
NISTtheDocs2Death uses two sets of templates that determine the appearance of the hosted documentation.

Assimilation templates

The first set of templates is used by assimilate_theme() to modify the Sphinx configuration.

These templates can be customized by forking this repository.

This template file overlays the html_theme you chose for your documentation with the ntd2d theme, described next.


This template directory provides a Sphinx theme that modifies your chosen documentation theme.


This template file inserts standard NIST headers and footers and a dropdown menu that allows selecting different versions of your documentation.


This template file controls the appearance of the dropdown menu.

Pages templates

The second set of tempaltes is used by update_pages() to create the pages on the hosting site that enable switching between different documentation variants.

You can customize any of these templates by copying them to a _templates/ directory at the root of your nist-pages branch and editing them to suit.

These templates use Python string format syntax (Sphinx and already fight over Jekyll templating, so we’re not getting fancy, here).


A section inserted into menu.html if a documentation variant has any downloadable output, e.g., PDF or ePUB.

Available subsitution keywords are:

  • downloads: A pre-formatted string with each downloadable output formatted by download_item.html.


Formats a link to a single downloadable output.

Available subsitution keywords are:

  • href: URL of the downloadable output.

  • kind: Type of downloadable output, e.g., PDF or ePUB.


The default page for your documentation displayed at{repository}.

Available subsitution keywords are:


Style sheet that controls the appearance of the active tag or branch in the dropdown menu.

Available subsitution keywords are:

  • variant: The name of the active tag or branch.


Lists tags and branches that are configured to serve documentation with this Action.

Available subsitution keywords are:


Formats a link to a single tag or branch.

Available subsitution keywords are:

  • href: URL of the downloadable output.

  • kind: Type of downloadale output, e.g., PDF or ePUB.