ballot that has been accepted and initially processed.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Sektronic calls "photo reflective"
Model-Generated Definition:
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This concept is the range of has readable color
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Reading Range
Equivalent to Reading Zone
Equivalent to Scanning Area
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Reading Area
Equivalent to Reading Zone
Equivalent to Scanning Area
A kind of thing that determined by vertical timing mark between one and four occurrences of Vertical Timing Mark
Not an occurrence of Response Position
This concept is the domain of determined by vertical timing mark and has mark frame
Definition: Area determined by one or more vertical timing marks where a response position may appear.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Reading Area
Equivalent to Reading Range
Equivalent to Scanning Area
(Not selected for the report)
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A kind of Recorded Ballot
Definition: Recorded ballot that can be individually retrieved and included or excluded from further processing.
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A kind of Read Ballot
Definition: Ballot for which there is an associated cast vote record.
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Equivalent to Fiducial Mark
Equivalent to Registration Mark
Definition: A preprinted indicator on a document used as a base location point by a reading device. Also known as a registration mark. [OMR book]
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Fiducial Mark
Equivalent to Reference Mark
Definition: [Syn in OMR book]
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Form and Independent Thing
This concept is the domain of has submitted registration
This concept is the range of registeredVia
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has ballot interaction instructions
This concept is the range of produces render ballot
Definition: A ballot style rendered in a human understandable display format according to a voter's situation, with instructions on how to make a selection.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Election Results
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Combined Wards
  • bad def
  • Geographical area in which reported totals or counts are reported (for example, a jurisdiction, precinct, or election district).
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of appears on form and represents
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Person in Role
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Unallocated Contest Vote
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Digital Imaging
This concept is the range of has resoloution scanning
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Marking Position
A kind of Polygonal Shape
Not an occurrence of Reading Range
This concept is the domain of appears under reading range and has fudicial offset
Definition: A specified area on a ballot where a voter’s selection in a particular contest can be indicated.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Ballot that has been reviewed, before it is cast, to determine what contest selections it contains.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to a thing that produced by exactly one occurrence of Candidate Rotation Process
A kind of Ordered Contest that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of produced by
This concept is the range of has rotated contest
Definition: A contest in which the candidates have been shifted from their initial position.
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Indication Facts
This concept is the range of caused by application of rules
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Final Impact or Qualifier Impact
Definition: T
Model-Generated Definition:
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Equivalent to Read Ballot
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Reading Area
Equivalent to Reading Range
Equivalent to Reading Zone
Definition: SK term. Probably not helpful.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Election that has contest some occurrences of Contest in Election
Not an occurrence of Special Election
This concept is the range of has scheduled election
(Not selected for the report)
(Not selected for the report)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Semiotic Mark
Not an occurrence of Geometric Mark
Definition: Natural language script placed upon the ballot by the voter.
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Ballot Mark
Definition: A mark described in terms of its perceivable features.
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has sensor array
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Pitch
Definition: Distance between the center of 2 sensors on a sensor array. Likely only applies to traditional OMR "photo reflection sensors"
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has sensor array
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter
Not an occurrence of Military Voter
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Instant Runoff Voting
A kind of Voting Method
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(Not selected for the report)
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A kind of Identification Issuer that issues some occurrences of Social Security Card
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identification that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of issued
This concept is the range of issued to
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identification Union that issued to exactly one occurrence of Social Security Card
This concept is the domain of issued to
This concept is the range of issued
Model-Generated Definition:
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Not an occurrence of Scheduled Election
Definition: Primary election or general election that is not regularly scheduled. Note: a special election may be combined with a scheduled election.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Void Ballot
Not an occurrence of Cast Ballot
Definition: An issued ballot that will not be cast, usually because it has been incorrectly marked or impaired in some way.
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of Government that has state identification exactly one occurrence of State Identification
This concept is the domain of has state identification
This concept is the range of has person
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter Registration Identification that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has person
This concept is the range of has state identification
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Controlling Contest that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has indirect selection
Definition: A controlling contest that allows voters to select multiple candidates of the same political party appearing in multiple contests through a single selection of a political party.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Indirect Selection
This concept is the domain of caused by
This concept is the range of causes and overrides
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Contest Option that meets all of the following conditions:
Not an occurrence of Party Selection
This concept is the domain of appears on and represents
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Direct Selection that overrides exactly one occurrence of Straight Party Indirect Selection
This concept is the domain of overrides
Definition: Explicit voter selection that overrides or supplements the vote selections made by a straight party voting option. Straight party overrides may be subject to state election rules for how they work or whether they are allowed.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Direct Selection that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of causes, represented as, and votes for
This concept is the range of candidate recieves votes via and caused by
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Variation
Definition: Mechanism that allows voters to cast a single vote to select all candidates on the ballot from a single political party.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter Intent Mark that indicating no occurrences of anything
This concept is the domain of crossing
Definition: Mark that falls primarily or completely outside the contest selection position and determined to not indicate a contest selection.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Semiotic Mark
Definition: A mark that overlaps the contest option, such as to strike the candidate’s name.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has presentable ballot exactly one occurrence of Presentable Ballot Style
This concept is the domain of has presentable ballot
This concept is the range of has structual data
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Relative Thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of for and to
This concept is the range of has submitted registration and in possession of
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has election supervisor
This concept is the range of has supervised voting
Definition: Voting in presence of election officials.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Relative Thing that contains contest count some occurrences of Ballot-part Count
This concept is the domain of contains contest count
Definition: A report containing the counts associated with ballots tabulated for a given election district.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Candidate Ticket
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A kind of thing that for period ending on exactly one occurrence of Calendar Date
This concept is the domain of for period ending on
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voting Variation that conducted during voting period exactly one occurrence of Voting Period
This concept is the domain of conducted during voting period
Definition: Voting that occurs over a particular voting period.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that exactly one occurrence of Office Seat
This concept is the range of has term of office
Model-Generated Definition:
The top-most concept
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Reading Range that determined by vertical timing mark exactly one occurrence of only Vertical Timing Mark
This concept is the range of has timing control
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Clock Mark
A kind of thing that composing timing track exactly one occurrence of Timing Track
Not an occurrence of Data Mark
This concept is the domain of composing timing track
This concept is the range of composed of timing mark
Definition: A rectangular mark on a ballot that indicates the beginning, ending (inclusive or exclusive) of a reading range across a single axis (horizontal or vertical).
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that composed of timing mark some occurrences of Timing Mark
This concept is the domain of composed of timing mark
This concept is the range of composing timing track
Definition: A series of timing marks in a track on which a pattern of signals is recorded to provide a timing reference [OMR book]
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Timing control
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Semiotic Mark that made along exactly one occurrence of Contest Option Position Appearence
This concept is the domain of made along
Definition: Mark made exclusively along the contest selection position indicator.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Residual Contest Vote
Equivalent to either Overvote or Undervote
Not an occurrence of Contest Option Vote
Definition: Vote that cannot be allocated to a specific contest option due to an undervote or overvote.
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Countable Ballot
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Countable Indication or Needs Adjudication
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that allocated to exactly one occurrence of Undervote Count
Not an occurrence of Overvote
Definition: Occurs when the number of selections in a contest is less than the maximum number allowed for that contest. The number of undervotes is equal to the number of votes lost, e.g., if no selection is made in a vote for two contest, the number of votes lost is two.
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Contest Option Count or Overvote Count
Definition: The number of undervotes associated with a particular contest.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that made at no occurrences of anything
Not an occurrence of Expected Mark
This concept is the domain of made at
Definition: Mark that falls wholly outside a contest selection position.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Country
This concept is the domain of has birth in united states
This concept is the range of has united states
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Needs Adjudication
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A ballot that has been successfully read but the ballot style identification code is not a code contained in the election definition being used by the device or, in the case of a batch-fed scanner, the code is not defined for the precinct whose batch is has been identified to be processed.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Voting that occurs unsupervised at a location chosen by the voter.
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Equivalent to a thing that conducted during uocava voting period exactly one occurrence of UOCAVA Voting Period
This concept is the domain of conducted during uocava voting period
Definition: Voting that occurs prior to election day using various means.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: The period during which UOCAVA voting may take place. This period must begin prior to election day.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process
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Definition: A ballot produced an image that the scanner cannot extract information from due to not recognizing the required format, has been damaged, contains marks that obliterate the format information making it unintelligible or scanning of the ballot failed for mechanical reasons (such as slippage or skew).
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Absentee Request that meets requirements of exactly one occurrence of Pre Election Day Voting
This concept is the domain of meets requirements of
This concept is the range of has valid absentee request and occurs for
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Purpose
This concept is the range of has verification purpose
Model-Generated Definition:
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A kind of thing that composed of timing mark any number of occurrences of only Vertical Timing Mark
Not an occurrence of Horizontal Timing Track
This concept is the range of has vertical timing track
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: Electronic ballot interface which presents ballot information and voting instructions as video images. See also ballot. (VVSG 1.1)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has horizontal timing track and has vertical timing track
Definition: The grid of potential contest option positions as a result of the overlay of the horizontal timing track and horizontal timing track.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Sensor Type
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A display format in which ballot choices and other information are displayed on screen or paper for perception using sight.
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Spoiled Ballot
A kind of Uncountable Ballot
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Polling Location that serves precinct at least two occurrences of Precinct
This concept is the range of has vote center
Definition: A polling place where voters from multiple precincts may cast their ballots.
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: ESS Term
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of component of
Definition: An automated device that is used directly by a voter to vote a ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Person in Role that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of fills out absentee request, registeredVia, votes at, and votes in
This concept is the range of has voter, identifies, performed by, represents, and serves
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A ballot processing device that:

accepts hand-marked or BMD-produced paper ballots one sheet at a time;
is usually used for in-person voting;
permits election officials to open and close the polls; scans a ballot and rejects it if either unreadable or un-processable; detects, interprets and validates contest selections; notifies the voter of voting exceptions (such as undervotes or overvotes) or unreadable marks; stores accepted ballots in a secure container; sorts or otherwise marks ballots or ballot images that need subsequent human review; and tabulates and reports contest results after polls are closed. This unit was previously referred to as precinct count optical scanner or PCOS.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter that has election exactly one occurrence of Election
This concept is the domain of has election
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Voter that votes in some occurrences of only Open Primary
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that to make some occurrences of Contest Selection
This concept is the domain of indicated by and to make
This concept is the range of indicating
Definition: A cognitive construct, formed by the voter, which they attempt to express through the actions they take to mark, verify, and cast their ballot.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Ballot Mark
Model-Generated Definition:
Definition: A standard for counting ballots that aims to ensure that ballots are counted in accordance with the goals of the voter, using written rules for both human processes and machine algorithms to ensure that all ballots marked in a similar way are counted in the same way.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Party Affiliation that executes some occurrences of Voter Party Affiliation Methods
This concept is the domain of affiliates
This concept is the range of affiliates via
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the range of has voter possessable ballots
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Identification that appears on exactly one occurrence of Nvra Form
This concept is the domain of appears on
This concept is the range of containing
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Relative Thing that dictates exactly one occurrence of Ballot Format
This concept is the domain of dictates
This concept is the range of has voter situation
  • A point in time in which certain facts holds about a voter.
  • fff
Model-Generated Definition:
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Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has closed primary, has partisan ballot, and has voter
This concept is the range of has voter voting in closed primary
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Situation that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of has voter and has voter possessable ballots
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of in possession of
This concept is the range of to
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Spatial and Voting Variation
Definition: Voting that occurs at a particular location.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that informs exactly one occurrence of Contest Instructions
This concept is the domain of has contest in election and informs
This concept is the range of voted according to
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Purpose and Reason that meets all of the following conditions:
This concept is the domain of produces
This concept is the range of has voting
Definition: A process which associates voter's with intentions.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Continuant, Description, and Script that exactly one occurrence of Temporal Voting Category
This concept is the range of conducted during voting period
Definition: The period during which voting may take place.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process
Model-Generated Definition:
Equivalent to Ballot Activation
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that part of some occurrences of Election System
This concept is the domain of part of
This concept is the range of part of
Definition: Equipment (including hardware, firmware, and software), materials, and documentation used to define elections and ballot styles, configure voting equipment, identify and validate voting equipment configurations, perform logic and accuracy tests, activate ballots, capture votes, count votes, reconcile ballots needing special treatment, generate reports, transmit election data, archive election data, and audit elections.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of thing that has ballot format exactly one occurrence of Ballot Format
This concept is the domain of has ballot format
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Process that executes exactly one occurrence of Election Policy
This concept is the range of has voting variation
Definition: Voting style, option, or feature such as in-person voting, absentee voting, provisional / challenged ballots, review-required ballots, closed primaries, open primaries, write-ins, ballot rotation, straight party voting, cross-party endorsement, split precincts, N-of-M voting, cumulative voting, or ranked order voting. (NIST Twiki Glossary)
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Device that part of some occurrences of Voting System
This concept is the domain of part of
Definition: Device that is part of the voting system.
Model-Generated Definition:
Model-Generated Definition:
Not an occurrence of Candidate Option
This concept is the domain of has write-in response position
This concept is the range of selected at
Definition: A type of contest option that allows a voter to specify a candidate, usually not already listed under the same contest. Depending on jurisdiction rules, only certain names will be considered as valid write-ins.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Response Position
This concept is the domain of selected at
This concept is the range of has write-in response position
Definition: A specified area on a ballot where a voter’s selection for a contest option not on the ballot may be indicated.
Model-Generated Definition:
A kind of Tabulation Report that has verification purpose exactly one occurrence of Verification Purpose
This concept is the domain of has contest count and has verification purpose
Definition: A tabulation report produced at the opening of polls to verify that there are no stored votes.
Unnamed Concepts
Model-Generated Definition:
This concept is the domain of has horizontal timing mark
This concept is the range of unnamed property1


(Role definitions are suppressed.)