AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS module#
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.AutoSAS(sas_variable: str, sas_err_variable: str, q_variable: str, output_prefix: str, sas_resolution_variable: Any | None = None, sample_dim: str = 'sample', model_dim: str = 'models', model_inputs: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, fit_method: dict[str, Any] | None = None, server_id: str | None = None, q_min: float | None = None, q_max: float | None = None, name: str = 'AutoSAS')#
AutoSAS is a pipeline operation for fitting small-angle scattering (SAS) data.
This class provides an interface to the SAS fitting functionality, allowing users to fit various scattering models to experimental data. It can operate either locally or by connecting to a remote AutoSAS server.
- sas_variable#
The variable name for scattering intensity in the dataset
- Type:
- sas_err_variable#
The variable name for scattering intensity uncertainty in the dataset
- Type:
- output_prefix#
Prefix to add to output variable names
- Type:
- q_dim#
The dimension name for q values in the dataset
- Type:
- sas_resolution_variable#
Resolution function for the data, if available
- Type:
float | None
- sample_dim#
The dimension containing each sample
- Type:
- model_dim#
The dimension name for different models
- Type:
- model_inputs#
List of model configurations to fit
- Type:
List[dict[str, Any]] | None
- fit_method#
Configuration for the fitting algorithm
- Type:
dict[str, Any] | None
- server_id#
Server ID in the format “host:port” for remote execution, or None for local execution
- Type:
str | None
- q_min#
Minimum q value to use if not provided in the model_input variable
- Type:
- q_max#
Maximum q value to use if not provided in the model_input variable
- Type:
- calculate(dataset)#
Run SAS fitting on the input data either locally or via remote server
- construct_clients()#
Creates a client to talk to the AutoSAS server
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.FitParameter(value: float, bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None, fixed: bool = False, error: float | None = None)#
Represents a parameter to be fitted in a SAS model.
- bounds: tuple[float, float] | None = None#
- error: float | None = None#
- fixed: bool = False#
- value: float#
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.ModelSelectAIC(all_chisq_var, model_names_var, sample_dim, model_inputs=None, server_id=None, output_prefix='AIC', name='ModelSelectionAIC', **kwargs)#
ModelSelectAIC is a pipeline operation for model selection using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
This class selects the best model for each sample based on the AIC, which balances model fit quality (chi-square) with model complexity (number of parameters). AIC helps prevent overfitting by penalizing models with more parameters.
The AIC is calculated as: AIC = chi_square + 2 * k where k is the number of free parameters in the model.
The model with the lowest AIC value is selected as the best model for each sample.
- all_chisq_var#
The variable name for chi-square values in the dataset
- Type:
- model_names_var#
The variable name for model names in the dataset
- Type:
- sample_dim#
The dimension containing each sample
- Type:
- model_inputs#
List of model configurations to determine complexity
- Type:
list[dict[str, Any]] | None
- server_id#
Server ID in the format “host:port” for remote execution, or None for local execution
- Type:
str | None
- calculate(dataset)#
Method for selecting the model based on AIC (Akaike Information Criterion)
- construct_clients()#
Creates a client to talk to the AutoSAS server
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.ModelSelectBIC(all_chisq_var, model_names_var, sample_dim, model_inputs=None, server_id=None, output_prefix='BIC', name='ModelSelectionBIC', **kwargs)#
ModelSelectBIC is a pipeline operation for model selection using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).
This class evaluates competing SAS models based on their goodness of fit (chi-square) and model complexity (number of parameters), using the BIC formula: BIC = chi-square + k * ln(n), where k is the number of parameters and n is the number of data points.
The BIC penalizes model complexity more strongly than AIC, especially for larger datasets, favoring simpler models when the evidence doesn’t strongly support additional complexity.
- all_chisq_var#
The variable name containing chi-square values for all models
- Type:
- model_names_var#
The variable name containing model names
- Type:
- sample_dim#
The dimension containing each sample
- Type:
- model_inputs#
List of model configurations to determine parameter counts
- Type:
list[dict[str, Any]] | None
- server_id#
Server ID in the format “host:port” for remote execution, or None for local execution
- Type:
str | None
- output_prefix#
Prefix to add to output variable names
- Type:
- calculate(dataset)#
Method for selecting the model based on BIC (Bayesian Information Criterion)
- construct_clients()#
Creates a client to talk to the AutoSAS server
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.ModelSelectBestChiSq(all_chisq_var, model_names_var, sample_dim, output_prefix='BestChiSq', name='ModelSelection_BestChiSq')#
ModelSelectBestChiSq is a pipeline operation for model selection based on the best chi-square value.
This class evaluates competing SAS models based solely on their goodness of fit (chi-square), selecting the model with the lowest chi-square value for each sample. This approach prioritizes fit quality without considering model complexity.
Note that selecting models based only on chi-square may lead to overfitting, as more complex models with more parameters will generally fit better. For model selection that balances fit quality with model complexity, consider using ModelSelectAIC or ModelSelectBIC instead.
- all_chisq_var#
The variable name containing chi-square values for all models
- Type:
- model_names_var#
The variable name containing model names
- Type:
- sample_dim#
The dimension containing each sample
- Type:
- output_prefix#
Prefix to add to output variable names
- Type:
- calculate(dataset)#
Method for selecting the model based on the best chi-squared value
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.ModelSelectParsimony(all_chisq_var, model_names_var, sample_dim, cutoff_threshold=1.0, model_complexity=None, model_inputs=None, server_id=None, output_prefix='Parsimony', name='ModelSelection_Parsimony', **kwargs)#
ModelSelectParsimony is a pipeline operation for selecting SAS models based on parsimony.
This class selects the simplest model that provides an acceptable fit to the data, using a chi-squared threshold to determine acceptable fits. It can operate either locally or by connecting to a remote AutoSAS server.
The parsimony principle selects the model with the fewest parameters (lowest complexity) among those that fit the data adequately. This helps avoid overfitting by preferring simpler explanations when they are sufficient.
- all_chisq_var#
The variable name for chi-squared values in the dataset
- Type:
- model_names_var#
The variable name for model names in the dataset
- Type:
- sample_dim#
The dimension containing each sample
- Type:
- cutoff_threshold#
The chi-squared threshold for acceptable fits (default: 1.0)
- Type:
- model_complexity#
Dictionary mapping model names to their complexity (number of parameters)
- Type:
dict[str, int] | None
- model_inputs#
List of model configurations, used to determine complexity if model_complexity is None
- Type:
list[dict[str, Any]] | None
- server_id#
Server ID in the format “host:port” for remote execution, or None for local execution
- Type:
str | None
- output_prefix#
Prefix to add to output variable names
- Type:
- calculate(dataset)#
Method for selecting the model based on parsimony given a user defined ChiSq threshold
- construct_clients()#
Creates a client to talk to the AutoSAS server
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.SASFitter(model_inputs: list[dict[str, Any]] | None = None, fit_method: dict[str, Any] | None = None, q_min: float | None = None, q_max: float | None = None, resolution: Any | None = None)#
A class to handle SAS model fitting for multiple datasets and models.
This class manages the fitting of SAS models to experimental data, including model selection, parameter optimization, and results analysis.
- model_inputs#
List of model configurations to fit
- Type:
List[dict[str, Any]]
- fit_method#
Configuration for the fitting algorithm
- Type:
dict[str, Any]
- q_min#
Minimum q value to include in fitting
- Type:
- q_max#
Maximum q value to include in fitting
- Type:
- resolution#
Resolution function for the data
- Type:
Any | None
- DEFAULT_FIT_METHOD: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = {'ftol': 1.5e-06, 'method': 'lm', 'steps': 1000, 'verbose': False, 'xtol': 1.5e-06}#
- DEFAULT_MODEL_INPUTS: ClassVar[list[dict[str, Any]]] = [{'name': 'power_law_1', 'sasmodel': 'power_law', 'q_min': 0.001, 'q_max': 1.0, 'fit_params': {'power': {'value': 4, 'bounds': (3, 4.5)}, 'background': {'value': 0.0001, 'bounds': (1e-10, 100.0)}, 'scale': {'value': 1.0, 'bounds': (1e-06, 10000.0)}}}]#
- fit_models(parallel: bool = False, fit_method: dict[str, Any] | None = None) tuple[str, xarray.core.dataset.Dataset] #
Fit all models to all datasets.
- Parameters:
parallel (bool) – Whether to use parallel processing (not implemented)
fit_method (dict[str, Any] | None) – Configuration for the fitting algorithm. If None, uses the instance’s fit_method.
- Returns:
A tuple containing a unique ID for the fit and an xarray Dataset with the results
- Return type:
Tuple[str, xr.Dataset]
- set_sasdata(dataset: Dataset, sample_dim: str = 'sample', q_variable: str = 'q', sas_variable: str = 'I', sas_err_variable: str = 'dI', sas_resolution_variable: str | None = None) None #
Set the SAS data to be fitted from an xarray Dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset (xr.Dataset) – The xarray dataset containing SAS data
sample_dim (str) – The dimension containing each sample
q_variable (str) – The variable name for q values
sas_variable (str) – The variable name for scattering intensity
sas_err_variable (str) – The variable name for scattering intensity uncertainty
sas_resolution_variable (str | None) – The variable name for resolution function, if available
- class AFL.double_agent.AutoSAS.SASModel(name: str, data: Data1D, sasmodel: str, parameters: dict[str, dict[str, Any]])#
A wrapper class for sasmodels and bumps fitting.
This class provides an interface to the sasmodels library for small-angle scattering model fitting using the bumps optimization framework.
- name#
Identifier for this model instance
- Type:
- sasmodel#
Name of the sasmodel to use (e.g., “sphere”, “cylinder”, “power_law”)
- Type:
- data#
The experimental data to fit
- Type:
- parameters#
Dictionary of parameters for the model with their initial values and constraints
- Type:
dict[str, FitParameter]
- copy() Self #
Create a deep copy of this model instance.
- fit(fit_method: dict[str, Any] | None = None) Any #
Fit the model to the data.
- Parameters:
fit_method (dict[str, Any] | None) – Dictionary of fitting parameters to pass to If None, uses default Levenberg-Marquardt parameters.
- Returns:
The fitting results object from bumps
- Return type:
- get_chisq() float #
Get the chi-squared value of the fit.
- Returns:
The chi-squared value
- Return type:
- get_fit_params() dict[str, dict[str, Any]] #
Get the fitted parameters with their values and uncertainties.
- Returns:
dict of parameter names and their fitted values and uncertainties
- Return type:
dict[str, dict[str, Any]]
- get_fit_summary() dict[str, Any] #
Get a summary of the fit results.
- Returns:
Dictionary containing the fit results summary
- Return type:
dict[str, Any]
- residuals() ndarray[Any, dtype[Any]] #
Get the residuals between the model and the data.