STEP File Viewer - Part with graphic PMI

The visualization was generated by the NIST STEP File Analyzer and Viewer. The STEP file was generated from one of the NIST CAD models. The graphic PMI is defined the STEP file. Key 'a' to view all, 'r' to restore, PageDown for viewpoints. Use the mouse in 'Examine Mode' to rotate, pan, zoom. More examples.

Spreadsheet generated by STEP File Analyzer and Viewer

  NIST Test Case Drawing

Part Geometry
Sketch Geometry

Supplemental Geometry
Datum Targets

Saved View Graphic PMI
(Use PageDown to switch between Saved Views.)
Not in a Saved View

More Options


Part Bounding Box
Min:  -340.  -40.  -360.
Max:  340.  820.  40.


Background Color
White  Blue
Gray  Black