Internet-Draft ACVP Symmetric Block Ciphers October 2024
Celi & Hammett Expires 10 April 2025 [Page]
Network Working Group
Intended Status:
C. Celi, Ed.
R. Hammett, Ed.

ACVP Symmetric Block Cipher Algorithm JSON Specification

Status of This Memo

This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

This Internet-Draft will expire on 10 April 2025.

Table of Contents

1. Acknowledgements

The authors thank John Foley for putting together an early draft of this specification.

2. Abstract

This document defines the JSON schema for testing Symmetric Block Cipher implementations with the ACVP specification.

3. Introduction

The Automated Crypto Validation Protocol (ACVP) defines a mechanism to automatically verify the cryptographic implementation of a software or hardware crypto module. The ACVP specification defines how a crypto module communicates with an ACVP server, including crypto capabilities negotiation, session management, authentication, vector processing and more. The ACVP specification does not define algorithm specific JSON constructs for performing the crypto validation. A series of ACVP sub-specifications define the constructs for testing individual crypto algorithms. Each sub-specification addresses a specific class of crypto algorithms. This sub-specification defines the JSON constructs for testing Symmetric Block Cipher implementations using ACVP.

The ACVP server performs a set of tests on the block ciphers in order to assess the correctness and robustness of the implementation. A typical ACVP validation session would require multiple tests to be performed for every supported cryptographic algorithm, such as AES-ECB, AES-CBC, AES-CTR, AES-GCM, TDES-CBC, TDES-CTR, etc.

4. Conventions

4.1. Notation conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 of [RFC2119] and [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

4.2. Terms and Definitions

4.2.1. Prompt

JSON sent from the server to the client describing the tests the client performs

4.2.2. Registration

The initial request from the client to the server describing the capabilities of one or several algorithm, mode and revision combinations

4.2.3. Response

JSON sent from the client to the server in response to the prompt

4.2.4. Test Case

An individual unit of work within a prompt or response

4.2.5. Test Group

A collection of test cases that share similar properties within a prompt or response

4.2.6. Test Vector Set

A collection of test groups under a specific algorithm, mode, and revision

4.2.7. Validation

JSON sent from the server to the client that specifies the correctness of the response

5. Supported Block Cipher Algorithms

The following block cipher algorithm and test revision pairs MAY be advertised by the ACVP compliant cryptographic module (algorithm / revision):

Multiple testing revisions of the same algorithm allow a validation server to improve testing over time without breaking functionality of existing clients. In the case of symmetric block cipher algorithms, multiple revisions of ACVP-AES-XTS exist and MAY individually be provided by a server. The revision numbers of "1.0" and "2.0" indicate a progression among the tests. In this case, the "2.0" tests are fully capable of running the "1.0" implementation of ACVP-AES-XTS. More discussion can be found within Section 7.3.

5.1. Supported Conformances

The following conformances MAY be advertised by the ACVP compliant cryptographic module:

  • ACVP-AES-CCM conformance "ECMA" which expands upon AES-CCM and adheres to [ECMA]. This conformance changes the supported sizes to accomodate the specific sizes required by the use-case of the algorithm.
  • ACVP-AES-CTR conformance "RFC3686". This conformance ensures the IV is generated with the LSB[32] of the IV representing the integer "1". This conformance also requires the additional registration property of "ivGenMode" which states if the IUT does external or internal IV generation.

6. Test Types and Test Coverage

This section describes the design of the tests used to validate implementations of block cipher algorithms.

6.1. Test Types

There are three types of tests for block ciphers: functional tests, Monte Carlo tests and counter tests. Each has a specific value to be used in the testType field. The testType field definitions are:

  • "AFT" - Algorithm Functional Test. These tests can be processed by the client using a normal 'encrypt' or 'decrypt' operation. AFTs cause the implementation under test to exercise normal operations on a single block, multiple blocks, or (where applicable) partial blocks. In some cases random data is used, in others, static, predetermined tests are provided. The functional tests of the block cipher are designed to verify that the logical components of the cipher (GFSbox, KeySbox, block chaining etc.) are operating correctly.
  • "MCT" - Monte Carlo Test. These tests exercise the implementation under test under strenuous circumstances. The implementation under test must process the test vectors according to the correct algorithm and mode in this document. MCTs can help detect potential memory leaks over time, and problems in allocation of resources, addressing variables, error handling and generally improper behavior in response to random inputs. Not every algorithm and mode combination has an MCT. See Section 6.1.1 for implementation details.
  • "CTR" - Counter Mode Test. Counter tests are specifically for counter modes (AES-CTR and TDES-CTR) and require an implementation under test to exercise their counter mechanism. The server will send a long message to the client for encryption or decryption and back-compute the IVs used by the implementation under test. These IVs are then verified for uniqueness and an increasing (or decreasing) nature. The client processes these tests as normal AFTs. The different mode is highlighted here to signify the difference on the server side for processing.

6.1.1. Monte Carlo tests for block ciphers

The MCTs start with an initial condition (plaintext/ciphertext, key, and optional, or maybe multiple IVs) and perform a series of chained computations. For modes that use an IV, the IV is used in the beginning of each pseudorandom process. The IV is implicitly advanced according to the block cipher mode in use. There are separate rounds of MCT for encryption and decryption. Because some block cipher modes rely on an IV and perform calculations differently from other modes, there are specific definitions of MCT for many of the block cipher modes. AES Monte Carlo Test - ECB mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key[0] = KEY
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 99
    Output Key[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 999
        CT[j] = AES_ECB_ENCRYPT(Key[i], PT[j])
        PT[j+1] = CT[j]
    Output CT[j]
    PT[0] = CT[j] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. AES Monte Carlo Test - CBC mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key[0] = KEY
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 99
    Output Key[i]
    Output IV[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 999
        If ( j=0 )
            CT[j] = AES_CBC_ENCRYPT(Key[i], IV[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = IV[i]
            CT[j] = AES_CBC_ENCRYPT(Key[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = CT[j-1]
    Output CT[j]
    IV[i+1] = CT[j]
    PT[0] = CT[j-1] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. AES Monte Carlo Test - OFB mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key[0] = Key
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 99
    Output Key[i]
    Output IV[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 999
        If ( j=0 )
            CT[j] = AES_OFB_ENCRYPT(Key[i], IV[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = IV[i]
            CT[j] = AES_OFB_ENCRYPT(Key[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = CT[j-1]
    Output CT[j]
    IV[i+1] = CT[j]
    PT[0] = CT[j-1] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. AES Monte Carlo Test - CFB1 mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key[0] = Key
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 99
    Output Key[i]
    Output IV[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 999
        If ( j=0 )
            CT[j] = AES_CFB1_ENCRYPT(Key[i], IV[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = BitJ(IV[i])
            CT[j] = AES_CFB1_ENCRYPT(Key[i], PT[j])
            If ( j<128 )
                PT[j+1] = BitJ(IV[i])
                PT[j+1] = CT[j-128]
    Output CT[j]
    If ( keylen = 128 )
        Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (CT[j-127] || CT[j-126] || ... || CT[j])
    If ( keylen = 192 )
        Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (CT[j-191] || CT[j-190] || ... || CT[j])
    If ( keylen = 256 )
        Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (CT[j-255] || CT[j-254] || ... || CT[j])
    IV[i+1] = (CT[j-127] || CT[j-126] || ... || CT[j])
    PT[0] = CT[j-128] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. AES Monte Carlo Test - CFB8 mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key[0] = Key
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 99
    Output Key[i]
    Output IV[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 999
        If ( j=0 )
            CT[j] = AES_CFB8_ENCRYPT(Key[i], IV[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = ByteJ(IV[i])
            CT[j] = AES_CFB8_ENCRYPT(Key[i], PT[j])
            If ( j<16 )
                PT[j+1] = ByteJ(IV[i])
                PT[j+1] = CT[j-16]
    Output CT[j]
    If ( keylen = 128 )
        Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (CT[j-15] || CT[j-14] || ... || CT[j])
    If ( keylen = 192 )
        Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (CT[j-23] || CT[j-22] || ... || CT[j])
    If ( keylen = 256 )
        Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (CT[j-31] || CT[j-30] || ... || CT[j])
    IV[i+1] = (CT[j-15] || CT[j-14] || ... || CT[j])
    PT[0] = CT[j-16] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. AES Monte Carlo Test - CFB128 mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key[0] = Key
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 99
    Output Key[i]
    Output IV[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 999
        If ( j=0 )
            CT[j] = AES_CFB128_ENCRYPT(Key[i], IV[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = IV[i]
            CT[j] = AES_CFB128_ENCRYPT(Key[i], PT[j])
            PT[j+1] = CT[j-1]
    Output CT[j]
    IV[i+1] = CT[j]
    PT[0] = CT[j-1] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. AES Monte Carlo Key Shuffle

Most AES MCTs use a shared key shuffle routine. The algorithm is shown in Section

The initial condition for the routine is a tuple (KEY, CT) set to some values. This pseudocode is specifically for encryption. For decryption, swap all instances of CT with PT. The || symbol is used to denote concatenation. The MSB (most significant bits) and LSB (least significant bits) functions accept a bit string and an integer amount of bits to capture. For example MSB(A, 8) would capture the 8 most significant bits of the bit string A.

If ( keylen = 128 )
    Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor MSB(CT[j], 128)
If ( keylen = 192 )
    Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (LSB(CT[j-1], 64) || MSB(CT[j], 128))
If ( keylen = 256 )
    Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor (MSB(CT[j-1], 128) || MSB(CT[j], 128)) TDES Monte Carlo Test - ECB mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i]
    Output Key2[i]
    Output Key3[i]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_ECB_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT[j])
        PT[j+1] = CT[i]
    Output CT[j]
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor CT[j]
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor CT[j-1]
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor CT[j-2]
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT[0] = CT[j] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. TDES Monte Carlo Test - CBC mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i]
    Output Key2[i]
    Output Key3[i]
    Output IV[0]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_CBC_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT[j], IV[j])
        If ( j = 0 )
            PT[j+1] = IV[0]
            PT[j+1] = CT[j-1]
        IV[j+1] = CT[j]
    Output CT[j]
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor CT[j]
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor CT[j-1]
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor CT[j-2]
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT[0] = CT[j-1]
    IV[0] = CT[j] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the inner loop in the pseudocode with the following:

    For j = 0 to 9999
        PT[j] = TDES_CBC_DECRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], CT[j], IV[j])
        CT[j+1] = PT[j]
        IV[j+1] = CT[j] TDES Monte Carlo Test - CBC-I mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV1, IV2, IV3, PT1, PT2, PT3) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV1[0] = IV1
IV2[0] = IV2
IV3[0] = IV3
PT1[0] = PT1
PT2[0] = PT2
PT3[0] = PT3
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i]
    Output IV1[0], IV2[0], IV3[0]
    Output PT1[0], PT2[0], PT3[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_CBC_I_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT1[j], PT2[j], PT3[j], IV1[j], IV2[j], IV3[j])
        If ( j = 0 )
            PT1[j+1] = IV1[0]
            PT2[j+1] = IV2[0]
            PT3[j+1] = IV3[0]
            PT1[j+1] = CT1[j-1]
            PT2[j+1] = CT2[j-1]
            PT3[j+1] = CT3[j-1]
        IV1[j+1] = CT1[j]
        IV2[j+1] = CT2[j]
        IV3[j+1] = CT3[j]
    Output CT1[j], CT2[j], CT3[j]
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor CT1[j]
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor CT2[j-1]
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor CT3[j-2]
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT1[0] = CT1[j-1]
    PT2[0] = CT2[j-1]
    PT3[0] = CT3[j-1]
    IV1[0] = CT1[j]
    IV2[0] = CT2[j]
    IV3[0] = CT3[j] Decrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV1, IV2, IV3, CT1, CT2, CT3) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV1[0] = IV1
IV2[0] = IV2
IV3[0] = IV3
CT1[0] = CT1
CT2[0] = CT2
CT3[0] = CT3
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i]
    Output IV1[0], IV2[0], IV3[0]
    Output CT1[0], CT2[0], CT3[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        PT[j] = TDES_CBC_I_DECRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], CT1[j], CT2[j], CT3[j], IV1[j], IV2[j], IV3[j])
        CT1[j+1] = PT1[j]
        CT2[j+1] = PT2[j]
        CT3[j+1] = PT3[j]
        IV1[j+1] = CT1[j]
        IV2[j+1] = CT2[j]
        IV3[j+1] = CT3[j]
    Output PT1[j], PT2[j], PT3[j]
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor PT1[j]
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor PT2[j-1]
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor PT3[j-2]
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    CT1[0] = PT1[j]
    CT2[0] = PT2[j]
    CT3[0] = PT3[j]
    IV1[0] = CT1[j]
    IV2[0] = CT2[j]
    IV3[0] = CT3[j] TDES Monte Carlo Test - CFB1, CFB8, CFB64 modes Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV, PT) set to some values. PT and CT are k-bit where k is the feedback size, for example CFB1 has a feedback size of 1-bit.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i]
    Output Key2[i]
    Output Key3[i]
    Output IV[0]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_CFB_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT[j], IV[j])
        PT[j+1] = LeftMost_K_Bits(IV[j])
        IV[j+1] = RightMost_64-K_Bits(IV[j]) || CT[j]
    Output CT[j]
    C = LeftMost_192_Bits(CT[j] || CT[j-1] || ... || CT[0])
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor bits 129-192 of C
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor bits 65-128 of C
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor bits 1-64 of C
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT[0] = LeftMost_K_Bits(IV[j])
    IV[0] = RightMost_64-K_Bits(IV[j]) || CT[j] Decrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV, CT) set to some values. PT and CT are k-bit where k is the feedback size, for example CFB1 has a feedback size of 1-bit. O[j] is the Oj variable internal to the Triple DES operation described in Table 43 of SP 800-20.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV[0] = IV
CT[0] = CT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i]
    Output Key2[i]
    Output Key3[i]
    Output IV[0]
    Output CT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        PT[j] = TDES_CFB_DECRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], CT[j], IV[j])
        CT[j+1] = LeftMost_K_Bits(O[j])
        IV[j+1] = RightMost_64-K_Bits(IV[j]) || CT[j]
    Output PT[j]
    C = LeftMost_192_Bits(PT[j] || PT[j-1] || ... || PT[0])
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor bits 129-192 of C
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor bits 65-128 of C
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor bits 1-64 of C
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    CT[0] = LeftMost_K_Bits(O[j])
    IV[0] = RightMost_64-K_Bits(IV[j]) || CT[j] TDES Monte Carlo Test - CFB1-P, CFB8-P, CFB64-P modes Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV1, IV2, IV3, PT) set to some values. PT and CT are k-bit where k is the feedback size, for example CFB8-P has a feedback size of 8-bits.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV1[0] = IV1
IV2[0] = IV2
IV3[0] = IV3
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i]
    Output IV1[0]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_CFB_P_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT[j], IV1[j], IV2[j], IV3[j])
        PT[j+1] = LeftMost_K_Bits(IV1[j]) <-- This line may not be correct? Compare to SP 800-20 Table 49
    Output CT[j]
    C = LeftMost_192_Bits(CT[j] || CT[j-1] || ... || CT[0])
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor bits 129-192 of C
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor bits 65-128 of C
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor bits 1-64 of C
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT[0] = LeftMost_K_Bits(IV1[j])
    IV1[0] = RightMost_64-K_Bits(IV[j]) || CT[j]
    IV2[0] = IV1[0] + "5555555555555555" mod 2^64
    IV3[0] = IV1[0] + "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" mod 2^64 Decrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV1, IV2, IV3, CT) set to some values. PT and CT are k-bit where k is the feedback size, for example CFB8-P has a feedback size of 8-bits. O[j] is the Oj variable internal to the Triple DES operation described in Table 50 of SP 800-20.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV1[0] = IV1
IV2[0] = IV2
IV3[0] = IV3
CT[0] = CT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i]
    Output IV1[0]
    Output CT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        PT[j] = TDES_CFB_P_DECRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], CT[j], IV1[j], IV2[j], IV3[j])
        CT[j+1] = LeftMost_K_Bits(O[j])
    Output PT[j]
    C = LeftMost_192_Bits(PT[j] || PT[j-1] || ... || PT[0])
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor bits 129-192 of C
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor bits 65-128 of C
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor bits 1-64 of C
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    CT[0] = LeftMost_K_Bits(O[j])
    IV1[0] = RightMost_64-K_Bits(IV[j]) || CT[j]
    IV2[0] = IV1[0] + "5555555555555555" mod 2^64
    IV3[0] = IV1[0] + "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" mod 2^64 TDES Monte Carlo Test - OFB mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i]
    Output Key2[i]
    Output Key3[i]
    Output IV[0]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_OFB_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT[j], IV[j])
        PT[j+1] = IV[j]
    Output CT[j]
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor CT[j]
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor CT[j-1]
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor CT[j-2]
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT[0] = PT[0] xor IV[j]
    IV[0] = CT[j] Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation. TDES Monte Carlo Test - OFB-I mode Encrypt

The initial condition for the test is the tuple (KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, IV1, IV2, IV3, PT) set to some values.

The algorithm is shown in Section

Key1[0] = KEY1
Key2[0] = KEY2
Key3[0] = KEY3
IV1[0] = IV1
IV2[0] = IV2
IV3[0] = IV3
PT[0] = PT
For i = 0 to 399
    Output Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i]
    Output IV1[0], IV2[0], IV3[0]
    Output PT[0]
    For j = 0 to 9999
        CT[j] = TDES_OFB-I_ENCRYPT(Key1[i], Key2[i], Key3[i], PT[j], IV[j])
        PT[j+1] = IV[j]
    Output CT[j]
    Key1[i+1] = Key1[i] xor CT[j]
    Key2[i+1] = Key2[i] xor CT[j-1]
    If ( keyingOption = 1 )
        Key3[i+1] = Key3[i] xor CT[j-2]
        Key3[i+1] = Key1[i+1]
    PT[0] = PT[0] xor IV1[j]
    IV1[0] = CT[j]
    IV2[0] = IV1[0] + "5555555555555555" mod 2^64
    IV3[0] = IV1[0] + "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" mod 2^64 Decrypt

The pseudocode for decryption can be obtained by replacing all PT's in the encryption pseudocode with CT's and all CT's in the encryption pseudocode with PT's. As well, replace the encrypt operation with the corresponding decrypt operation.

6.2. Test Coverage

The tests described in this document have the intention of ensuring an implementation is conformant to [FIPS-197] and [SP800-38A].

6.2.1. AES Requirements Covered

In [SP800-38A], both Section 5 and Section 6 which describe general modes of operation for block ciphers are tested. In [FIPS-197], Section 4 outlines the AES engine and necessary functions to perform simple encrypt an decrypt operations. All AES tests perform such operations and thus rely heavily on this section. Section 5 specifically outlines the algorithm for AES and thus all AES tests rely heavily on this section as well. All of [SP800-38A-Add] requirements are covered. In [AES-XTS], the IEEE outlines the encrypt and decrypt operations for AES-XTS.

6.2.2. AES Requirements Not Covered

Some requirements in the outlined specifications are not easily tested. Often they are not ideal for black-box testing such as the ACVP. In [SP800-38A], Appendix A outlines padding for when the data being encrypted does not evenly fill the blocks. In these tests, all data, unless otherwise specified, is assumed to be a multiple of the block length. All exceptions to those cases are when stream ciphers specifically are being tested. In Section 5.3, IV generation which is required for all modes of AES and TDES outside of ECB, is not tested. Appendix D outlines how errors are to be handled. As some symmetric ciphers aren't authenticated, ACVP does not include tests that change random bits in payload, IV, key or results, as these results can be successfully encrypted/decrypted, but errors aren't necessarily detectable.

In [FIPS-197], Section 5.3 defines the inverse cipher for AES. This is not tested in the CBC, CFB (all), OFB or CTR modes.

In [SP800-38E], the AES-XTS algorithm is restricted to 2\^20 AES blocks (128-bits each) per key. Due to the size of the data, ACVP does not test the proper usage of a key over such large amounts of data.

In the [RFC3686] testing conformance of AES-CTR, tests will be generated ensuring the LSB[32] of the IV represents the integer value of "1". These tests will allow for either internal or external IV generation from the perspective of the IUT.

6.2.5. TDES Requirements Covered

In [SP800-67r2], Section 3 outlines the use for TDES with keying option 1 (three distinct keys) and decryption only for keying option 2 (K1 == K3 != K2). Depending on the cipher mode, both the forward and inverse cipher are tested. The known answer tests address these requirements.

6.2.6. TDES Requirements Not Covered

In [SP800-67r2], Section 3.3 outlines requirements for keys for proper usage of TDES. These requirements are not tested by ACVP. All keys used in the tests are randomly or staticly generated by the server. There are no checks for key equality or potentially weak keys. Section 3.3.2 outlines specific keys which are to be avoided. ACVP does not expect a client to be able to detect these keys.

6.2.7. AEAD Requirements Covered

In [SP800-38D], Section 7 outlines the encrypt and decrypt operations for AES-GCM. This and all prerequisites to these operations (such as GHASH) are tested as AES-GCM encrypt and decrypt operations.

In [SP800-38C], Section 6 outlines the encrypt and decrypt operations for AES-CCM. This and all prerequisites to these operations (such as CBC-MAC) are tested as AES-CCM encrypt and decrypt operations. In [AES-GCM-SIV], the draft outlines the encrypt and decrypt operations for AES-GCM-SIV.

6.2.8. AEAD Requirements Not Covered

In [SP800-38D], Section 8 outlines uniqueness requirements on IVs and keys for AES-GCM. This is considered out of bounds for the algorithm testing done by the ACVP and will not be tested.

6.2.9. KeyWrap Requirements Covered

In [SP800-38F] Section 5.2 defines the authenticated encryption and authenticated decryption operations for all three key-wrap algorithms. As well, the padding for key-wrap with padding is defined. Algorithm Functional Tests provide assurance of these requirements for encrypt operations. For decrypt operations, there is a possibility to reject the ciphertext due to improper wrapping. This is also assured by the Algorithm Functional Tests.

Sections 6 and 7 outline the specific ciphers in both encrypt and decrypt directions. All facsets of these processes are tested with random data via the Algorithm Functional Tests.

6.2.10. KeyWrap Requirements Not Covered

In [SP800-38F] Section 5.3 defines the length requirements allowed by an optimal implementation. The upper bounds are unreasonably large to test in a web-based model and thus an artificial maximum is selected for the payloadLen property (corresponding to both plaintext and ciphertext). The Algorithm Functional Tests SHOULD utilize both the minimum and maximum values provided in the client's registration optimally with other values.

7. Capabilities Registration

ACVP requires crypto modules to register their capabilities. This allows the crypto module to advertise support for specific algorithms, notifying the ACVP server which algorithms need test vectors generated for the validation process. This section describes the constructs for advertising support of Block Cipher algorithms to the ACVP server.

The algorithm capabilities MUST be advertised as JSON objects within the 'algorithms' value of the ACVP registration message. The 'algorithms' value is an array, where each array element is an individual JSON object defined in this section. The 'algorithms' value is part of the 'capability_exchange' element of the ACVP JSON registration message. See the ACVP specification [ACVP] for more details on the registration message.

7.1. Prerequisites

Each algorithm implementation MAY rely on other cryptographic primitives. For example, RSA Signature algorithms depend on an underlying hash function. Each of these underlying algorithm primitives must be validated, either separately or as part of the same submission. ACVP provides a mechanism for specifying the required prerequisites:

Prerequisites, if applicable, MUST be submitted in the registration as the prereqVals JSON property array inside each element of the algorithms array. Each element in the prereqVals array MUST contain the following properties

Table 1: Prerequisite Properties
JSON Property Description JSON Type
algorithm a prerequisite algorithm string
valValue algorithm validation number string

A "valValue" of "same" SHALL be used to indicate that the prerequisite is being met by a different algorithm in the capability exchange in the same registration.

An example description of prerequisites within a single algorithm capability exchange looks like this

    "algorithm": "Alg1",
    "valValue": "Val-1234"
    "algorithm": "Alg2",
    "valValue": "same"

7.2. Required Prerequisite Algorithms for Block Cipher Validations

Some block cipher algorithm implementations rely on other cryptographic primitives. For example, AES-CCM uses an underlying AES-ECB algorithm. Each of these underlying algorithm primitives MUST be validated, either separately or as part of the same submission. ACVP provides a mechanism for specifying the required prerequisites:

Table 2: Required Prerequisite Algorithms JSON Values
JSON Value Description JSON type Example Values
algorithm a prerequisite algorithm string AES, DRBG, TDES
valValue algorithm validation number string actual number or "same" to refer to the same submission
prereqAlgVal prerequisite algorithm validation object exactly one algorithm property and one valValue property

7.3. Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities JSON Values

Each algorithm capability advertised is a self-contained JSON object and SHALL use the following values when appropriate:

Table 3: Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities JSON Values
JSON Value Description JSON type
algorithm The block cipher algorithm and mode to be validated. string
revision The version of the testing methodology the IUT is requesting to validate against. string
conformances The additional conformance for the algorithm for a specific use-case array of string
prereqVals Prerequisite algorithm validations array of prereqAlgVal objects described in Table 2
direction The IUT processing direction array of strings
keyLen The supported key lengths in bits array of integers
payloadLen The supported plain and cipher text lengths in bits. This varies depending on the algorithm type; for additional details see Table 5, Table 7, Table 8 and Table 9. For AES-CTR, the values supplied for this parameter refer to the bit sizes supported in the last incomplete block (less than 128 bits) of the plain or cipher text. domain
ivLen The supported IV/Nonce lengths in bits, see Table 7 domain
ivGen IV generation method for AES-GCM/AES-XPN algorithms string
ivGenMode IV generation mode for AES-GCM/AES-XPN algorithms string
saltGen Salt generation method for AES-XPN mode only string
aadLen The supported AAD lengths in bits for AEAD algorithms domain
tagLen The supported Tag lengths in bits for AEAD algorithms, see Table 7 array of integers
kwCipher The cipher as defined in SP800-38F for key wrap mode array of strings
tweakMode Indicates the format(s) of the tweak value input for AES-XTS. A value of "hex" indicates that the IUT expects the tweak value input as a hexadecimal string. A value of "number" indicates that the IUT expects to receive a Data Unit Sequence Number. array of strings
keyingOption The Keying Option used in TDES. Keying option 1 (1) is 3 distinct keys (K1, K2, K3). Keying Option 2 (2) is 2 distinct keys only suitable for decrypt (K1, K2, K1). array of integers
overflowCounter Indicates if the implementation can handle a counter exceeding the maximum value boolean
incrementalCounter Indicates if the implementation increments the counter (versus decrementing the counter) boolean
performCounterTests Indicates if the implementation can perform the Counter tests which check for an always increasing (or decreasing) counter value boolean
tweakLen The domain of values allowed for ACVP-AES-FF1's tweak value. Allowed range is 0-128 bits mod 8. See Table 9 domain
capabilities An array of objects that describes an IUT's capabilities as they pertain to ACVP-AES-FF1 and ACVP-AES-FF3-1. See Table 9 and Section 7.3, Paragraph 23 Array of Objects
dataUnitLen The length(s) of the ACVP-AES-XTS data unit supported by the IUT. It is assumed that all lengths listed by the payloadLen property are also valid data unit lengths. As such, the values for the dataUnitLen property MUST include all payloadLen values. If the value of the dataUnitLenMatchesPayload property is false, the dataUnitLen property SHALL be present; if the value of the dataUnitLenMatchesPayload property is true, the dataUnitLen parameter SHALL not be present. domain
dataUnitLenMatchesPayload Whether or not the length of the data unit always matches the length of the payload in ACVP-AES-XTS boolean

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED, as well as all the possible values a server MAY support for each standard block cipher algorithm:

Table 4: Standard Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities Applicability Grid
algorithm revision direction keyLen keyingOption
AES-ECB "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256]
AES-CBC "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256]
AES-OFB "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256]
AES-CFB1 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256]
AES-CFB8 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256]
AES-CFB128 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256]
TDES-ECB "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CBC "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CBCI "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CFB1 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CFB8 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CFB64 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CFBP1 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CFBP8 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-CFBP64 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-OFB "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations
TDES-OFBI "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED, as well as the possible values a server MAY support for each key-wrap block cipher algorithm:

Table 5: Key-Wrap Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities Applicability Grid
algorithm revision direction keyLen kwCipher keyingOption payloadLen
AES-KW "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] ["cipher", "inverse"] {"Min": 128, "Max": 4096, "Increment": 64}
AES-KWP "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] ["cipher", "inverse"] {"Min": 8, "Max": 4096, "Increment": 8}
TDES-KW "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] ["cipher", "inverse"] [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations {"Min": 64, "Max": 4096, "Increment": 32}

The underlying operations associated with different KW and KWP parameter selections are summarized in the following grid.

Table 6: Wrapping and Unwrapping Operations
Operation Cipher Underlying AES Operation
Wrap (direction encrypt) Cipher AES Encrypt
Wrap (direction encrypt) Inverse AES Decrypt
Unwrap (direction decrypt) Cipher AES Decrypt
Unwrap (direction decrypt) Inverse AES Encrypt

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED, as well as the possible values a server MAY support for each authenticated block cipher algorithm:

Table 7: Authenticated Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities Applicability Grid
algorithm revision direction keyLen payloadLen ivLen ivGen ivGenMode saltGen aadLen tagLen
AES-GCM "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 0, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any} {"Min": 8, "Max": 1024, "Inc": any} ["internal", "external"] ["8.2.1", "8.2.2"] {"Min": 0, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any} [32, 64, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128]
AES-GCM-SIV "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 256] {"Min": 0, "Max": 65536, "Inc": 8} {"Min": 0, "Max": 65536, "Inc": 8}
AES-XPN "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 0, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any} ["internal", "external"] ["8.2.1", "8.2.2"] ["internal", "external"] {"Min": 1, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any} [32, 64, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128]
AES-CCM "1.0" [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 0, "Max": 256, "Inc": 8} {"Min": 56, "Max": 104, "Inc": 8} {"Min": 0, "Max": 524288, "Inc": any} [32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128]

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED, as well as the possible values a server MAY support for the XTS block cipher algorithm:

Table 8: XTS Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities Applicability Grid
algorithm revision direction keyLen payloadLen tweakMode dataUnitLen dataUnitLenMatchesPayload
ACVP-AES-XTS "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 256] {"Min": 128, "Max": 65536, "Inc": 128} ["hex", "number"]
ACVP-AES-XTS "2.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 256] {"Min": 128, "Max": 65536, "Inc": 8} ["hex", "number"] {"Min": 128, "Max": 65536, "Inc": 8} true, false (if this value is true, the dataUnitLen parameter SHALL not be present; if this value is false, the dataUnitLen parameter SHALL be present)

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED, as well as the possible values a server MAY support for each miscellaneous block cipher algorithm:

Table 9: Miscellaneous Block Cipher Algorithm Capabilities Applicability Grid
algorithm revision direction keyLen payloadLen keyingOption overflowCounter incrementalCounter performCounterTests tweakLen capabilities
AES-CBC-CS1 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 128, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any}
AES-CBC-CS2 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 128, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any}
AES-CBC-CS3 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 128, "Max": 65536, "Inc": any}
AES-CTR "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] {"Min": 1, "Max": 128, "Inc": any} true, false true, false true, false
TDES-CTR "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] {"Min": 1, "Max": 64, "Inc": any} [1, 2] Note: 2 is only available for decrypt operations true, false true, false true, false
AES-FF1 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] Domain 0-128 bits, mod 8. At least one set of capabilities is required. See Section 7.3, Paragraph 23
AES-FF3-1 "1.0" ["encrypt", "decrypt"] [128, 192, 256] At least one set of capabilities is required. See Section 7.3, Paragraph 23

The following grid outlines which properties are REQUIRED within the capabilities object array in use for ACVP-AES-FF1 and ACVP-AES-FF3-1.

Table 10
Property Name Description Type Valid Values
alphabet An alphabet the IUT supports for Format Preserving Encryption. Example "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz". Alphabets should be a minimum of two characters, and a maximum of 64 (all numbers and upper and lower case letters, additionally "+" and "/"). string Alphanumeric non repeating characters.
radix The number base for this capability, should match the number of characters from the alphabet. integer 2-64
minLen The minimum payload length the IUT can support for this alphabet. integer 2 - maxLen
maxLen The maximum payload length the IUT can support for this alphabet. integer minLen - variable calculation based on radix and algorithm, see [SP800-38Gr1].

8. Test Vectors

The ACVP server provides test vectors to the ACVP client, which are then processed and returned to the ACVP server for validation. A typical ACVP validation test session would require multiple test vector sets to be downloaded and processed by the ACVP client. Each test vector set represents an individual cryptographic algorithm defined during the capability exchange. This section describes the JSON schema for a test vector set used with Symmetric Block Cipher algorithms.

The test vector set JSON schema is a multi-level hierarchy that contains meta data for the entire vector set as well as individual test vectors to be processed by the ACVP client. The following table describes the JSON elements at the top level of the hierarchy.

Table 11: Top Level Test Vector JSON Elements
JSON Values Description JSON Type
acvVersion Protocol version identifier string
vsId Unique numeric vector set identifier integer
algorithm Algorithm defined in the capability exchange string
mode Mode defined in the capability exchange string
revision Protocol test revision selected string
testGroups Array of test group JSON objects, which are defined in Section 8.1 array

An example of this would look like this

    "acvVersion": <version>
    "vsId": 1,
    "algorithm": "Alg1",
    "mode": "Mode1",
    "revision": "Revision1.0",
    "testGroups": [ ... ]

8.1. Test Groups

Test vector sets MUST contain one or more test groups, each sharing similar properties. For instance, all test vectors that use the same key size would be grouped together. The testGroups element at the top level of the test vector JSON object SHALL be the array of test groups. The Test Group JSON object MUST contain meta-data that applies to all test cases within the group. The following table describes the JSON elements that MAY appear from the server in the Test Group JSON object:

Table 12: Test Group JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
tgId Numeric identifier for the test group, unique across the entire vector set. integer
testType The test category type (AFT, MCT or counter). See Section 6 for more information about what these tests do, and how to implement them. string
direction The IUT processing direction: encrypt or decrypt string
ivGen IV generation method string
ivGenMode IV generation method string
saltGen Salt generation method string
keyLen Length of key in bits to use integer
keyingOption The TDES keying option to use integer
ivLen Length of IV in bits to use integer
payloadLen Length of plaintext or ciphertext in bits to use integer
aadLen Length of AAD in bits to use integer
tagLen Length of AEAD tag in bits to use integer
alphabet Characters representing the alphabet in use for the group. ACVP-AES-FF1 and ACVP-AES-FF3-1 only. string
radix The number base in use for the group (should match the number of characters from the alphabet. ACVP-AES-FF1 and ACVP-AES-FF3-1 only. integer
tweakMode Indicates the format of the tweak value input for AES-XTS. A value of 'hex' indicates that the test cases in the test group will contain a 'tweakValue' element with a 32-character hexadecimal string for a value. A value of 'number' indicates that the test cases in the test group will contain a 'sequenceNumber' (Data Unit Sequence Number) element with an integer value between 0 and 255. string
tests Array of individual test case JSON objects, which are defined in Section 8.2 array of testCase objects

Some properties MUST appear in the prompt file from the server for every testGroup object. They are as follows:

The other properties MAY appear depending on the algorithm selected for the test vector set. The following grid defines the REQUIRED properties for each standard block cipher, as well as the valid values a server MAY use:

Table 13: Prompt Test Group Block Cipher Applicability Grid
algorithm revision keyLen keyingOption
ACVP-AES-ECB "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CBC "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-OFB "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CFB1 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CFB8 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CFB128 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-FF1 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-FF3-1 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-TDES-ECB "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CBC "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CBCI "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CFB1 "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CFB8 "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CFB64 "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CFBP1 "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CFBP8 "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-CFBP64 "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-OFB "1.0" 1, 2
ACVP-TDES-OFBI "1.0" 1, 2

The following grid defines when each property is REQUIRED from a server for each authenticated block cipher:

Table 14: Prompt Test Group Authenticated Block Cipher Applicability Grid
algorithm revision keyLen ivGen ivGenMode saltGen ivLen payloadLen aadLen tagLen saltLen
ACVP-AES-GCM "1.0" 128, 192, 256 "internal", "external" "8.2.1", "8.2.2" within domain within domain within domain within domain
ACVP-AES-GCM-SIV "1.0" 128, 256 96 within domain within domain 128
ACVP-AES-XPN "1.0" 128, 192, 256 "internal", "external" "8.2.1", "8.2.2" "internal", "external" 96 within domain within domain within domain 96
ACVP-AES-CCM "1.0" 128, 192, 256 within domain within domain within domain within domain

The following grid defines when each property is REQUIRED from a server for a key-wrap block cipher:

Table 15: Prompt Test Group Key-Wrap Block Cipher Applicability Grid
algorithm revision keyLen kwCipher payloadLen
ACVP-AES-KW "1.0" 128, 192, 256 "cipher", "inverse" within domain
ACVP-AES-KWP "1.0" 128, 192, 256 "cipher", "inverse" within domain
ACVP-TDES-KW "1.0" "cipher", "inverse" within domain

The following grid defines when each property is REQUIRED from a server for the miscellaneous block ciphers:

Table 16: Prompt Test Group Miscellaneous Block Cipher Applicability Grid
algorithm revision keyLen keyingOption incremental overflow tweakMode payloadLen
ACVP-AES-CBC-CS1 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CBC-CS2 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CBC-CS3 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-CTR "1.0" 128, 192, 256 true, false true, false
ACVP-AES-XTS "1.0" 128, 256 "hex", "number" within domain
ACVP-AES-XTS "2.0" 128, 256 "hex", "number"
ACVP-TDES-CTR "1.0" 1, 2 true, false true, false
ACVP-AES-FF1 "1.0" 128, 192, 256
ACVP-AES-FF3-1 "1.0" 128, 192, 256

8.2. Test Cases

Each test group SHALL contain an array of one or more test cases. Each test case is a JSON object that represents a single case to be processed by the ACVP client. The following table describes the JSON elements for each test case.

Table 17: Test Case JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
tcId Numeric identifier for the test case, unique across the entire vector set. integer
key Encryption key to use for AES string (hex)
key1, key2, key3 Encryption keys to use for TDES string (hex)
iv IV to use string (hex)
tweak Tweak used to form an IV for AES-FF1 and AES-FF3-1 string (hex)
tweakLen Length of the tweak for AES-FF1 and AES-FF3-1 integer
tweakValue Tweak value used to form an IV for AES-XTS when the tweakMode for the group is 'hex'. A 32-character hexadecimal string. string (hex)
sequenceNumber (Data Unit Sequence Number) Integer used to form an IV for AES-XTS when the tweakMode for the group is 'number'. An integer between 0 and 255. integer
salt The salt to use in AES-XPN (required for AES-XPN only) string (hex)
pt Plaintext to use string (hex)
ct Ciphertext to use string (hex)
payloadLen The length of the provided Plaintext or Ciphertext in bits. Only the most significant 'payloadLen' bits will be used. integer
dataUnitLen Length of the data unit in bits for ACVP-AES-XTS integer
aad AAD to use for AEAD algorithms string (hex)
tag Tag to use for AEAD algorithms string (hex)

The following grid identifies the algorithms whose test case JSON objects will contain the 'payloadLen' property and the valid values a servery MAY use.

Table 18: Applicability of the 'payloadLen' Property
Algorithm Revision Applicability payloadLen
ACVP-AES-CBC-CS1 "1.0" for all test cases within domain (see Table 9)
ACVP-AES-CBC-CS2 "1.0" for all test cases within domain (see Table 9)
ACVP-AES-CBC-CS3 "1.0" for all test cases within domain (see Table 9)
ACVP-AES-CFB1 "1.0" for all test cases 1
ACVP-AES-CTR "1.0" for the test cases of some test groups, but not others within domain (see Table 9)
ACVP-AES-XTS "2.0" for all test cases within domain (see Table 8)

9. Test Vector Responses

After the ACVP client downloads and processes a vector set, it SHALL send the response vectors back to the ACVP server within the alloted timeframe. The following table describes the JSON object that represents a vector set response.

Table 19: Vector Set Response JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
acvVersion Protocol version identifier string
vsId Unique numeric identifier for the vector set integer
testGroups Array of JSON objects that represent each test vector group. See Table 20 array of testGroup objects

The testGroup Response section is used to organize the ACVP client response in a similar manner to how it receives vectors. Several algorithms SHALL require the client to send back group level properties in its response. This structure helps accommodate that.

Table 20: Vector Set Group Response JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
tgId The test group identifier integer
tests The tests associated to the group specified in tgId array of testCase objects

Each test case is a JSON object that represents a single test object to be processed by the ACVP client. The following table describes the JSON elements for each test case object.

Table 21: Test Case Results JSON Object
JSON Value Description JSON type
tcId Numeric identifier for the test case, unique across the entire vector set. integer
pt The IUT's pt response to a decrypt test string (hex)
ct The IUT's ct response to an encrypt test string (hex)
testPassed Some test cases included with decrypt operations in AES-GCM, AES-CCM, AES-XPN, AES-KW, AES-KWP, and TDES-KW will have expected failures. boolean
resultsArray Array of JSON objects that represent each iteration of a Monte Carlo Test. Each iteration will contain the key(s), pt, ct and iv array of objects containing pt, ct and iv (except for ECB mode)

10. Security Considerations

There are no additional security considerations outside of those outlined in the ACVP document.

11. IANA Considerations

This document does not require any action by IANA.

12. References

Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, , <>.
Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", RFC 8174, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, , <>.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", NIST FIPS 197, , <>.
Dworkin, M. J., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Three Variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC Mode", NIST SP 800-38A, , <>.
Dworkin, M. J., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - the CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality", NIST SP 800-38C, , <>.
Dworkin, M. J., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC", NIST SP 800-38D, , <>.
Dworkin, M. J., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - the XTS-AES Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices", NIST SP 800-38E, , <>.
Dworkin, M. J., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods for Key Wrapping", NIST SP 800-38F, , <>.
Dworkin, M. J., "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation - Methods for Format-Preserving Encryption", NIST SP 800-38G, , <>.
Barker, E. B. and N. Mouha, "Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher", NIST SP 800-67 Rev. 2, , <>.
Housley, R., "Using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Counter Mode With IPsec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)", RFC 3686, RFC 3686, DOI 10.17487/RFC3686, , <>.
Fussell, B., Vassilev, A., and H. Booth, "Automatic Cryptographic Validation Protocol", ACVP, .
Gueron, S., Langley, A., and Y. Lindell, "AES-GCM-SIV Nonce Misuse-Resistant Authenticated Encryption", AES-GCM-SIV, .
Dworkin, M., "SP800-38A Addendum Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Three Variants of Ciphertext Stealing for CBC Mode", SP800-38A-Add, .
"ECMA-368 High Rate Ultra Wideband PHY and MAC Standard", ECMA, <>.
Thompson, T., "IEEE 1619-2007 - IEEE Standard for Cryptographic Protection of Data on Block-Oriented Storage Devices", IEEE 1619-2007, , <>.

Appendix A. Example Capabilities JSON Object

The following is a example JSON object advertising support for all block ciphers.

    "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  }, {
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-GCM",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "prereqVals": [{
        "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-ECB",
        "valValue": "123456"
        "algorithm": "DRBG",
        "valValue": "123456"
    "direction": [
    "ivGen": "internal",
    "ivGenMode": "8.2.2",
    "keyLen": [
    "tagLen": [
    "ivLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "aadLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-ECB",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC-CS1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "payloadLen": [{
      "min": 128,
      "max": 65536,
      "increment": 1
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC-CS2",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "payloadLen": [{
      "min": 128,
      "max": 65536,
      "increment": 1
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC-CS3",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "payloadLen": [{
      "min": 128,
      "max": 65536,
      "increment": 1
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CFB8",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CFB128",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-OFB",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-XPN",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "prereqVals": [{
        "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-ECB",
        "valValue": "123456"
        "algorithm": "DRBG",
        "valValue": "123456"
    "direction": [
    "ivGen": "internal",
    "ivGenMode": "8.2.2",
    "saltGen": "internal",
    "keyLen": [
    "tagLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "aadLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "incrementalCounter": true,
    "overflowCounter": false
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "conformances": ["RFC3686"],
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "incrementalCounter": true,
    "overflowCounter": false,
    "ivGenMode": "external"
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CCM",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "prereqVals": [{
      "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-ECB",
      "valValue": "same"
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "tagLen": [
    "ivLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "aadLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CFB1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-KW",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "kwCipher": [
    "keyLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-KWP",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "kwCipher": [
    "keyLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-FF1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "tweakLen": [{
      "min": 0,
      "max": 128,
      "increment": 8
    "capabilities": [{
        "alphabet": "0123456789",
        "radix": 10,
        "minLen": 10,
        "maxLen": 56
        "alphabet": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        "radix": 26,
        "minLen": 10,
        "maxLen": 40
        "alphabet": "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+/",
        "radix": 64,
        "minLen": 10,
        "maxLen": 28
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-FF3-1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "conformances": [],
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "tweakLen": [{
      "min": 0,
      "max": 128,
      "increment": 8
    "capabilities": [{
        "alphabet": "0123456789",
        "radix": 10,
        "minLen": 10,
        "maxLen": 56
        "alphabet": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
        "radix": 26,
        "minLen": 10,
        "maxLen": 40
        "alphabet": "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+/",
        "radix": 64,
        "minLen": 10,
        "maxLen": 28
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-XTS",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "tweakMode": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-XTS",
    "revision": "2.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyLen": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "tweakMode": [
    "dataUnitLen": [
      1024, 4096
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-ECB",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CBC",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CBCI",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-OFB",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-OFBI",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFB64",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFB8",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFB1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFBP64",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFBP8",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFBP1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CTR",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "keyingOption": [
    "payloadLen": [
    "performCounterTests": false
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-KW",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "direction": [
    "kwCipher": [
    "payloadLen": [


Appendix B. Example Vector Set Request/Responses JSON Object

The following sections provide examples of the JSON objects for each of the AES algorithms. Examples will reflect what testTypes are supported by each algorithm, ie AFT, MCT or counter. MCT examples have only 2 iterations shown for brevity.

The following shows AES-GCM AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2055,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-GCM",
  "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
            "tgId": 1,
            "testType": "AFT",
            "direction": "encrypt",
            "keyLen": 128,
            "ivLen": 96,
            "ivGen": "external",
            "ivGenMode": "8.2.2",
            "payloadLen": 0,
            "aadLen": 0,
            "tagLen": 32,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 1,
                    "plainText": "",
                    "key": "10B8D4C9658590A...",
                    "aad": "",
                    "iv": "3D026F3D590BF1A7..."
                    "tcId": 2,
                    "plainText": "",
                    "key": "934865822A3ECCB...",
                    "aad": "",
                    "iv": "273F3B30341C779E..."
            "tgId": 19,
            "testType": "AFT",
            "direction": "decrypt",
            "keyLen": 128,
            "ivLen": 96,
            "ivGen": "external",
            "ivGenMode": "8.2.2",
            "payloadLen": 0,
            "aadLen": 120,
            "tagLen": 32,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 271,
                    "key": "88AB5441AE2...",
                    "aad": "4E956EF528D...",
                    "iv": "810628011BB0...",
                    "cipherText": "",
                    "tag": "1180FD89"
                    "tcId": 272,
                    "key": "9149BE47FAEB...",
                    "aad": "938A8FA71324...",
                    "iv": "FF6B72FF25B55...",
                    "cipherText": "",
                    "tag": "6C7528F0"

The following shows AES-GCM AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2055,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "iv": "01020304F966B8...",
          "ct": "",
          "tag": "427F668E58F56..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "iv": "01020304C2855...",
          "ct": "",
          "tag": "D95BD66F7789..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 902,
          "pt": "763BF..."
          "tcId": 903,
          "testPassed": false

The following shows AES-CCM AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2061,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CCM",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "ivLen": 56,
    "payloadLen": 256,
    "aadLen": 0,
    "tagLen": 128,
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "pt": "361445511E0BD3E94E3...",
      "key": "7DB9E755181E4160C6...",
      "iv": "1C53ECD62BBED5",
      "aad": ""
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "pt": "735CE37215A91074DBF...",
      "key": "7DB9E755181E4160C6...",
      "iv": "1C53ECD62BBED5",
      "aad": ""
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "ivLen": 56,
    "payloadLen": 0,
    "aadLen": 0,
    "tagLen": 128,
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 181,
      "ct": "533427D475EBAC3FE5...",
      "key": "A8B7C7A69E5AB940B...",
      "iv": "1BD5816AF5BB9F",
      "aad": ""
    }, {
      "tcId": 182,
      "ct": "6B774BB2D20A8A23A1...",
      "key": "A8B7C7A69E5AB940B...",
      "iv": "8140308B19BCE8",
      "aad": ""

The following shows AES-CCM AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 2061,
    "testGroups": [{
            "tgId": 1,
            "tests": [{
                    "tcId": 1,
                    "ct": "C8AB4A739E1..."
                    "tcId": 2,
                    "ct": "8DE3EC5095B..."
            "tgId": 2,
            "tests": [{
                    "tcId": 181,
                    "testPassed": false
                    "tcId": 182,
                    "pt": ""

The following shows AES-CBC AFT and MCT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2057,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 1,
        "iv": "00C8F42C5B5...",
        "key": "7F9863BCD5...",
        "pt": "97549D671FA..."
      }, {
        "tcId": 2,
        "iv": "CE6747E918F...",
        "key": "25F73DBAF4...",
        "pt": "D3A0AA732D7..."
    }, {
      "tgId": 2,
      "direction": "decrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 31,
        "iv": "D498F4F8462...",
        "key": "77D563ACE1...",
        "ct": "78256FA155F..."
      }, {
        "tcId": 32,
        "iv": "AB99A939B688...",
        "key": "0569B0C6DB3...",
        "ct": "EEBF23A65E83..."
      "tgId": 3,
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "testType": "MCT",
      "keyLen": 256,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 63,
        "iv": "057FB7EEDE1EBF40...",
        "key": "E5E2E9F088E2C06...",
        "pt": "6DA46A0AADB59615..."
    }, {
      "tgId": 4,
      "direction": "decrypt",
      "testType": "MCT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64,
        "iv": "FD5EDEC164E504D6...",
        "key": "F7439EAC671FC4B...",
        "ct": "37ECE2FF3F391D8C..."

The following shows AES-CBC AFT and MCT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2057,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "DD95E867DFCFCC..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "540954F0016D40..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "F7251EA3C68FE..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "CEC14A7B465A3..."
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 63,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "E5E2...",
            "iv": "057FB...",
            "pt": "6DA46...",
            "ct": "3E794..."
            "key": "DE31...",
            "iv": "3E794...",
            "pt": "3BD32...",
            "ct": "9236D..."
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "F743...",
            "iv": "FD5ED...",
            "ct": "37ECE...",
            "pt": "52FC3..."
            "key": "A5BF...",
            "iv": "52FC3...",
            "ct": "4400F...",
            "pt": "66204..."

The following shows AES-CBC-CS1 AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2058,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC-CS1",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 1,
        "iv": "1216A541024...",
        "key": "A6A8346C47...",
        "pt": "71AC206DD0A...",
        "payloadLen": 512
      }, {
        "tcId": 2,
        "iv": "9A6A276AB96...",
        "key": "7CDAE90854...",
        "pt": "6D4AEE90179...",
        "payloadLen": 178
    }, {
      "tgId": 2,
      "direction": "decrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 31,
        "iv": "908543E2646...",
        "key": "CB12AAFA25B...",
        "ct": "AB99A939B688...",
        "payloadLen": 378
      }, {
        "tcId": 32,
        "iv": "AB99A939B688...",
        "key": "0569B0C6DB3...",
        "ct": "DD14A9A9A916A...",
        "payloadLen": 471

The following shows AES-CBC-CS1 AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2057,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "E25DC48F39E4DA..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "360D25D820C3BA..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "33346D02A070A..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "8F52D6E73783A..."

The following shows AES-CBC-CS2 AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2058,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC-CS2",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 1,
        "iv": "1216A541024...",
        "key": "A6A8346C47...",
        "pt": "71AC206DD0A...",
        "payloadLen": 512
      }, {
        "tcId": 2,
        "iv": "9A6A276AB96...",
        "key": "7CDAE90854...",
        "pt": "6D4AEE90179...",
        "payloadLen": 178
    }, {
      "tgId": 2,
      "direction": "decrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 31,
        "iv": "908543E2646...",
        "key": "CB12AAFA25B...",
        "ct": "AB99A939B688...",
        "payloadLen": 378
      }, {
        "tcId": 32,
        "iv": "AB99A939B688...",
        "key": "0569B0C6DB3...",
        "ct": "DD14A9A9A916A...",
        "payloadLen": 471

The following shows AES-CBC-CS2 AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2057,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "E25DC48F39E4DA..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "360D25D820C3BA..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "33346D02A070A..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "8F52D6E73783A..."

The following shows AES-CBC-CS3 AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2058,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CBC-CS3",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 1,
        "iv": "1216A541024...",
        "key": "A6A8346C47...",
        "pt": "71AC206DD0A...",
        "payloadLen": 512
      }, {
        "tcId": 2,
        "iv": "9A6A276AB96...",
        "key": "7CDAE90854...",
        "pt": "6D4AEE90179...",
        "payloadLen": 178
    }, {
      "tgId": 2,
      "direction": "decrypt",
      "testType": "AFT",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 31,
        "iv": "908543E2646...",
        "key": "CB12AAFA25B...",
        "ct": "AB99A939B688...",
        "payloadLen": 378
      }, {
        "tcId": 32,
        "iv": "AB99A939B688...",
        "key": "0569B0C6DB3...",
        "ct": "DD14A9A9A916A...",
        "payloadLen": 471

The following shows AES-CBC-CS3 AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2057,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "E25DC48F39E4DA..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "360D25D820C3BA..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "33346D02A070A..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "8F52D6E73783A..."

The following shows AES-ECB AFT and MCT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2056,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-ECB",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
            "testType": "AFT",
            "direction": "encrypt",
            "keylen": 128,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 1,
                    "plainText": "F34481E...",
                    "key": "0000000000000..."
                    "tcId": 2,
                    "plainText": "9798C46...",
                    "key": "0000000000000..."
            "tgId": 25,
            "testType": "AFT",
            "direction": "encrypt",
            "keylen": 128,
            "tests": [
                    "tcId": 2079,
                    "plainText": "1C46FA6...",
                    "key": "18D3248D32630..."
                    "tcId": 2080,
                    "plainText": "5AC1B2D...",
                    "key": "26007B74016FA..."
        "tgId": 31,
        "testType": "MCT",
        "direction": "encrypt",
        "keylen": 128,
        "tests": [
                    "tcId": 2139,
                    "key": "9489F6FFA4A74...",
              "pt": "2D984D2F1FC178..."
        "tgId": 34,
        "testType": "MCT",
        "direction": "decrypt",
        "keylen": 128,
        "tests": [
                    "tcId": 2142
                    "key": "9489F6FFA4A74...",
              "ct": "2D984D2F1FC178..."

The following shows AES-ECB AFT and MCT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2056,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "43FB8A36F168E3..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "27549D65BE8056..."
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "F7F42B062BD643..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "EAF9AAA67B6C0E..."
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 61,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "A4A8255E7...",
            "pt": "B3B8F494D0...",
            "ct": "619D5B0921..."
            "key": "C5357E575...",
            "pt": "619D5B0921...",
            "ct": "28CF1C5DD2..."
      "tgId": 4,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "4D3BE577E...",
            "ct": "0FE92E22BA...",
            "pt": "73ED187BFE..."
            "key": "3ED6FD0C1...",
            "ct": "73ED187BFE...",
            "pt": "59550A36E1..."

The following shows AES-OFB AFT and MCT request vectors.

    "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}",
  "vsId": 2060,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-OFB",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "iv": "0F24B3F7808F292BC39128...",
      "key": "8ECE26B1880C4B1F0A59E...",
      "pt": "A8EF19C7182527C8CBBEE1..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "iv": "1D1CC64F9F004192B6BE35...",
      "key": "054240C952C99D5B6E387224F...",
      "pt": "EBFA3F5F990B678AA884FB..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 31,
      "iv": "A5F67A6CB0238A5DFB166...",
      "key": "A3988AC61E9FB4820876...",
      "ct": "CF6F24E68CEC8B97CB88D..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 32,
      "iv": "4098786D4EF05639B5A20...",
      "key": "5D22EAF883FB2B1847BF...",
      "ct": "7203926F1210401F566E0..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 3,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 61,
      "iv": "39F33D19A09AAFD200D4C...",
      "key": "190316BF21DE21E96FCF...",
      "pt": "E4D7F490829710CADFD67..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 4,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 64,
      "iv": "1915C8A7AFEBB26AAE97C...",
      "key": "9489F6FFA4A7480D5B34...",
      "ct": "2D984D2F1FC178CAB247F..."

The following shows AES-OFB AFT and MCT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2060,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "B5D16C4219AC38..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "B85AF8646842A9..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "0863AB3A0CA17C..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "BF69D1BE04D013..."
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 61,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "190316BF...",
            "iv": "39F33D19A...",
            "pt": "E4D7F4908...",
            "ct": "F55626877..."
            "key": "EC553038...",
            "iv": "F55626877...",
            "pt": "A04BCACFF...",
            "ct": "1EAA7DE30..."
      "tgId": 4,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "9489F6FF...",
            "iv": "1915C8A7A...",
            "ct": "2D984D2F1...",
            "pt": "0FE5765E5..."
            "key": "9B6C80A1...",
            "iv": "0FE5765E5...",
            "ct": "F29F68E2E...",
            "pt": "39AC0B63E..."

The following shows AES-CFB1 AFT and MCT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2062,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CFB1",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 67,
      "iv": "F34481EC3CC627BACD5DC3...",
      "key": "000000000000000000000...",
      "pt": "00",
      "payloadLen": 1
    }, {
      "tcId": 68,
      "iv": "9798C4640BAD75C7C3227D...",
      "key": "000000000000000000000...",
      "pt": "00",
      "payloadLen": 1
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 31,
      "iv": "C74388BA333118CDBDF578...",
      "key": "8DE5E0586C4EA40FC36C0...",
      "ct": "80",
      "payloadLen": 1
    }, {
      "tcId": 32,
      "iv": "0B1B558F3AF46F2E6AB29D...",
      "key": "E52350E8E8EE950A3C2E3...",
      "ct": "80",
      "payloadLen": 1
  }, {
    "tgId": 3,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 61,
      "iv": "D4A4A028EEA3BCA708A31E...",
      "key": "A3B254EAB3B0C8C60EF6A...",
      "pt": "80",
      "payloadLen": 1
  }, {
    "tgId": 4,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 64,
      "iv": "75BEE06DEC8A99EC0C7E7F...",
      "key": "7C87174CB990272D0F2F2...",
      "ct": "00",
      "payloadLen": 1

The following shows AES-CFB1 AFT and MCT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2062,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 67,
          "ct": "00"
          "tcId": 68,
          "ct": "80"
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "00"
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "80"
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 61
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "A3B254EAB...",
            "iv": "D4A4A028EE...",
            "pt": "80",
            "ct": "00"
            "key": "8FFC23126...",
            "iv": "2C4E77F8D0...",
            "pt": "00",
            "ct": "00"
    }, {
      "tgId": 4,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "7C87174CB...",
            "iv": "75BEE06DEC...",
            "ct": "00",
            "pt": "00"
            "key": "4B2492A3F...",
            "iv": "37A385EF42...",
            "ct": "80",
            "pt": "80"

The following shows AES-CFB8 AFT and MCT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2058,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CFB8",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "iv": "4EBD4CE189E6DA65026C2A...",
      "key": "5FA02465F28B76C441C7B...",
      "pt": "AF5E"
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "iv": "9A8017353E953B5AEC4D78...",
      "key": "538EB5E1CBFEA61CC6B3D...",
      "pt": "6ED3759B"
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 31,
      "iv": "1808A0F308838AA6F9F703...",
      "key": "DB7FFD9166E4A5BACB022...",
      "ct": "41DA"
    }, {
      "tcId": 32,
      "iv": "4D75785D44B1B247788186...",
      "key": "7201F5CC867A8DCE044DB...",
      "ct": "E267BC1B"
  }, {
    "tgId": 3,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 61,
      "iv": "4B8F7DCCAD48776C746B79...",
      "key": "FD0B5848870C7431179EB...",
      "pt": "AD"
  }, {
    "tgId": 4,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 64,
      "iv": "5D2080050855970CE15DC1...",
      "key": "EA378F16FF6144EF58E67...",
      "ct": "83"

The following shows AES-CFB8 AFT and MCT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2058,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "181B"
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "DFF540F0"
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "DA19"
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "B2133D11"
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 61,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "FD0B58488...",
            "iv": "4B8F7DCCAD...",
            "pt": "AD",
            "ct": "3A"
            "key": "6B96D9FD0...",
            "iv": "969D81B585...",
            "pt": "2F",
            "ct": "BD"
      "tgId": 4,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "EA378F16F...",
            "iv": "5D20800508...",
            "ct": "83",
            "pt": "E6"
            "key": "31A0B0001A...",
            "iv": "DB973F16E5D...",
            "ct": "24",
            "pt": "0A"

The following shows AES-CFB128 AFT and MCT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2059,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CFB128",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "iv": "24AD71C9734E64B8AC458...",
      "key": "55B2490AD74A470F5CFE...",
      "pt": "FE9C6B296C58324FE8B48..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "iv": "C0042889D189B508C5B88...",
      "key": "AB383065E16B17306B50...",
      "pt": "19F109316F7F740BD48FF..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "AFT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 31,
      "iv": "40619E2F346B02D49BCEE...",
      "key": "744F5B5D7813974E0DE2...",
      "ct": "5B12E9B418F720C344698..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 32,
      "iv": "D571797F5623F8442C2CE...",
      "key": "6559CA840CF8360A8AF7...",
      "ct": "0A17C2F7A82BBDE588262..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 3,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 61,
      "iv": "4AAF5D6F6E25B8A868D8D...",
      "key": "0D0949FB32A2DC6BA267...",
      "pt": "98EE9313512D5BEC19715..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 4,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "testType": "MCT",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 64,
      "iv": "663D4E1B6F09FE1935E69...",
      "key": "5924D41588E2DC657514...",
      "ct": "83C1C3AF23A3F658DF142..."

The following shows AES-CFB128 AFT and MCT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2059,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "1C9BF58FF640041F8E..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "2C822934B8D747336..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "4BC37D318900379CD75..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "523057EC2E120826..."
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 61,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "0D0949FB32A...",
            "iv": "4AAF5D6F6E25...",
            "pt": "98EE9313512D...",
            "ct": "7E94144C4DD4..."
            "key": "739D5DB77F7...",
            "iv": "7E94144C4DD4...",
            "pt": "E93E4CCB2BD1...",
            "ct": "050CE71D2451..."
      "tgId": 4,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 64,
        "resultsArray": [{
            "key": "5924D41588E...",
            "iv": "663D4E1B6F09...",
            "ct": "83C1C3AF23A3...",
            "pt": "32D4D152D488..."
            "key": "6BF005475C6...",
            "iv": "32D4D152D488...",
            "ct": "3CC4191B8EBE...",
            "pt": "BB97ADEF9F08..."

The following shows AES-CTR AFT and counter request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2066,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "key": "E870131CE703D6514E761F95E6EE9EFB",
      "payloadLen": 128,
      "iv": "53F225D8DE97F14BFE3EC65EC3FFF7D3",
      "pt": "91074131F1F86CCD548D22A69340FF39"
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "key": "2C759788A49BF060353344413A1D0FFC",
      "payloadLen": 128,
      "iv": "A4DE6D846C3AE5D5FF78163FF209AFE4",
      "pt": "BA37A61FD041F2881921D4705AD329DD"
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 31,
      "key": "51B4375D6FB348A55477E3C3163F59C7",
      "payloadLen": 128,
      "iv": "93893A056C6C6F866A04D657A544F1F8",
      "ct": "F2FF4B0C2E771A41525EA67AD036B459"
    }, {
      "tcId": 32,
      "key": "6A4F0B775490D554F19B5A061A362666",
      "payloadLen": 128,
      "iv": "9877D2AB7568CEF28BA945B046BA20BE",
      "ct": "09F4EEF2322BE13D75FF6DA86E8617B5"
  }, {
    "tgId": 3,
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "testType": "CTR",
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 829,
      "pt": "CE8E4B6F7C68DE5FDE3...",
      "iv": "00000000000000000000000000000039",
      "key": "3A9A8485E1B7BA1987F88F8C095257C4"

The following shows AES-CTR AFT and counter responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2066,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "3AF64C7037EE4813D8..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "2DFDFCDDC4CFD3CBCE..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 31,
          "pt": "349012E0807CA95CA5..."
          "tcId": 32,
          "pt": "2986D4B3FB208F0189..."
      "tgId": 3,
      "tests": [{
        "tcId": 829,
        "ct": "676EC652D5B095136..."

The following shows AES-CTR RFC3686 request vectors with internal iv generation.

        "vsId": 1,
        "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "testGroups": [{
                        "tgId": 1,
                        "testType": "AFT",
                        "direction": "encrypt",
                        "keyLen": 128,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 12,
                                        "pt": "3687D763A3EEC3E3099678068F3CDEB4C7B12BA83C50CCB744D8945C0DB0078E",
                                        "payloadLen": 256,
                                        "key": "208A474D7567BF87A1A62D0767724547"
                                        "tcId": 13,
                                        "pt": "F96CBC81F0B876A463FD467C5FBA19791A1BE394DF61C883BE7ECB67270846A1E345991F81DAAE4532DEFCFCCDC69BA0",
                                        "payloadLen": 384,
                                        "key": "629EFE9A344A081CD4E4D758C1E759BF"
                        "tgId": 3,
                        "testType": "AFT",
                        "direction": "decrypt",
                        "keyLen": 128,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 62,
                                        "payloadLen": 256,
                                        "ct": "0306E3B1F1719CD7C64296F52B06F246CAA463BE19309AC2CF842ADE0B0BCD21",
                                        "iv": "14FD559C120735498CE09BA800000001",
                                        "key": "4D94B2155A6322DB76878C71763EE544"
                                        "tcId": 63,
                                        "payloadLen": 384,
                                        "ct": "474AB381112D9FB530BC2E0B2B7E6D139243BC6B1D23D21508E18E82D85218DB10C3C4DABE278B2D334860BEF96B619C",
                                        "iv": "8E0759C1B24B8CCBDE7D51C100000001",
                                        "key": "BE4AD76083C6A471803FFE704B6F194D"

The following shows AES-CTR RFC3686 with internal iv generation responses.

        "vsId": 0,
        "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
        "mode": "",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "isSample": true,
        "testGroups": [{
                        "tgId": 1,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 12,
                                        "ct": "00F5E67B3C8C6038D907D5866866DDBE583CF90DD8AE37159D1CC0235EEA6175",
                                        "iv": "992AA770156A7E1AB58BAFCA00000001"
                                        "tcId": 13,
                                        "ct": "7EA7DC8A993C1EBA61239CFBBBA4244DB185C4F8F248CCF1F1AF7DD7993B1AE5EE05D51AC58D453FE32EC59629F011EC",
                                        "iv": "F083A4495B66E5DF0607BF9200000001"
                        "tgId": 3,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 62,
                                        "pt": "0FC0CAF36921D2803DC9AEBFD5473124D77969BA9FF813861332A3E77E9265C1"
                                        "tcId": 63,
                                        "pt": "9C0DA9C01AEB0B4A42E99776A4E2DFE8E50A7A602E257C7D2EB3C79A529BAA4AC130ADBE6537CB39AA06850044D22547"

The following shows AES-CTR RFC3686 request vectors with external iv generation.

        "vsId": 1,
        "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "testGroups": [{
                        "tgId": 1,
                        "testType": "AFT",
                        "direction": "encrypt",
                        "keyLen": 128,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 12,
                                        "pt": "3687D763A3EEC3E3099678068F3CDEB4C7B12BA83C50CCB744D8945C0DB0078E",
          "iv": "992AA770156A7E1AB58BAFCA00000001",
                                        "payloadLen": 256,
                                        "key": "208A474D7567BF87A1A62D0767724547"
                                        "tcId": 13,
                                        "pt": "F96CBC81F0B876A463FD467C5FBA19791A1BE394DF61C883BE7ECB67270846A1E345991F81DAAE4532DEFCFCCDC69BA0",
          "iv": "F083A4495B66E5DF0607BF9200000001",
                                        "payloadLen": 384,
                                        "key": "629EFE9A344A081CD4E4D758C1E759BF"
                        "tgId": 3,
                        "testType": "AFT",
                        "direction": "decrypt",
                        "keyLen": 128,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 62,
                                        "payloadLen": 256,
                                        "ct": "0306E3B1F1719CD7C64296F52B06F246CAA463BE19309AC2CF842ADE0B0BCD21",
                                        "iv": "14FD559C120735498CE09BA800000001",
                                        "key": "4D94B2155A6322DB76878C71763EE544"
                                        "tcId": 63,
                                        "payloadLen": 384,
                                        "ct": "474AB381112D9FB530BC2E0B2B7E6D139243BC6B1D23D21508E18E82D85218DB10C3C4DABE278B2D334860BEF96B619C",
                                        "iv": "8E0759C1B24B8CCBDE7D51C100000001",
                                        "key": "BE4AD76083C6A471803FFE704B6F194D"

The following shows AES-CTR RFC3686 with external iv generation responses.

        "vsId": 0,
        "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-CTR",
        "mode": "",
        "revision": "1.0",
        "isSample": true,
        "testGroups": [{
                        "tgId": 1,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 12,
                                        "ct": "00F5E67B3C8C6038D907D5866866DDBE583CF90DD8AE37159D1CC0235EEA6175"
                                        "tcId": 13,
                                        "ct": "7EA7DC8A993C1EBA61239CFBBBA4244DB185C4F8F248CCF1F1AF7DD7993B1AE5EE05D51AC58D453FE32EC59629F011EC"
                        "tgId": 3,
                        "tests": [{
                                        "tcId": 62,
                                        "pt": "0FC0CAF36921D2803DC9AEBFD5473124D77969BA9FF813861332A3E77E9265C1"
                                        "tcId": 63,
                                        "pt": "9C0DA9C01AEB0B4A42E99776A4E2DFE8E50A7A602E257C7D2EB3C79A529BAA4AC130ADBE6537CB39AA06850044D22547"

The following shows AES-XPN AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-XPN",
  "revision": "1.0",
  "vsId": 1,
  "testGroups": [
      "tgId": 1,
      "testType": "AFT",
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "ivLen": 96,
      "ivGen": "external",
      "ivGenMode": "8.2.2",
      "saltLen": 96,
      "saltGen": "external",
      "payloadLen": 128,
      "aadLen": 120,
      "tagLen": 64,
      "tests": [
          "tcId": 1,
          "plainText": "4849547C706231E248148...",
          "key": "4A23FDD31C1B321C1D3E1A74ECA9585A",
          "aad": "6B55B1B784180DE574F7709E480273",
          "iv": "A05134709620EAB47DE77FCB",
          "salt": "F0C77CB78D20BBDCF3A3C5EB"
          "tcId": 2,
          "plainText": "BF1D8173DA7F0273B7DA8...",
          "key": "254E5AFE555D807E5ECC2FFAB2E3E107",
          "aad": "304A2EC82959B419B8852F5C6A09D1",
          "iv": "1BA39F6A71F075FEB72B91D6",
          "salt": "AF44CD3E80088B8FD252AAB0"

The following shows AES-XPN AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 1,
  "testGroups": [
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [
          "tcId": 1,
          "testPassed": false
          "tcId": 2,
          "cipherText": "D3104958599BE7BB9E672F...",
          "tag": "48408062AA84718B"

The following shows AES-XTS 1.0 AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2065,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-XTS",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tweakMode": "hex",
    "payloadLen": 65536,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "key": "2866E3659E11C7890313EDAC9...",
      "tweakValue": "C7850E1C99DA28C5E7...",
      "pt": "03F912D53EA625A7D206002864..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "key": "98B66C26FF9E4EF2BCBC3A212...",
      "tweakValue": "57B127C8DAD60138C5...",
      "pt": "20D7E083519F39DB185CDA2397..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tweakMode": "hex",
    "payloadLen": 65536,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 101,
      "key": "BB626CADBBFB907AC5C795080...",
      "tweakValue": "8B7E45A9200BDC72EB...",
      "ct": "B85B91029478C3E02EBC619EC7..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 102,
      "key": "9B859C56C1542C19F29AA7A4F...",
      "tweakValue": "99FE35549768F476E2...",
      "ct": "53CEE8379B03A38E33CCCC6EA0..."

The following shows AES-XTS 1.0 AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2065,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "97ED8057287E4FD0E1..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "BCACA25E6A625DB16..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 101,
          "pt": "8AD40CBE09CD92FB0..."
          "tcId": 102,
          "pt": "07DD39402F4D427D7..."

The following shows AES-XTS 2.0 AFT request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2065,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-XTS",
    "revision": "2.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tweakMode": "hex",
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "key": "2866E3659E11C7890313EDAC9...",
      "tweakValue": "C7850E1C99DA28C5E7...",
      "pt": "03F912D53EA625A7D206002864...",
      "payloadLen": 2048,
      "dataUnitLen": 1024
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "key": "98B66C26FF9E4EF2BCBC3A212...",
      "tweakValue": "57B127C8DAD60138C5...",
      "pt": "20D7E083519F39DB185CDA2397...",
      "payloadLen": 2048,
      "dataUnitLen": 1024
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "tweakMode": "hex",
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 101,
      "key": "BB626CADBBFB907AC5C795080...",
      "tweakValue": "8B7E45A9200BDC72EB...",
      "ct": "B85B91029478C3E02EBC619EC7...",
      "payloadLen": 2048,
      "dataUnitLen": 1024
    }, {
      "tcId": 102,
      "key": "9B859C56C1542C19F29AA7A4F...",
      "tweakValue": "99FE35549768F476E2...",
      "ct": "53CEE8379B03A38E33CCCC6EA0...",
      "payloadLen": 2048,
      "dataUnitLen": 1024

The following shows AES-XTS 2.0 AFT responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2065,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "97ED8057287E4FD0E1..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "BCACA25E6A625DB16..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 101,
          "pt": "8AD40CBE09CD92FB0..."
          "tcId": 102,
          "pt": "07DD39402F4D427D7..."

The following shows AES-KW request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2063,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-KW",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "kwCipher": "cipher",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "payloadLen": 192,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "key": "71389B09A3EA1AAE1F265CD3DE8FABB7",
      "pt": "3D90BE277A057C024A485F02486D733..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "key": "B75DB6D92A66A3E8E991FEDBA3DAACA7",
      "pt": "3323EC2514C2902C424ABE968CA09FD..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "kwCipher": "cipher",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "payloadLen": 192,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 901,
      "key": "E5319E0061F89DE08CB590EA...",
      "ct": "1DE720863C759EC0682429AA4..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 902,
      "key": "D16C5C5FDE26C1962342AACF...",
      "ct": "F2EC43D61F2F356E1B2850D7C..."

The following shows AES-KW responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2063,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "BD009027DA8F4176B..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "B8BB3D3C76FDFD359..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 901,
          "pt": "A6BA646D0D33808AB..."
          "tcId": 902,
          "pt": "B40AC5F6ED5A706CB..."

The following shows AES-KWP request vectors.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2064,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-KWP",
    "revision": "1.0",
  "testGroups": [{
    "tgId": 1,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "encrypt",
    "kwCipher": "cipher",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "payloadLen": 808,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 1,
      "key": "EE3B424525EE1B2D0B8CDC4CCB15F018",
      "pt": "269701A6DE9A2E8A8B2E28027..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 2,
      "key": "579C5EBBD1D07F828251FE567326C5DD",
      "pt": "634945E0FD1FA2E733CD60462..."
  }, {
    "tgId": 2,
    "testType": "AFT",
    "direction": "decrypt",
    "kwCipher": "cipher",
    "keyLen": 128,
    "payloadLen": 808,
    "tests": [{
      "tcId": 301,
      "key": "0EB557E0F938E08662EB9EDAAE05725F",
      "ct": "1BB87C360F2B644CD0BC75369..."
    }, {
      "tcId": 302,
      "key": "644E2869C9698ADBB4417A8ED65748DC",
      "ct": "583741B7624759F37EED76F76..."

The following shows AES-KWP responses.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
  "vsId": 2064,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "58385237F04FD67F0..."
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "0D6FE2D0A8605981E..."
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 300,
          "ct": "D2A239230130B6077..."
          "tcId": 301,
          "testPassed": false

The following shows AES-FF1 request vectors.

  "vsId": 42,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-FF1",
  "revision": "1.0",
  "isSample": false,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "testType": "AFT",
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "alphabet": "0123456789",
      "radix": 10,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "tweak": "",
          "tweakLen": 0,
          "pt": "5989891000",
          "key": "FA407521178EDB931997C9EF5FF4F8BB"
          "tcId": 2,
          "tweak": "CB81CF732B22A983B2C6E584726C9F59",
          "tweakLen": 128,
          "pt": "60454384602180796680544707896451618557756152702734587161",
          "key": "E3EFDAF1ABEA7863A0A95F833420D083"
      "tgId": 2,
      "testType": "AFT",
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "alphabet": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
      "radix": 26,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 26,
          "tweak": "",
          "tweakLen": 0,
          "pt": "zlwagydvpt",
          "key": "D263686051802ECAE0217F4123000376"
          "tcId": 27,
          "tweak": "994C168B9F6225C4BC12A83561C0E1A6",
          "tweakLen": 128,
          "pt": "uxmdsdjbsywthsvzjlfcwlmpkarnaeoirtihgfuu",
          "key": "53CA14AF6F97612C96FFAA2BA8D88C44"
      "tgId": 10,
      "testType": "AFT",
      "direction": "decrypt",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "alphabet": "0123456789",
      "radix": 10,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 226,
          "tweak": "",
          "tweakLen": 0,
          "key": "82DD08D210EB34C9743EC102E058CEE3",
          "ct": "8416752187"
          "tcId": 227,
          "tweak": "03130ABD79425EEC806617434C60B2FE",
          "tweakLen": 128,
          "key": "E6265A6503AD2F4F13FCCF8B8AD64638",
          "ct": "26379838628949309091263132236041132252667968597137110245"

The following shows AES-FF1 responses.

  "vsId": 42,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-FF1",
  "revision": "1.0",
  "isSample": false,
  "testGroups": [{
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "4896500946"
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "69747385701019112488208222409900597881359856066248208863"
      "tgId": 2,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 26,
          "ct": "odmrhltvlj"
          "tcId": 27,
          "ct": "lifbvigwtcwmkiucogaztntcagaqqtoioagwsgef"
      "tgId": 18,
      "tests": [{
          "tcId": 426,
          "pt": "/HN6wiTZoc"
          "tcId": 427,
          "pt": "NyFsYHaUg0000JcSKJhRvOe0000E"

The following shows AES-FF3-1 request vectors.

  "vsId": 42,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-FF3-1",
  "revision": "1.0",
  "isSample": false,
  "testGroups": [
      "tgId": 1,
      "testType": "AFT",
      "direction": "encrypt",
      "keyLen": 128,
      "alphabet": "0123456789",
      "radix": 10,
      "tests": [
          "tcId": 1,
          "tweak": "CBD09280979564",
          "tweakLen": 56,
          "pt": "3992520240",
          "key": "2DE79D232DF5585D68CE47882AE256D6"
          "tcId": 2,
          "tweak": "C4E822DCD09F27",
          "tweakLen": 56,
          "pt": "60761757463116869318437658042297305934914824457484538562",
          "key": "01C63017111438F7FC8E24EB16C71AB5"

The following shows AES-FF-31 responses.

  "vsId": 42,
  "algorithm": "ACVP-AES-FF3-1",
  "revision": "1.0",
  "isSample": false,
  "testGroups": [
      "tgId": 1,
      "tests": [
          "tcId": 1,
          "ct": "8901801106"
          "tcId": 2,
          "ct": "35637144092473838892796702739628394376915177448290847293"

Appendix C. Example TDES Test and Results JSON Object

The following is a example JSON object for test vectors sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module for an TDES-ECB algorithm functional test.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 1564,
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-ECB",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "testGroups": [{
        "tgId": 1,
        "direction": "encrypt",
        "testType": "AFT",
        "tests": [{
            "tcId": 236,
            "key1": "5BE5B5FE9BB3E36D",
            "key2": "26E92C6DD35D7AB3",
            "key3": "4F89ADAD15D62FE3",
            "pt": "7119CCA0648787AE"
        }, {
            "tcId": 237,
            "key1": "2C7015EC2C044591",
            "key2": "230D79A1D0F2469D",
            "key3": "7A9EF7FDC4383131",
            "pt": "772923F53BA2EA60E7AE232..."

The following is a example JSON object for test results sent from the crypto module to the ACVP server for an TDES-ECB algorithm functional test.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 1564,
    "testGroups": [{
        "tgId": 1,
        "tests": [{
                "tcId": 236,
                "ct": "1E85F8256575B8B1"
                "tcId": 237,
                "ct": "BEFD0E02088D48648FEBAAF..."

The following is a example JSON object for test vectors sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module for the TDES-CFB1 algorithm functional test.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 1564,
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-CFB1",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "testGroups": [{
            "tgId": 1,
            "direction": "encrypt",
            "testType": "AFT",
            "keyingOption": 1,
            "tests": [{
                "tcId": 1,
                "key1": "1046913489980131",
                "key2": "1046913489980131",
                "key3": "1046913489980131",
                "pt": "00",
                "payloadLen": 1,
                "iv": "0000000000000000"
            "tgId": 2,
            "direction": "encrypt",
            "testType": "MCT",
            "keyingOption": 1,
            "tests": [{
                "tcId": 961,
                "key1": "337C857E01DE54B7",
                "key2": "F106296828FCCA0D",
                "key3": "2F65BF5A655FFFA3",
                "pt": "80",
                "payloadLen": 1,
                "iv": "0C4CCC40D9C8C5D7"

The following is a example JSON object for test results sent from the crypto module to the ACVP server for an TDES-CFB1 algorithm functional test.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 1564,
    "testGroups": [{
            "tgId": 1,
            "tests": [{
                "tcId": 1,
                "ct": "00"
            "tgId": 2,
            "tests": [{
                "tcId": 961
                "resultsArray": [{
                        "key1": "337C857E01DE54B7",
                        "key2": "F106296828FCCA0D",
                        "key3": "2F65BF5A655FFFA3",
                        "pt": "80",
                        "ct": "00",
                        "iv": "0C4CCC40D9C8C5D7"
                        "key1": "290E7326C8833420",
                        "key2": "8FE6BF67EF0B2325",
                        "key3": "3E2976E05EB0646D",
                        "pt": "80",
                        "ct": "80",
                        "iv": "1A73F758C95C6196"

Appendix D. Example TDES MCT Test and Results JSON Object

The following is a example JSON object for test vectors sent from the ACVP server to the crypto module for an TDES-ECB Monte Carlo test.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 1564,
    "algorithm": "ACVP-TDES-ECB",
    "revision": "1.0",
    "testGroups": [{
        "tgId": 1,
        "direction": "encrypt",
        "testType": "MCT",
        "tests": [{
            "tcId": 492,
            "key1": "0EABB0E6B0F129D5",
            "key2": "DF61EAD07315DA37",
            "key3": "EFA2B6A252A18694",
            "ct": "2970B363C1461FAF"

The following is a example JSON object for test results sent from the crypto module to the ACVP server for an TDES-ECB Monte Carlo test, only 2 iterations shown for brevity. For MCT results of each iteration are fed into the next iteration. Therefore the results carry all fields to assist in any failure diagnosis.

  "acvVersion": "{acvp-version}"
    "vsId": 1564,
    "testGroups": [{
        "tgId": 1,
        "tests": [{
            "tcId": 492,
            "resultsArray": [{
                    "key1": "0EABB0E6B0F129D5",
                    "key2": "DF61EAD07315DA37",
                    "key3": "EFA2B6A252A18694",
                    "ct": "2970B363C1461FAF",
                    "pt": "40F806F9DE3466C0"
                    "key1": "4F52B61F6EC4...",
                    "key2": "2FEC373726FE...",
                    "key3": "37B57029B65B...",
                    "ct": "40F806F9DE3466C0",
                    "pt": "A498B9748F2FB1E5"

Authors' Addresses

Christopher Celi (editor)
Russell Hammett (editor)